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Artists played on WFMU program: The Whig Out
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The 006
The 1-2-5
10 Commandments
The 12th Night
1313 Mockingbird Lane
The 13th Floor Elevators
13th Floor Elevators
13th Floor Elevators
The 14th Wray
1523 Blair
17th Avenue Exits
1st Century
The 1st Century
4 Dimensions
The 4 Of Us
4 Score
the 4 Score
The 409
45 Spider
The 49th Minute
The 49th Parallel
49th Parallel
The 4th Amendment
The A Bones
The A Cads
The A-440
The Aardvarks
The Abandoned
The Above
Acid Eater
The Act
The Action
Adams Recital
Adanac Reply
Adjéèf The Poet
Adolphe et ses Sex Machines
Adrian Lloyd
The Afex
The Afterglow
Al Casey
Al Perry
Alarm Clocks
The Alarm Clocks
The Alarmclocks
The Allies
The Allusiiona
The Allusions
The Alphabetical Order
Alvino & The Dwells
Alvino and the Dwells
The Ambertones
The Amboy Dukes
American Breed
The American Breed
American Express
Amos Boyton & The ABC's
The Anaabee-Nox
? and the Mysterians
? & The Mysterians
Andre Rheault
Andre Williams
Angelina Maria y Los Dug Dug's
Angie & The New Raiders
The Anglo Americans
The Animals
The Animated Egg
Animated Egg
Ann Margaret
The Annaabee-Nox
The Answer
Antoine et Les Problemes
Antoine et Les Problems
Antoine et ses Promblems
Apache Dropout
The Apaches
The Apollos
The Apparitions
Apple Pie Motherhood Band
The Applejacks
April Silva & The Stepping Stones
The Ar-Kaics
Arch Hall, Jr.
Archie & The Bunkers
The Ardels
The Arkaics
The Arkay IV
The Arondies
The Arrows Featuring Davie Allan
The Artwoods
Asa & The 1-2-3
The Association
The Assortment
The Astronauts
Atilla & the Huns
Atilla and the Huns
The Atlantics
The Attack
Attila and The Huns
The Attraction
Auntie Vegetable
The Avengers
The B Sides
The B-Sides
Baby Woodrose
The Bacardis
The Bachs
The Back Porch Majority
Back Street Journal
The Backdoor Society
The Backgrounds
The Bad
The Bad Beats
Bad Beats
The Bad Boys
Bad Boys
Bad Roads
The Bad Roads
The Bad Seeds
Bad Seeds
Baker Knight & the Knightmares
The Baldies
The Balloon Farm
The Ballroom
The Bangles
The Bangs
The Banshees
The Baracudas
The Barbarians
The Barbary Coasters
The Bards
The Bare Facts
Baron Daemon and the Vampires
The Baron Four
Baron Four
The Baron V
The Barons
The Baroque Monthly
The Baroques
The Barracudas
The Barrier
Barrington Davis
Barry Allen & Wes Dakus
Barry Ebling and the Invaders
The Basement Wall
The Basements
The Basements.
Basil and the Baroques
The Bassics
The Batmen
The Baytovens
The Beach Boys
The Beach-Nuts
The Beach Nuts
The Beachcombers
The Beachnuts
Beat Boys
The Beat Buddies
Beat Merchants
The Beat Merchants
The Beat Pack
The Beaten Path
The Beatin' Path
The Beatings
The Beatles
The Beatnicks
The Beatniks
The Beatpack
The Beatstalkers
Beau Brummels
The Beau Brummels
the Beau Brummerls
The Beau Havens
The Beautiful Daze
The Beaux Jens
Beaver Patrol
The Beaver Patrol
The Beavers
The Beckett Quintet
The Bedforde Set
The Bedlam 4
The Bedlam Four
Bedpost Oracle
Bee Be Gallini
The Bee Gees
The Beefeaters
The Beginner's Mynd
Beginners Mynd
The Beginners Mynd
The Bel-Airs
The Belfast Gypsies
The Bell Towers
The Belles
The Bellfast Gypsies
Bellfast Gypsies
The Bells of Rhymny
The Belltowers
The Bends
Bent Wind
The Berries
The Best Things
The Betterdays
Biet As Hell
Big Al Downing
Big Boy Pete
The Big Three
The Big Town Boys
Billy Adams
Billy & The Kids
Billy Graham and the Escalators
Billy Rat & The Finks
The Bintangs
The Birds
Birds Birds
The Birds of Paradise
The Birdwatchers
The Bit A Sweet
The Bittersweets
The Black Diamonds
Black Hollies
The Black Hollies
The Black Light Chameleons
Black Points
The Black Ravens
The Black Sheep
The Blackout
The Blades
Bleu Forest
Blind Owls
The Blind Owls
The Blizzards
The Blokes
The Bloody Tomahawks
The Bloos Magoos
The Blox
The Blue Beats
Blue Cheer
The Blue Diamonds
Blue Effect
The Blue Embers
The Blue Magoos
The Blue Rondos
The Blue Stars
The Blue Things
Blue Things
The Blues Magoos
The Blues Project
Blues Rags n Hollers
Bo Diddley
The Bo Street Runners
Bo Street Runners
The Bo Weevils
Bo Weevils
The Bo-Weevils
The Boars
Bob & Earl
Bob & Kit
Bob Dylan
Bob Irwin & The Pluto Walkers
Bob Morrison
Bob Seger and the Last Heard
Bob Seger & The Last Heard
Bob Seger & the Last Herd
Bob Seger System
The Bob Seger System
Bob Summers and Mike Curb
Bobby & Laurie
Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
Bobby Fuller Four
The Bobby Fuller Four
Bobby Lee Justice
Bobby Peterson Quintet
Bobkat '65
The Bogeymen
The Bohemian Bedrocks
Bohemian Vendetta
The Bohemian Vendetta
The Bold
The Bomboras
The Bonniwell Music Machine
Bonniwell Music Machine
Boo Boo And Bunky
The Bootmen
The Boots
The Bootwigs
The Booze
The Born Losers
Born Losers
Boss Fink
Boss Martians
The Boss Martians
The Bossmen
The Botumles Pit
The Botumless Pit
The Bougalieu
The Bourbons
The Box Tops
The Boy Blues
Boyce & Hart
The Boys Blue
The Boys Next Door
Bradipos IV
The Bradipos IV
Bradley Mundy and his Orchestra
The Brain Police
The Brain Train
Bram Rigg Set
The Bram Rigg Set
The Branded
The Brazilian Bitles
The Breakaways
Brenton Wood
The Brentwoods
The Brewsters
Brian Redmond and the Sound Box
The Brigands
The Briks
The Bristols
British North America Act
British North American Act
The British North-American Act
The British North American Act
