Charlie Lewis | On WFMU | Thursdays | Noon to 3 pm, EST
“Making the strange familiar, and the familiar strange.”

20 January 2000 | Forgotten blues

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Song | ARTIST | Source
(VA = various artists) (*** = new & recommended)

Destroy All Monsters: Showdown On Mt. Fuji | BEST OF GODZILLA | Music by Akira Ifukube
Ragtime Nightingale | DAVID BOEDDINGHAUS | Crumb (soundtrack)
Doodlin' | LES DOUBLE SIX | Les Double Six ***
Same Old Thing | THE METERS | Struttin
Wondering Where | DON BYRON | Bug Music
Feelings | THE BRAN FLAKES | Hey, Won't Somebody Come and Play?
Book Of Rules | THE HEPTONES | Rockers (soundtrack)

Introducing the House Band | MISTA CHOLLY | live mix
Disneyland | COME ON | New York City 1976 - 80 ***
The Mouse and the Man | EEK-A-MOUSE | The Mouse and the Man
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! | Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme | (VA holiday collection)
Dance Of the Retarded Girl, Slumped Sideways | RITUALISTIC SCHOOL OF ERRORS | self-titled CD
Lanhua Mei | TIANJIN BUDDHIST MUSIC ENSEMBLE | Dancing With the Dead (VA)
Stranger To Himself | TRAFFIC | John Barleycorn Must Die
Lionel Shuffle | FUTIQUE | Go.Low

Yiddishe Hora & Sarba Maracinei | ALEX OLSHANETSKY'S ORCHESTRA | Oytsres: Treasures (VA)
It Hurts Me Too | HOUND DOG TAYLOR & THE HOUSEROCKERS | Deluxe Edition
The Rushes Green | THE BOYS OF THE LOUGH | The Piper's Broken Finger
You Reap Just What You Sow | ALBERTA HUNTER | Remember My Name (soundtrack)
Secret Sign | SEA MONKEYS | Secret Sign

Beneath the Undertow | ISOTOPE 217 | The Unstable Molecule
Hitch | GAJI | Focus/Fluid/Daub
Still I'm Sad | THE YARDBIRDS | best of, vol. 1
Headpop | TOT TAYLOR | Piano Music
Drug the Chicken | LOWFISH | Fear Not the Snow & Other Lo-Fiing Objects
Easy Living | PEGGY LEE | Black Coffee

Save Me | AIMEE MANN | Magnolia (soundtrack)
Frozen Dub | AUGUSTUS PABLO | King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown
Superstar | SONIC YOUTH | If I Were a Carpenter (VA)
Safety Mama | BESSIE SMITH | Complete Recordings, Vol. 5

Le Roi Soleil | KAHIMI KARIE | Kahimi Karie
Forgotten Dreams | LEROY ANDERSON | Conducts His Music
(no title given) | MISS NELSON & BRUCE HAACK | Americana, Vol. 1: Vox Populi (VA)
Ferley | THEM TRUCKS | Here Come Them Trucks!
Shoe Shiner's Drag | LIONEL HAMPTON | Hot Mallets, Vol. 1
Istemem | ERKIN KORAY | Love, Peace & Poetry, Vol. 3: Asian Psychedelic Music (VA)
Hide If You Want To Hide | CEDARS | Pebbles, Vol. 12: The World (VA)

Amphibian (Film Mix) | BJORK | Being John Malkovich (soundtrack)
Hey Joe | KRISTIN OPPENHEIM | Selected Works
Bagana | DEFTENE BELETE MENGESH | Ethiopian Urban & Tribal Music, Vol. 1 (VA)
Doin' Our Thing | PEGGY SCOTT & JO JO BENSON | best of
He's In There | I AM SPOONBENDER | Cool Beans! Magazine #11
Gary's Narrator | ALOHA | The Great Communicators, the Interpreters, the Nonbelievers

Sad Song (by Happy Apple) | WARN DEFEVER | Remixes
Personage | MONK MONTGOMERY | Bass Odyssey

English translation of the French lyrics to Horace Silver's Doodlin' by Mimi Perrin, leader of the Double Six.
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