Favoriting Thomas Edison's Attic: Playlists and Archives

The audio curator at Edison National Historic Site rummages through the archives of the legendary Edison Laboratory of West Orange, New Jersey. Tune in for Edison cylinder and disc record rarities, many not heard since "the old man" himself stashed them away, featuring: Tin Pan Alley pop songs, ragtime, vaudeville comedy sketches, flapper dance bands, old-time country tunes, historic classical music, laboratory experiments and other artifacts - all dating from 1888 through 1929.

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thomas Edison's Attic alternates weekly with The Antique Phonograph Music Program.

Links to Edison National Historic Site:
- Home page
- MP3 audio downloads
- Edison cylinders on the National Recording Registry

Send regular mail:
Thomas Edison's Attic
Jerry Fabris
P.O. Box 2011
Jersey City NJ 07303-2011

Historic photographs on the "Thomas Edison's Attic" playlists appear courtesy of the Edison National Historic Site.

RSS feeds for Thomas Edison's Attic: RSSPlaylists feed | RSSMP3 archives feed

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