The British Walkers
The Brogues
The Broken Jug
Bronco Bullfrog
The Brood
The Brothers and Sisters
Bruce & Terry
The Bruthers
The Brymers
The Buck Rogers Movement
The Bucket City Distortion Racket
The Buckinghams
The Buckle
Bud and Kathy
Bud & Kathy
Buddy Guy
The Buffalo Springfield
Buffalo Springfield
The Bugs
The Bulldog Breed
The Bumble Bees
The Bunnies
The Bunnys
Burch Ray
Burgundy Runn
The Burgundy Runn
The Burlington Express
Burnin Rain
The Burning Bush
The Burning Rain
The Bush
The Bushmen
Butch Engle & the Styx
The Byrds
The Caedmen and the Nobles
The Calico Wall
The California Spectrum
The California Suns
The Caliphs
The Camel Drivers
canadian rogues
The Canadian Rogues
Canary Sect
The Canary Sect
Cannibal & The Headhunters
The Canterbury Fair
The Canterbury Music Festival
The Capellas
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band
Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
The Caravelles
Caretakers of Deception
The Caretakers of Deception
Carlene Condray & The Bitter End
The Carnabeats
The Carnaby
Carol Menard
Carole Menard
Casey Jones & the Govenors
The Castaways
The Catalinas
Caterina Caselli
Cathy Rich
The Cat's Meow
The Cave Dwellers
The Cave Men
The Cavegurls
Caveman V
The Cavemen V
The Cavestompers
The Cayman Kings
Cecilia Und Die Sauerkrauts
The Cedars
The Century's
The Centurys
The Chain Reaction
The Challengers
The Chancellors
The Changin' Times
The Changin Times
The Changin' Tymes
The Changing Tymes
The Chantays
The Chantels
Chants R&B
The Chants R&B
Chapter II
The Chargers
Charm Bag
The Charms
The Chasers
Chaz & The Classics
The Checkerlads
The Cheepskates
The Cheques
The Cherokees
The Cherry Slush
Cherry Stones
The Cherry Stones
The Chessmen
Chesterfield Kings
The Chesterfield Kings
The Chevelle V
Chicago Line
The Chicks
Children of Darkness
The Children Of Darkness
The Children of the Mushroom
The Chimes
The Chimney Sweeps
The Choab
The Chob
Chocolate Watch Band
Chocolate Watchband
The Chocolate Watchband
The Choir
The Chords
Chris and Craig
Chris & Craig
Chris & Michael
Chris Montez
Christ & Craig
The Christian Family
Christopher & The Souls
Chrome Cyrcus
Chubby Checker
Chuck Berry
The Chud
The Church Mice
The Chylds
The Chymes
The Cicadelics
The Cigarettes
The Circus
The Cirkit
The Cirkyt
The Clarks
Clear Light
The Clear Light
The Clefs
The Clefs Of Lavender Hill
Clefs Of Lavender Hill
The Cliffmores
The Clingers
The Clique
The Clock Watchers
The Clock Work Orange
The Clockwork Orange
Club 76
The Clue
The Coastliners
The Cobras
The Cocolate Watchband
Cole and the Embers
Colour Collection
The Colour Collection
Colt 45
The Comedown
The Communication Aggregation
The Conductors
The Conrerstones
The Continental Co-Ets
The Continentals
The Cool Whips
The Corals
The Cords
The Cornerstones
The Cosmic Rock Show
The Counsellors
Count And The Colony
The Count Five
The Count V
Countdown 5
The Countdown 5
The Countdown Five
The Countdowns
The Country Company
The Courettes
The Cowsills
The Craig
Craig and Michael
The Crawdaddys
The Creation
The Creation Factory
Creation Factory Interview
Creations Disciples
The Creatures
The Creeps
The Creepy Creeps
The Crees 4
Crimson Shadows
The Crimson Shadows
The Crossfires
The Cryan Shames
The Cryan' Shames
The Cryin' Shames
The Crystal Ball
The Crystal Chandelier
The Crystal Rain
The Crystal Syphon
Cuby + Blizzards
Cuby & The Blizard
Cuby & The Blizzard
Cuby & The Blizzards
Cuby and the Blizzards
Culver Street Playground
The Curfews
Curlee Wurlee
Curtis Knigh
Curtis Knight
Curtis Knight and The Squires
Curtis Knight & The Squires
The Cybermen
The Cyclones
The Cynics
Cyril Davies and his Rhythm and Blues All Stars
The Cyrkle
The Daagenites
Daddy Long Legs
The Daily Flash
Dale Gregory & The Shouters
Dalton, James & Sutton
The Dan-Dees
The Dan Dees
Danny and the Counts
Danny and The Darleans
Danny & The Darleans
Danny & The Other Guys
Danny's Reasons
Dantalian's Chariot
The Dantalion's Chariot
The Dantes
Dara Puspita
The Darelycks
The Dark Agers
The Darts
Das Clamps
The Daughters of Eve
Dave Berry
The Dave Clark Five
Dave Davies
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich
Dave Miller Set
David and the Lynched
David Blue
David Clayon Thomas
David Clayon Thomas & The Shays
David Clayton Thomas
David Clayton Thomas and Boss Men
David Clayton-Thomas and Bossmen
David Clayton Thomas & His Quintet
David Clayton Thomas & The Bossmen
David Clayton Thomas & The Shays
David Clayton-Thomas & The Shays
David John and The Mood
David Marks & The Marksmen
Davie Allan & the Arrows
Davie Allan and the Arrows
Davie Allen and the Arrows
Davie Allen & the Arrows
Davie Jones and the King Bees
Davie Jones & The King Bees
Davie Jones & The Kingbees
Davy Jones & The Lower 3rd
Davy Jones and the Lower Third
The Dayaks
The Daybreakers
the daytonas
The Daze of the Week
DD Hope
De Maskers
The Deacons
Deadly Spirits
The Dealers
Dean Carter
The Dearly Beloved
The Debonaires
December's Children
Dee & The Yeomen
Dee & The Yoemen
Dee Jays
The Dee Jays
The Dee Tees
The Deejays
Deejays, The
The Deep
The Deep Six
The Deepest Blue
The Defiants
Deja Voodoo
Deke Dickerson
Deke Dickerson & The Trashmen
Del Monas
Del Shannon
The Del Shapiros
Del Vets
The Del-Vetts
Delai Alamos Con Los King Stay
The Dells
The Delmonas
The Demels
The Denims
Denis And The Times
Denis & The Times
Denise & Co.
