WFMU's Wednesday Morning Timeslot with Ken Freedman
On WFMU 91.1 fm, Wednesday Mornings 9am to Noon (Eastern Standard Time)

February 2, 2000: Ken Fills In For Ken

The Accuplaylist displays the song information while the song is still playing on the air, Wednesdays from 9 am to Noon, E.S.T. This Accuplaylist page reloads automatically every 35 seconds during the program. You can reload earlier than that by hitting the "reload" or "refresh" command on your browser.

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The Accuplaylist Format:
"Song Title" NAME OF ARTIST (Title of Release)

"Animal or Vegetable" STEREOLAB / NURSE WITH WOUND (Collaborations)
"Ett fall & en lösning" BOB HUND (Sover Aldrig)
"Disneyland" COME ON (New York City 1976-1980)
"Satin Doll" ORANJ SYMPHONETTE (The Oranj Album)
"The Way You Look Tonight" SUN RA ARKESTRA (A Song For the Sun)
"Self Destruct" LALO SCHIFRIN (More Mission Impossible)
"The Saint" CYRIL STAPLETON & THE ELIMINATORS (Avengers and other Top 60's Themes)

"Last Delicious Cigarette" MATMOS (The West)
"Nice Cave" LUKE VIBERT / BJ COLE (Stop The Panic)
"Ass Enchilada" HAMMOND EXPRESS (Ultradouce Vol 2)
"Dream" STEP THREE (Cool Struttin..)
"Man On The Moon" MADISON (Porn to Rock)

"Lost Dragon Of The Sahara" RAVI HARRIS & THE PROPHETS (Funky Sitar Man)
"Track Six" BOREDOMS (Vision Creation Newsun)
"La Parade Des Dromadaires En Calecon de Bain" KLIMPEREI / PIERRE BASTIEN (Mecanologie Portative)
"Burden" HOME (XIV) *
"Lotuspool" ILYAH KURYAHKIN (Thirtycabminute)
"White Ape" TWO DOLLAR GUITAR (Weak Beats and Lame-Ass Rhymes)
"Rrose Selavy's Valise" THE ALUMINUM GROUP (Pedals)

"Mickey Mouse" BLACK LODGE SINGERS (Kid's Pow Wow Songs)
"Pow Wow" PHYCHO REALM (Defenders of the Underground)
"Tuvan Internationale" HUUN HUUR TU (60 Horses in My Herd)
"Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" NIRVANA (Unplugged in New York)
"Begin The Beguine" SAMMY DAVIS JR. (Sammy & Friends)
"Organ Solo" QUINTRON (Satan is Dead)
"Conspiracion" EL RITUAL (Coleccion Avandaro versions en Ingles)
"South End Incident" BEACON STREET UNION (Eyes of The Beacon Street Union)

"Horluvar" BOB HUND (Sover Aldrig) "Incident at Seized Crane Auction" JUDITHGOLIATH.COM (The Bully)
"Rear View" SEX MOB (Solid Sender)
"Cubano Saucer" IRVING KLAW TRIO (Utek Pahtoo Mogol)
"He Said, She Said" VEGA POP (Here or Alaska)
"Havana" THEM TRUCKS (here Come Them Trucks)

"*" indicates something new I liked a whole lot

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