Denise and Company
Dennis And The Times
Derek's Accent
The Descendants
The Desciples
The Desperates
Destiny's Children
The Detergents
The Deverons
The Deviants
The Devilles
The Devils
Dex Romweber Duo
The Diaboliks
Diamond Rangs
Dick Dale
Dick Dale and the Del-Tones
The Dillons
The Dimensions
The Diminished Fifth
Dinah Lee
The Dinks
Dino Desi & Billy
Dirt Merchants
Dirty Contacts
The Dirty Contacts
The Dirty Shames
Dirty Shames
The Dirty Wurds
The Disciples
The Disillusioned Younger Generation
Disillusioned Younger Generation
The Distant Cousins
District 6
The Disturbers
Doc Thomas Group
Doctor Explosion
Don and Jerry and the Fugitives
Don and the Good Times
Don & The Good Times
Don and the Goodtimes
Don & The Goodtimes
Don Gardner
Don Hinson & The Rigamorticians
Don Norman and the Other Four
Don Norman & the Other Four
Don Norman the Other Four
The Donkeys
Donna Loren
The Donnybrooks
The Doors
Dorothy Oma and Zepha
The Double Naught Spys
Doug Brown
Doug Clark & the Hot Nuts
The Dovers
The Down Children
The Downbeats
The Downliner Sect
The Downliner's Sect
Downliners Sect
The Downliners Sect
Dr. Explosion
Dr. West's Medicine Show
The Driftin' 5
Driving Stupid
The Driving Stupid
The Druids
Druids of Stonehenge
The Druids Of Stonehenge
The DTs
Dudley And The Do-Rites
Duke of Burlington
The Dukes
The Dukes Of Stratosphear
Duo Discussion
The Dupont Circles
Dupont Circles
Dusty Springfield
The Dutchess and the Duke
Dutchess & The Duke
The Dutchess & The Duke
The Dynamites
The Dynotones
The E-Types
The E Types
Earl King
The Easy Beats
The Easybeats
Ed Wood and the Nomads
Eddie Bo
Eddie Day And The Night Timers
The Edge Of Wisdom
Edges of Wisdon
The Edwards
Edwick Rubold
The Eighth Day
Eirik & The Secret Agents
Elan POrtnoy
The Elastik Band
The Electras
Electric Banana (Pretty Things)
The Electric Banana (The Pretty Things)
The Electric Company
Electric Company
The Electric Healing Sound
Electric Looking Glass
The Electric Looking Glass
The Electric Peanut Butter Company
Electric Prunes
The Electric Prunes
The Electric Train
Element 79
The Elevator Operators
The Elite
Elmore James
The Elois
The Elopers
The Emblems
The Embrooks
The Emergency Stairs
The Emotional Upsets
The Emperor
The Emperor's
The Emperors
The Enchanters 4
The Endd
The Endless
The Enemys
The Energy Package
The English Setters
Enrique Guzman
The Entertainers
The Epics
Episode Six
The Equals
The Era Of Sound
Eric Charden
The Escapades
The Esquires
The Essex
The Ethics
Etta James
The Event
Everly Brothers
The Everly Brothers
Every Brothers
The Every Brothers
Every Mother's Son
Every Mothers' Son
The Evil
The Evil Enc. Group
Evil Hoodoo
The Excentrics
Excessive Earbashing de Whig
The Executioners
The Exiotics
The Exotics
The Expedition To Earth
Expedition To Earth
The Express
The Exterminators
Extra Whigout Earbashing
The Eyes
The Eyes Of Dawn
The Fab
The Fab Four
The Fabs
The Fabulous Four
fabulous jades
The Factory
The Facts of Life
The Fade Aways
The Fadeaways
The Fadin' Colors
Faine Jade
The Faine Jade
The Fairies
The Fairviews and the 5th Dimension
The Fallen Angels
The Family Tree
Fantastic Baggies
The Fantastic Baggies
The Fantastic Baggys
Fantastic Baggys
The Fantastic Dee Jays
The Fantastic Dee-Jays
The Fantastic Zoo
Fantastic Zoo
The Fathoms
The Favorite Sons
Fe Fi Four Plus 2
The Fe Fi Four Plus 2
The Feebeez
The Feelgoods
Feminie Complex
Feminine Complex
The Fenwyck
Fever Tree
The Fever Tree
The Fiends
The Fifth Estate
Fifth Order
The Fifth Order
The Finestuff
The Fink Bombs
The Fink Munk Fore
The Finks
The Fire
The Fire Department
Fire Escape
The Fire Escape
The Five
The Five Americans
The Five Canadians
The Five Gentlemen
The Five Of Us
The Five Sounds
The Flakes
The Flame Beats
The Flames
Flamin' Groovies
The Flamingos
The Flashback
The Flashback V
The Flat Duo Jets
The Fleshtones
The Fleur De Lys
The Flies
The Flight Reaction
The Flippers
The Flower Children
Flower Power
The Flower Power
The Flowerz
Floyd Dakil Combo
Fly By Nites
The Fly By Nites
The Flying Circus
The Flyng Carpets
The Flys
The Fogcutters
The Folkswingers
Force 5
The Force Five
The Forest of Black
Fortune And Maltese & The Phabulous Pallbearers
Fortune & Maltese and the Phabulous Pallbearers
The Fortune Seekers
The Forum Quarum
The Forum Quorum
Fountain Of Youth
The Fountain Of Youth
The Four
Four + One
The Four Fours
The Four Rockets
Four Strangers
Four Wheels
The Fourth Way
The Fourtune Tellers
François Guy
Frankie and Witch Fingers
The Frantic V
The Frays
The Freaks Of Nature
Freaks of Nature
Freddy & The Kinfolk
Freddy Cannon
Free Ferry
The Free-For-All
The Free For All
The Freezing Hands
The French Church
The French Revolution
Friar Tuck and the Merrymen
Frigg A-Go-Go
The Fringe
The Front Page News
Front Page News
The Frowning Clouds
The Fugatives
The Fugs
The Fun Of It
the fury's
The Future Primitives
The Fuzztones
The Galaxies IV
The Galaxy Trio
The Galileo 7
Gallita Piluda
The Game
The Gants
Gary & The Hornets
Gary Walker
Gary Walker & The Rain
The Gas Co
Gass Company
The Gauchos
The Gaunga Dyns
Gaylan Ladd
Geanie Greer & The Word D
Gene Clark
Gene Clark & Gosden Brothers
Gene Gugliemi
Gene Latter & The Detours
Gene Vincent
The Gentleman's Agreements
The Gentlemen
The Gentlemen Wild
The Gentlemen's Agreements
The Gentrys
George Edwards
George Washington & The Cherry Bombs
George Washington and the Cherry Stompers
The German Outlaws
Gerry Bright & The Stokers
The Gestures
Ghastly Ones
The Ghastly Ones
The Ghouls
The Giant Sunflower
The Giljoteens
The Girl Bombs
Girl Trouble
The Glass Family
The Glass Threads
Gli Uragani
Glory Rhodes
Glynis' groovy gab
The Goblins
The Godz
The Gold Stars
The Goldberg-Miller Blues Band
The Golden Cups
The Golden Dawn
Golden Dawn
The Golden Ear-rings
The Golden Earring
Golden Earrings
The Golden Earrings
The Goldstars
The Golliwogs
The Good Feelins
The Good Time Singers
The Goody Box
The Gories
The Goupies
Graeme Chapman
Graham Day
Graham Day & The Forefathers
Graham Day & The Gaolers
The Grains Of Sand
The Grains Of Time
The Grammy Fones
Grandma's Rockers
The Grass Roots
The Grateful Dead
Gravediger V
The Gravedigger V
Gravedigger V
The Graven Image
Graven Image
The Graveyard Five
The Great Believers
The Great Gaylord
The Great Gaylord with the A-Bones
The Great Scots
Great Scotts
The Great Scotts
The Great!! Society!!
Green Beans
The Green Beans
green fuz
The Green Hornes
The Green Hornets
The Green Telescope
The Greenhornes
Greg Stackhouse Prevost
Greg 'Stackhouse' Prevost
The Gremlins
The Grifs
The Grodes
Groovy Movies
The Groovy Movies
Grotesque Mommies
The Groupies
The Growing Concern
The Growing Society
The Gruesomes
Guantanamo Baywatch
The Guess Who
The Guess Who?
The Guilloteens
The Guillotteens
The Guise
The Gumbo Ya Yas
The Guys Who Came Up From Downstairs
The Hades
The Haigs
Hairy Fairies
The Hairy Ones
Hal Driggers
Half Pint & the Fifths
The Hall Monitors
The Hallmarks
Hamilton Street Car
The Hamilton Streetcar
Hamilton Streetcar
The Hands of Time
The Hangee V
The Hangmen
The Happeners
The Harbinger Complex
The Hard Times
Hard Times
The Hariem
The Harlequins
Harley and the Night Riders
Harvey Russell and The Rogues
The Hate Bombs
The Hatfields
The Haunted
The Haymarket Riot
Haymarket Riot
Head and the Hares
The Headless Horsemen
The Heard
The Hearsemen
The Heart
The Heathens
Heavy Shake
Heinz & The Wild Boys
The Henchmen
Henry the IX
The Heralds
Herbert Leonard
The Herd
The Hergs
Herman's Hermits
The Heros
The Hides
High Learys
The High Learys
The High Spirits
The Higher Elevation
The Higher State
Higher State
The Highspeed V
Him And The Others
Hipbone Slim & The Kneejerks
The Hiroshima Mockingbirds
The HM Subjects
The Hobbits
The Hogs
The Hollies
The Hollywood Argyles
Hollywood Argyles
The Hollywood Sinners
Hollywood Sinners
The Hombres
The Hondells
The Honeys
The Hoods
Hoppi & the Beau Heems
The House Of Nimrod
Howlin' Wolf
The Human Beings
The Human Beingz
The Human Beinz
Human Beinz
The Human Expression
The Human Instinct
The Humane Society
The Hunters
The Huntsmen
The Hurricanes
The Hush Puppies
The Husky Team
The Hustlers
The Hysterics
I Barberi
I Bisonti
i Fenomoni
I Frattellini
I Jaguars
I Pelati
I Rolls '33
I Tremendi
Ian and the Zodiacs
Ian & The Zodiacs
Ian Kay
Ian Whitcomb
The id
The Iguanas
Ill Wind
The Illusion
The Illusions
The Images
The Impacts
The Improbables
The "In"
The In Crowd
The In-Sect
Indian Puddin' and Pipe
The Individuals
The Inexpensive Handmade Look
The Inferno 5 + 1
The Infinite Staircase
Infinite Staircase
The Infinitives
The Infitives
The Ingredients
The Initial Shock
The Inmates
The Inner Thoughts
The Innkeepers
The Inquisitors
The Insects
The Insomniacs
The Interns
Introvert Party
The Intruders
The Intruders Five
The Invasion
The Invisible Surfers
The Iron Butterfly
Iron Butterfly
The Iron Gate
It's Them
IV Bidden
The IV Bidden
Jack Bedient And The Chessmen
Jack Bedient & The Chessmen
The Jack Cades
Jack Cades
Jack E Lee
The Jackals
The Jackets
Jackie & the Cedrics
Jackie and the Cedrics
Jackie DeShannon
Jackie Edwards
The Jackson Investment Company
Jacques Dutronc
The Jaguars
The Jalopy Five
The Jam
James Brown
James T. And The Workers
James T & The Workers
James T and The Workers
Jan & Dean
Jan Davis
Janey and the Ravemen
Janey & the Ravemen
Jaques Dutronc
Jason Lee & The RIP Tides
Jay & The Americans
The Jay-Jays
The Jay Jays
Jay Telfer
The Jaybirds
jd rogues
Jean Ludens
Jean-Noel Michelet
Jeff and the Atlantics Featuring Cathe
Jefferson Airplane
The Jefferson Handkerchief
Jefferson Hankerchief
Jelly Bean Bandits
The Jelly Bean Bandits
Jenny and the Rascals
Jerry & The Landslides
Jerry Coulston
Jerry Homes
The Jesters IV
The Jesters Of Newport
The Jet Set
The Jets
The JG Giants
Jill and the Boulevards
Jim Doval & the Gauchos
Jim Valley
Jim Whelen and the Beau Havens
Jimmy and the Offbeats
Jimmy C and the Chelsea 5
Jimmy Gilmer
Jimmy Reed
JJ Lancaster
Joe Frank and The Knights
Joe Frank & the Knights
John Does
The John DOEs
John Fred and His Playboy Band
John Fred & His Playboy Band
John Fred & His Playboys
John Fred & the Playboy Band
John Fred & the Playboys
John Hammond
John Kay & Sparrow
Johnny Fever
Johnny Kendall & The Heralds
The Johnny Thompson Quintet
Johnny Winter
The Joint Effort
Jolly Green Giants
Jon And Robin And The In Crowd
Jon & Robin And The In Crowd,
Jon & the Nightriders
Jon And The Nightriders
Jon & The Vons
Jon and the Vons
Jonny Colgan and the Beau Havens
Josephine XV
The Journeymen
The Joy Sisters
The Joys of Life
Juanito Wau & The Night Times
The Judges
The Jujus
The Jury
The Just Luv
The Juveniles
The K-Otics
The Kabbs
The Kaisers
The Kaleidoscope
Kandy Kolored Konspiracy
The Kandy Kolored Konspiracy
Karo et Donald
Karovas Milkshake
The Karovas Milkshake
The Katz Kradle
The Kavaliers
Kay Bell and The Spacemen
The Keggs
Keith Allison
Keith Kessler
kek 66
Kempty & The Guardians
Kempy & The Guardians
Kempy and The Guardians
Ken & The 4th Dimension
Ken and the Fourth Dimension
Ken Kerr & The Idols
Kenny & the Kasuals
Kenny and the Kasuals
Kenny Smith
The Keynotes
The Kidds
The Kids
The Killing Floors
Kim & Grim
Kim Fowley
The King Beezz
King Charles & the Counts
King Creep
King Jartur & His His Lords
King Khan & His Shrines
The Kingbeez
The King's Court
The King's Ransom
Kingsize Taylor and the Dominos
The Kingsmen
The Kinks
Kip Anderson
Kit & The Outlaws
Kit and the Outlaws
The Kitchen Cinq
Kitchen Cinq
The Klan
The Kliek
The Knack
The Knaves
Knee Jerk Reactions
The Knee Jerk Reactions
Kneejerk Reactions
The Kneejerk Reactions
The Kngsmen
The Knickerbockers
The Knickerbockers
The Knight Riders
The Knightriders
KoKo Taylor & Buddy Buy
The Kommando Beat
The Koobas
The Kornerstones
The Kravin' A's
The Krels
The Kryng
The Krystal Tones
The Kumari
The Kwyet
The La De Da's
The La De Das
La De Das
La Gorillee
La Revolution Francaise
The LA Teens
LA Teens
The Lad Mags
The Lancastrians
Larry & Hank
Larry and the Blue Notes
Larry & the Blue Notes
Larry and the Lefthanded
Larry and the Loafers
Larry & The Paper Prophets
Larry Bright
Larry's Rebels
Las Aspiradoras
Las Liminanas
Las Membranas
Las Munjitas Del Fuzz
Las Puperelles
Las Ratas Sicodelicas
The Last Knights
The Last Straws
The Last Word
The Laughing Kind
Laurie Wade's Cavaliers
The Lavender Hour
LaVerne Baker
The Laymen
Le 409
Le Chelsea Beat
Le Who
The Lea Riders Group
The League
The Lears
The Leather Boy
The Leaves
Lee Hazelwood
Lee Joseph
Lee Moses
Left Banke
The Left Banke
The Legends
The Legs
The Lemon Drops
The Lemon Fog
Leo and The Prophets
The Leopards
Les 5 Gentlemen
Les Aztek
Les Baronetes
Les Baroques
Les Bof!
Les Bowlers
Les Cavemen
Les Cavement
Les Chanceliers
Les Chelsea Beat
Les Chevelles
Les Classels
Les Darlings
Les Dauphins
Les Diables Noirs
Les Differents
Les Drags
Les Five Gentlemen
Les Gaelic
Les Galic
Les Godzillas
Les Gry Grys
Les Grys-Grys
Les Grys Grys
Les Hou-Lops
Les Hou Lops
Les Houlops
Les Incapables
Les Interns
Les Intimes
Les Jaguars
Les Kitchenettes
Les Klepstones
Les Lutins
Les Makadams
Les Miserables
Les Misrables
Les Napolean
Les Napoleons
Les Playboys
Les Pommes De Lune
Les Problèmes
Les Problems
les sauterelles
Les Senders
Les Sequelles
Les Sexareenos
Les Sinners
Les Sultans
Les Synapses
Les Talmud
Les Terribles
Les Thanes
The LIbertos
The Liberty Bell
The Librettos
Lida lu e La Troupe
The Light
Lightin' Hopkins
Lightnin' Hopkins
Lightnin Hopkins
Lil Boy Blues
The Lil Boys Blue
The Lil' Boys Blue
Limey and the Yanks
The Limeys
The Lincoln St Exit
The Lincoln Street Exit
Linda Gale
Linda Gayle
Linda Van Dyck with Boo & the Boo Boo's
Link Wray
Link Wray & His Ray Men
Link Wray and His Ray Men
Link Wray & His Wraymen
Link Wray and The Wraymen
The Liquorice Experiment
The Litter
Litter, The
Little Barrie
The Little Bits
Little Boy Blues
The Little Boy Blues
Little Clara & Les Chacals
Little Clara et les Chacals
Little John & The Sherwoods
Little John And The Sherwoods
Little Phil & Nightshadows
Little Richard
Little Willie John
The Littler
The Lively Ones
Lively Ones
The Liverpool Set
Livin End
The Livin' End
Living Ends
The Living Ends
The Living Eyes
Local Traffic
The Lollipop Shoppe
The Lollipops
The London Fog
The Looking Glass
The Loons
The Loose Ends
The Loot
Lord and the Flies
Lord Beverley Moss and the Moss Men
Lord Charles & The Prophets
Lord Douglas And the Serfs
The Lords
Los 5 Soles
los americans
Los Apson
Los Aspidoras
Los Aspiradoras
Los Belkings
Los Belking's
Los Bravos
Los Brincos
Los Buenos
Los Canarios
Los Cheyenes
Los Cheyennes
Los Chijuas
Los Claners
Los Corvets
Los Dug Dug's
Los Dug Dugs
Los Dug-Dug’s
Los Flecos
Los Flipper's
Los Freddys
Los Gatos
Los Glurps!
Los Ignorantes
Los Impala
Los Imposibles
Los Johnny Jets
Los Locos Del Ritmo
Los Macs
Los Mac's
Los Mockers
Los Monstruos
Los Munjitas Del Fuzz
Los Nivram
Los Peyotes
Los Polares
Los Pops
Los Rockin' Devils
Los Saicos
Los Salvajes
Los Savajes
Los Shains
Los Shain's
Los Shakers
Los Shippy's
Los Sirex
Los Speakers
Los Tones
Los Walkers
Los Yaki
Los Yorks
Los Zantos
The Losin' Str
The Losin Streaks
The Lost
The Lost And Found
Lost and Found
Lost & Found
The Lost Ones
The Lost Souls
Lothar & The Hand People
Lou Capri
Louie Louie
The Love-Ins
Love Sculpture
The Loved Ones
Loved Ones
Lovin' Spoonful
The Lovin Spoonful
The Lovin' Spoonful
The Low Doses
The Low Spirits
LSD Baby!
Ludella Black
Ludella Black and the Masonics
Ludella dn Mickey
Luke and the Apostles
Luke & The Apostles
Luke & The Appostles
Lulu and the Luvers
The Luv'd Ones
Luv'd Ones
The Luvin' Kind
The Luvin Kind
Lyme and Cybelle
Lyme & Cybelle
Lyn Collins
The Lynx
The Lyres
The Lyrics
M G & The Escorts
M H Royals
The Mach V
The Maggies Marshmallows
The Maggie's Marshmallows
The Magic Mushroom
The Magic Mushrooms
The Magic Plants
The Magicians
The Magnetic Mind
The Magnificent 7
The Maharajas
Maitreya Kali
Maitreya Kali (Satya Sai Maitreya Kali)
The Majic Ship
The Majority
The Makers
The Mal Thursday Quintet
The Malibus
The Malibu's
The Mama Cats
Mama Guitar
Manfred Mann
Manual Scan
Manuel and the Surfriders
The Marauders
Marc Adams et les Del-Hirs
Margin Of Sanity
The Mark IV
Mark Sultan
The Marke 5
The Marketts
The Marquees
Marshmallow Overcoat
The Marshmallow Overcoat
Marti Shannon
Marty Rhone & His Soul Agents
Mary Weiss
The Mascots
Maskman & The Agents
The Masonics
The Master's Apprentices
Masters Apprentices
The Masters Apprentices
Matthew Moore Plus Four
Mavi Işıklar
Maytrya Kali
The MC5
The McCoys
McFadden's Parachute
Me & You
The Mean Reds
The Meanie Genies
The Measles
The Men From S.P.E.C.T.R.E.
The Menaces
The Menerals
Menster Phip & the Phipsters
Merilee & the Turnabouts
Merilee Rush & the Turnabouts
Merrell & The Exiles
Merrell Fankhauser & H.M.S. Bounty
Merrell Fankhauser & HMS Bounty
Merrill & The Exiles
The Merry-Go-Round
The Merry Go Round
The Mersey Men
Messer Chups
MG & The Escorts
MG and The Escorts
Michael John and the Penduluums
Michael Polnareff
Michael Tarry
Michele Torr
Mick and the Shambles
Mickey & The Clean Cuts
Mickey Finn
The Mickey Finn
Mickey Finn And The Bluemen
Micky & The Milkshakes
Micky Lee Lane
The Midknights
The Midnight Angels
The Midnighters
The Mighty Cesars
Mighty Manfred and the Wonderdogs
Mike Evans
Mike Furber & The Bowery Boys
Mike Furber And The Bowery Boys
The Mike Jones Group
Mike Proctor
Mike Stax
Mikey & The Drags
The Mile Ends
The Milkshakes
The Mindbenders
The Miracle Men
The Miracle Workers
Miracle Workers
The Mirage
Miriam Linna
The Misanthropes
Miss Ludella Black
The Missed Out
The Missing Links
The Missing Souls
The Mission Creeps
Mississippi Fred McDowell
The Misterions
Misters Virtue
The Mistics
The Mistreaters
The Misunderstood
Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels
The Mixed Emotions
Mock Duck
The Mockin' Byrds
The Mocks
The Mod
The Mod 4
The Modds
Model T Ford
The Models
The Mods
The Mohawks
The Mojo Men
Mojo Men
The Mojos
The Molochs
The Moments
The Monacles
The Mongrelettes
The Monkees
The Monks
The Monocles
The Montells
The Monteras
The Montesas
The Montessaas
The Montessas
The Moods
The Moody Blues
The Moon Dawgs
The Moon-Dawgs
The Moondogs
The Moongooners
The Moonrakers
Mop Tops
The Mops
The More-Tishans
The Morfomen
The Morloch
The Morlock
The Morlocks
The Morning After
The Morning Dew
Morning Sun
The Mosquitos
The Mothers Of Invention
Mothers of Invention
The Mothers of Soul
The Motions
The Mount McKinleys
Mourning After
The Mourning After
Mourning Reign
The Mourning Reign
Mouse And The Traps
Mouse & The Traps
The Move
The Moving Sidewalks
The Moxies
Mr. Lucky and The Gamblers
Mr. Lucky & The Gamblers
The Mt McKinleys
Muck & The Mires
The Mugwumps
Mujitas del Fuzz
The Mummies
Munjitas del Fuzz
The Munks
Murphy and the Mob
The Mushrooms
Music Convention
The Music Emporium
The Music Explosion
The Music Machine
Music Machine
The Mussies
The Mustache Wax
The Mustangs
The Myddle Class
The Mykles
The Mysterions
The Mystery Lights
Mystery Lights
The Mystery Machine
Mystery Machine
The Mystery Trend
Mystic Astrologic Crystal Band
The Mystic Braves
Mystic Braves
The Mystic Brew
Mystic Brew
The Mystic Eyes
The Mystic Five
The Mystic Tide
The Mystreated
The Mystreateed
The Mystrys
The N' Betweens
The Namelosers
The Nashville Ramblers
Nashville Ramblers
Nashville Teens
The Nashville Teens
The Naughty Boys
Naz Nomad and the Nightmares
The Nazz
Neal Ford & The Fanatics
Neal Ford and The Fanatics
The Neat Beats
The Neatbeats
The Nederbeitels
The Neighb'rhood Childr'n
Neighb’rhood Childr’n
Neighb'rhood Childr'n
Neil Christian
Neil Ford & The Fanatics
The Nerve
The Nervous Breakdowns
The Neuman's
The Neumans
The New Arrivals
The New Breed
New Breed
The New Brick Window
The new Brunswick Playboys
The New Colony 6
The New Colony Six
New Colony Six
The New Dream
The New Era
The New Fugitives
The New Generation
The New Luvs
The NEw Roadrunners
The New Tweedy Bros.
The New Yorkers
The Newberry 4
Nicholas Nils
The Nichols
The Night Beats
The Night Birds
The Night Crawers
The Night Crawlers
The Night Mist
Night Times
The Night Times
The Nightbirds
The Nightcrawlers
The Nightrockers
Nite Mist
The Nix Nomads
The No Things
The Nobel Krell
The Noblemen
The Nobles
Nobody's Children
Nobodys Children
Noël Deschamps
The Nomadds
The Nomads
Normie Row
Normie Rowe & The Playboys
Normie Rowe and The Playboys
The North Atlantic Invasion Force
The Northwest Company
The Norvins
The Not Quite
Nou &
The Novas
The Nuchez's
The Nuttelles
OC Hurricanes
October Country
The Odyssey
Oedipus and the Mothers
Oedipus & the Mothers
The Off-Set
The Offhooks
Ognir and the Nite People
Ognir & The NIte People
The Ogres
The Ohio Express
Ola & The Janglers
The Olivers
Olivia Molina
The Omans
The Omega Men
The Omegas
The Omens
One Of Hours
The One Two Five
The One Way Streets
The Open Mind
The Operation's
The Opposite Six
The Optic Nerve
Opus 1
The Orange Alabaster Mushroom
Orange Alabaster Mushroom
The Orange Machine
The Orange Wedge
The Orfuns
Original Dukes
The Original Dukes
Os Brasas
Os Estilhacos
Os Haxixins
Os Jovens
Os Noctambulos
Os Tataros
Oscar and The Majestics
Oscar & The Majestics
The Other Ends
The Other Four
The Other Half
The Other Side
The Others
The Otherside
Our Generation
The Out Cast
The Outcasts
The Outer Limits
The Outlaws
The Outset
The Outsiders
The Outta Place
The Outta Sites
Oxford Circle
The Pacifics
The Painted Faces
Painted Faces
The Painted Ship
Painted Ship
The Palace Guard
The Palace Guards
The Pandas
The Pandemonium
The Pandoras
The Paperhead
The Paradox
The Paragons
Park Avenue Playground
Party Lights
A Passing Fancy
The Pastels
Pat and the Californians
Pat Farrell & The Believers
Paul Bearer & the Hearsemen
Paul Butterfield Blues Band
Paul Martin
Paul Messis
Paul Revere & The Raiders
Paul Revere and The Raiders
The Paupers
Peabody Hermatidge
The Peaceful Coalition
The Peanut Butter Conspiracy
Peanut Butter Conspiracy
Peck's Bad Boys
The Pedestrians
The Penetrators
The Penny Arkade
The Penthouse
The Penthouse Five
The Perils
The Perpetual Motion Machine
The Perpetual Motion Workshop
The Perpetuated Spirits Of Turpentine
The Persian Market
The Petards
Pete Best Combo
Peter & The Blizzards
Peter Doyle
Peter Flam
Peter Nelson and the Castaways
Peter Wheat and the Breadmen
PF Sloan
PF Sloane
The Phantom Brothers
The Phantom Five
The Phantom Gift
The Phantom Keys
Phantom Keys
The Phantom Surfers
The Phantomgift
The Phantoms
The Phat Lynx
Phat Lynx
Philip & Lee
Phillip & Lee
The Pickwicks
Piece Kor
The Pied Pipers
The Pilgrimage
The Pilgrims
The Pineapple Heard
Pineapple Heard
The Pink Finks
Pink Floyd
The Pink Floyd
Pinkerton's Ass. Colours
Pinkerton's Colours
The Pirates
The Pivots
The Plague
The Plagues
The Plain Brown Wrapper
Plastic Cloud
The Plastic Cloud
Plastic People
Plato & the Philosophers
Plato and the Philosophers
Plato et les Caves
Platon et les Caves
Platter Chatter
Platter Matters
The Playboys
Playboys of Edinburgh
The Pleasure Seekers
The Pleazers
The Plymouth Rockers
The Poets
The Police
The Poor
The Poppermost
Positively Thirteen O'Clock
The Pow Wows
The Power of Beckett
The Power Plant
The Preachers
The Premiers
The Premonitions
The Pretties
The Pretty Things
Pride and Joy
The Pride And Joy
The Primates
The Primitive Finks
The Primitives
The Primodials
The Primordials
Prince Albert
Prince and the Paupers
The Prisoners
The Prophets
The Psychopaths
The Pulsating Heartbeats
The Pulse
Pure Madness
The Purple Gang
Purple Heads
The Purple Hearts
The Purple Merkins
Purple Merkins
The Purple Reign
Purple Sun
The Pymouth Rockers
The Pynnacles
The Pyramids
Q 65
The Q65
The Quadrangle
The Quatloos
Question Mark & The Mysterians
The Quests
The Quid
The Quiet Jungle
Quiet Jungle
Quitty & The Don'ts
Quitty & The Don't's
Quitty and the Don'ts
R Dean Taylor
The Rabbits
The Rabble
Raga and the Talas
The Ragged Edges
Raiks Progress
The Raik's Progress
The Rainy Daze
Ralph Nelson & The Chancellors
Ralph Nielson & The Chancellors
Randy & The Radiants
Randy Fuller
Randy Johnson
The Ranger Sound
The Rangers
The Rantouls
The Rapids
The Rare Breed
The Rationals
The Rats
The Rattles
The Rave-Ons
The Ravens
The Ravin' Blue
The Raws
Ray Columbus
Ray Columbus and the Art Collection
Ray Columbus & the Art Collection
Ray Columbus & The Invaders
The Ray McVay Sound
The Raymarks
The Reaction
The Reactions
The Real Don Steele
Rear Exit
The Rear Exit
The Reasons Why
The Rebbels
The Rebel Set
The Rebounds
Red Beard and the Pirates
Red Beard & The Pirates
The Red Coats
The Red Crayola
The Red Squares
The Redcoats
The Reddlemen
The Redwalls
The Reekers
The Regents
The Reigning Sound
Reigning Sound
The Remains
The Remains for Vista
The Remanants
The Renegades
Research 1-6-12
The Resonars
The Restless Feelin's
The Retreds
Reuben Williams
The Revellions
The Reverberations
The Reverberrations
The Revox
Rex Garvin
The Rhythm Checkers
The Ric-A-Shays
Ric and the Skyliners
Richard and The Young Lions
Richie Bruce
Richie Knight & The Midnights
Rick Durham and the Dynamics
The Riddles
The Riot Squad
The Ripe
The Rippers
The Rising Storm
The Riverias
The Rivingtons
The Road
The Road Runners
The Roadrunners
Rob Hoeke & his Rhythm & Blues Group
Rob Hoeke and Rhythm and Blues Group
Rob Hoeke R&B Group
The Rob Hoeke Rhythm And Blues Group
Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group
Rob Hoeke Rhythm and Blues Group
The Rob Roys
Robbie Peters
Robin & The Hoods
The Robin Hoods
The Rock Garden
The Rock Shop
The Rockers
Rockin Vicars
Rocky and His Friends
Rocky and The Riddlers
Rod & The Satellites
Roger James 4
The Rogues
The Rogues, Inc
Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones
The Romancers
Ron Gray
Ron Silva and the Monarchs
Ronnie Bird
Ronnie Burns
Ronnie Cook & The Gaylads
Ronnie Dante
Ronnie Hawkins & The Hawks
The Rono-Dels
The Rooks
The Roosters
The Rosalyns
The Roslyns
Round Robin
The Routes
The Rovin' Flames
The Rovin' Kind
The Royal Flairs
The Royal Guardsmen
The Royal Hangmen
The Royal Nonesuch
The Royal Pendletons
The Royale Coachmen
The Rubber Band
The Rubber Maze
The Ruins
The Rumblers
Rupert's People
The Rustics
The Rutles
Ry Cooper
The Sadies
The Safes
Sam & Dave
Sam Gopal
Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs
Sam The Sham & the Pharaohs
The Sandals
The Sands of Time
The Sandy Coast
Sandy Edmonds
Sandy Edmunds
Satan And Satan's Roses
Satan & The D Men
The Satans
Satans' Breed
Satan's Breed
Satan's Cheerleaders
Satan's Little Helpers
Satan's Pilgrims
Satan’s Pilgrims
The Satelliters
The Satteliters
Saturday's Children
Saturday’s Children
The Savages
The Savoy's
The Saxons
The Scepters
The Schitzophonics
The Schizophonics
The Scimitars
The Scorpions
The Scotsmen
The Scott Bedford Four
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
Screamin' Lord Sutch & the Savages
Screaming Lord Sutch and the Savages
Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages
The Search
The Searchers
The Second Helping
The Secret Service
The Secrets
The Seeds
The Selective Service
The Selfkick
The Sellwoods
The Sences
The Senders
The Senior Service
The Sentinels
Serge Franklin
The Sevens
The Seventh Cinders
Sex Museum
The Sex Organs
The Sexareenos
The Shades
The Shades Of Blue
The Shades Of Night
The Shadows
The Shadows Of Knight
Shadows of Knight
The Shadracks
The Shag
The Shaggs
The Shags
The Shakemakers
The Shakers
The Shames
The Shandells Inc.
The Shandells. Inc
The Shanes
Shannon & The Clams
Sharon Tandy
Sharon Tandy & Fleur de Lys
Sharon Tandy & The Fleur de Lys
The Shattoes
The Shaynes
The Sheep
The Sherlocks
The Shillings
The Shimmy's
The Shondells
Short 66
Short '66
Shorty & Them
Shouting Thomas Torment
The Shouts
The Showmen
Shutdown 66
Shutdown Douglas
The Shy Guys
The Sick Riose
The Sick Rose
Sick Rose
The Sidekicks
Sights 'n Sounds
The Silver Fleet
Simon Scott with The Leroys
the singing bodies
Sir Arthur & Co
Sir Bald Diddly
The Sir Douglas Quintet
The Sir Finks
Sir Finks
Sir Latimore Brown
sir lawrence & the crescents
Sir Royal Da Count & The Parliaments
Sir Winston and The Commons
Sir Winston & The Commons
The Sires
The Sirs
The Sites n' Sounds
Six Feet Under
The Six Feet Under
The Six Pents
SJ & The Crossroads
The Skalliwags
The Skeptics
The Skins
Skip Batten and the Group
The Skip Battyn Group
The Slaves
The Sloths
Slow Slushy Boys
Small Faces
The Small Faces
The Smoggers
The Smoke
The Smoke Rings
The Smooty Filth
The Snaps
The So...But So What?!
The Society
Society's Children
The Softs
Solomon Burke
Solton Batherly
Something Else
The Something Wild
Something Wild
The Sonics
Sonny Flaherty & the Mark V
Sonny Terry
Sonny Villegas
The Sons Of Adam
Sons of Adam
Sons of Fred
Sooner Or Later
The Sorrows
The Sot Weed Factor
The Soul Agents
The Soul Benders
Soul Inc.
The Soul Survivors
Soulful Bowlful
The Sound Barrier
The Sound Explosion
The Sound Invasion
The Sound Magics
The Sound of Randall
The Sound Reasons
Sound Reasons
The Sound Sandwich
The Sound Station
Sound Station
The Sound System
The Sounds Like Us
Sounds of Silence
Southbound Freeway
Southern Culture on the Skids
The Southwest F.O.B.
The Spacecakes
The Spacemen
The Spades
The Sparkles
The Sparklings
The Sparles
The Sparrow
The Spats
The Spectors
The Spektrum
Spencer Davis Group
The Spencer Davis Group
The Spiders
The Spirit
The Split Ends
Spontaneous Combustion
Spontantous Generation
The Squares
The Squires
St. John & the Crew
The Staccatos
The Staggers
The Stained Glass
The Stains
The Stairs
The Standellls
The Standells
Starbuck & The Rain Makers
Starbuck & The Rainmaker
The Starlets
The Starlights
The State Of Mind
The Statesmen
The Stems
The Stents
The Steppes
Steve & The Board
Steve And The Board
Steve Davis
Steve Walker & the Bold
Steve Walker and the Bold
The Stillroven
The Sting-Rays Of Newburgh
Stinky & The Skunks
The Stoics
The Stomach Mouths
The Stomachmouths
The Stompers
The Stone Cutters
The Stone Poneys
The Stone Ponys
The Stonecutters
The Stonemen
The Story Tellers
The Strangeloves
Strangers in a Strange Land
The Strawberry Alarm Clock
The Street Cleaners
The Striders
The Strikes
Stu Mitchell
The Stumps
The Styx
The Subsonics
The Subterraneans
The Subtones
The Suburban 9 to 5
The Sumpin' Else
The Sunday Group
The Sunsets
Sunsets, The
The Sunshine Company
The Super Dupers
The Super Stocks
The Superfine Dandelion
Superfine Dandelion
The Surfaris
The Surfragettes
Surrealistic Pillar
The Swamp Rats
The Sweet Nothin'
The Swingin' Machine
The Swingin' Medallions
The Symbols
The Symptomes
The Syn
The Syndicate
Syndicate Of Sound
The Syndicate Of Sound
The Syndicats
The System
T. Lance & the Coctails
T-Model Ford
Takeshi Terauchi and Bunnys
The Tall Faces
The Tamrons
Tangerine Roof
The Tasmanians
The Teamsters
The Teardrops
The Tears
Teddy & His Patches
Teddy And His Patches
The Teddy Boys
Teddy Robin & The Playboys
Teenage Cavegirl
Teenage Caveglrl
The Tell Stars
Tell Tale Hearts
Tell-Tale Hearts
The Tell Tale Hearts
The Tell-Tale Hearts
The Tempos
The Tempters
Terry Dean
Terry Knight And The Pack
Terry Knight & The Pack
Terry Randall
Th' Losin Streaks
Th' Losin' Streaks
The Thackeray Rocke
Thane Russell
The Thanes
The Thanes of Cowder
thank you all!
Thee Cybermen
Thee Deuces
Thee Flypped Whigs
Thee Fourgiven
Thee Girl Fridays
Thee Hairy Fairies
Thee Headcoatees
Thee Headcoats
Thee Impalas
Thee Isolators
Thee Midnighters
Thee Midniters
Thee Mighty Caesars
Thee Mighty Ceasars
Thee Milkshakes
Thee Royal Hangmen
Thee Sixpence
Thee Tsunamis
Thee Unclaimed
Thee Wyld Gooms
Thee Wyld Maniacs
They Bye-Laws
The Things
Things To Come
The Things to Come
The Third Bardo
The Third Booth
The Third Rail
Thirteenth Floor Elevators
The Thomas Group
The Thorns
Thor's Hammer
Those Rogues
The Thoughts
Three's a Crowd
The Throb
Thunder Beats
The Thunderbeats
The Thunderbirds
The Thunderchiefs
Thursday's Children
The Thursday's Children
The Tidal Waves
Tiger Bomb
The Tiki Men
The Tikis
The Tills
The Time Keepers
The Tintern Abbey
Tinturn Abbey
Tje Above
Toads of the Short Forest
The Todds
The Tom Cats
Tom Northcott
Tom Northcott Trio
The Tombstones
The Tomcats
Tommy and the Hustlers
Tommy and the Youth
Tommy & The Youth
Tommy Dae & the High Tensions
Tommy James & the Shondells
Tomorrow's Keepsake
The Tonebenders
Toni McCann
Toni McCann and the Fabulous Blue Jays
Tonto And The Renegades
Tonto & The Renegades
Tony & Siegrid
Tony Berlotti i Suis Fleurs
Tony Clarke
Tony Colton's Big Boss Band
The Tony Jackson Group
Tony Jackson Group
Tony Ray
Tony Ronald
Tony Worsley & the Blue Jays
Tony's Defenders
The Topsy Turbys
The Tormentos
The Torments
The Tornadoes
The Torquays
The Town Criers
The Tracers
Tracy Rogers
The Trademarks
The Traits
trash templars
The Trash Templars
The Trashmen
Travis Pike
Travis Pike and The Brattle Street East
Travis Pike & The Brattle Street East
Travis Wammack
The Trebelmakers
The Trebels
The Treblemakers
The Tree
The Trees
The Treez
The Tremeloes
The Trespassers
The Tribe
The Trip
The Trip Takers
The Trippers
The Triumphs
The Trodden Path
The Troggs
The Trojans of Evol
The Trolls
The Tropics
The Trouble Makers
Troy Shondell
The Troyes
The Tryfles
The Tuesday Club
The Turnstyle
The Turtles
The Twas Brillig
Twas Brillig (The Electras)
The Twilights
The Twisted
Ty Wagner
Ty Wagnor
The Tyde
U.S. Stamps
The Ugly Beats
The Ugly Duckings
Ugly Duckling
Ugly Ducklings
The Ugly Ducklings
The Ugly Z
The Uglyl Ducklings
The Ultra IV
The Unbelievable Uglies
Unbelievable Uglies
The Uncalled 4
The Uncalled For
The Unclaimed
The Undecyded
The Underbeats
The Underdogs
The Underground
Underground Balloon Corps
The Undertakers
The Underworld
The Uniques
The United Empire Loyalists
The United Five
The United States Of America
Unrelated Segments
The Unrelated Segments
Untamed Youth
The Untamed Youth
The Unwritten Law
The Urges
Us Four
The Us Four
The US Stamps
Us Too
The Us Too
The Us Two
The V-Rangers
The Vagrants
The Van Buren Wheels
Van Buren Wheels
The Vaqueros
The Vectors
The Vejtables
The Velvet Illusions
The Velvet Underground
The Ventures
The Venturie 5
the Vertigos
The Vibravoid
Vice Barons
The Viceroys
Vicki Lynn
Vicky and Dicky
Vicky & Dicky
The Victors
The Vikings
The Vince Maloney Sect
The Vindicators
The Violent River
The Violet Mindfield
The Violet Minefield
The Vipers
The VIPs
The Viscounts
The Visiions
The Visions
The Visitors
Viv & The Sect
The Voice
The Volcanics
The Volcanos
The Von Drats
von drats
The Voo-Dooms
The Voxmen
The W.C. Fields Memorial Electric String Band
The Wailers
The Wanderers Rest
The Wanderer's Rest
The Wander's Rest
The Wanders Rest
Ward Austin With Python Lee Jackson`
Warden and His Fugitives
Warden & The Fugatives
The Warlocks
The Warner Brothers
Warner Brothers
The Watch Children
Watch Children
Wau Y Los Arrghs
Wau Y Los Arrrghs!!!
Wau y los Arrrghs
Wayne Cochran
Wayne Gibson & Dynamic Sounds
WC Fields Memorial Electric String Band
The We Five
We The People
The Wead
The Weathervane
Wednesday Knights
The Wee Four
Wellwater Conspiracy
The Wellwater Conspiracy
Wendy and Bonnie
West Coast Natural Gas Co
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
The Wet Paint
Wet Paint
The What Four
What Nots
The What Nots
The What's New
The Whatt Four
The Wheels
The Whig
Whig Out
Whig Out Blabbin'
Whig Out Gab
Whig Out Groovy Gab
Whig Out Ramblin
Whig Out Wrap Up
Whig Out Yakkin
Whig Solo Blabbin
Whig Wrap Up
Whiggin and Gabbin
Whiggin and Jivin
Whiggin and Pitchin
Whiggin' and Waggin'
Whiggin n Natterin
Whigout Earbashing!
The Whigs
White Lightening
White Lightnin'
The Who
The Whyte Boots
The Wig
The Wig/Wags
The Wig Wags
Wigggs of 1666
The Wigs
The Wild Colonials
Wild Evel
Wild Evel & Les Infernos
Wild Evel & The Trashbones
The Wild Things
The Wild Tryfles
A Wild Uncertainty
The Wild Vibrations
The Wild Vybrashons
The Wildebeests
The Will-O-Bees
The William Penn Fyve
William Tell & The Markmen
William The Wild One
The Willing Mind
Wimple Winch
The Wimple Winch
The Wind
The Winters Green
The Woggles
Woggles, The
Woolly Bushmen
The Wooly Bushmen
The Word D
The Words of Luv
Wow Wow Hippies
The Wreck-A-Mended
The Wright of Way
The Wrong Notes
The Wrong Numbers
The Wrong Society
The Wrongh Black Bag
The Wyld Gooms
The Wyld Mammoths
The Wylde Mammoths
The Wylde Tryfles
The Wyldewood Green
The X-Ray Harpoons
The X-treems
The Y'alls
The Yankee Dollar
Yard Trama
Yard Trauma
The Yardbirds
Ye Nuns
Yesterday's Children
Yesterdays Children
Yesterday's Thoughts
The Yetti-Men
The Yo Yo's
the yongers
The Young Alley Cats
The Young Aristocracy
The Young Monkey Men
Young Once
The Young Ones
The Young Rascals
Young Sinclairs
The Young Tyrants
The Youngers
The Youth
Yozu Kayama
The Zachary Thaks
Zakary Thaks
The Zakary Thaks
The Zipps
The Zombies
Zoo Nee Voo
Zorba and The Greeks
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