Favoriting Vortex of Chaos with Bill Zebub: Playlist from January 7, 2021 Favoriting

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"If we do not acknowledge our dark aspects, they will manifest in harmful ways. Listen to these blackest of songs and purge yourself." (Visit homepage.)

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Thursday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room

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Favoriting January 7, 2021: A more doomy show

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Void of Silence  The Sky Over   Favoriting The Sky Over  Avantgarde  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dodecahedron  Hexahedron   Favoriting Kwintessens    0:15:36 (Pop-up)
Officium Triste  Flower in Decay   Favoriting Reason  Displeased  0:22:47 (Pop-up)
Esoteric  Circle   Favoriting The Maniacal Vale    0:32:13 (Pop-up)
My Dying Bride  The Bitterness and the Bereavement   Favoriting As the Flower Withers  Peaceville  0:52:56 (Pop-up)
Void of Silence  Demons from my Imagination   Favoriting Toward the Dusk  Code666  1:00:42 (Pop-up)
Anathema  Under a Veil of Black Lace   Favoriting Serenades  Peaceville Records  1:10:48 (Pop-up)
Oktor  The Organium   Favoriting Entering the Leviathan  Foreshadow  1:18:16 (Pop-up)
Skepticism  Sign of a Storm   Favoriting Stormcrowfleet  Svart Records  1:26:16 (Pop-up)
Paradise Lost  Silent   Favoriting Gothic  Peaceville Records  1:36:16 (Pop-up)
Deinonychus  Salus Deceived   Favoriting Mournument  My Kingdom Music  1:40:41 (Pop-up)
Hallatar  My Mistake   Favoriting No Stars Upon the Bridge  Svart Records  1:46:28 (Pop-up)
Septic Flesh  Persepolis   Favoriting Communion    1:53:11 (Pop-up)
Void of Silence  The Grave of Civilization   Favoriting The Grave of Civilization  Code666  2:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bloodthorn  The Brighter the Light, the Darker the Shadow   Favoriting Onwards into Battle    2:17:29 (Pop-up)
Sad Legend  Utter Emptiness of a Dusk Fallen Lake   Favoriting Hammerheart Productions    2:28:32 (Pop-up)
Candlemass  The Well of Souls   Favoriting Nightfall  Peaceville  2:36:05 (Pop-up)
Madder Mortem  Waiting to Fall   Favoriting Marrow    2:43:34 (Pop-up)
Nevermore  Moonrise   Favoriting The Obsidian Conspiracy  Century Media  2:52:29 (Pop-up)
Willy Wonka Soundtrack  The Wondrous Boat Ride   Favoriting Willy Wonka Soundtrack  Hip-O Records  2:56:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:02am

The party begins!
Avatar 3:03am

I'm freaking hyped for a night of doom.
Avatar 3:05am
Bill Zebub:

It shall become dark.
Avatar 3:08am
Ole 'Rick:

Avatar 3:09am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Ole Rick
Avatar 3:10am

I will happily wait.
Hey Ole Rick.
If I am slow to respond, I'm trying to work as well... so I am here.. just.. might need a minute to get my attention.
Avatar 3:12am

The night is young!
king Adam:

good evening Bill , Eevie , Rick , Listeners , good to be here
Avatar 3:12am
Bill Zebub:

We are easing into the depths... a sort of black metal song is next, and then the tempo and vocals will open the gates of hell.
Avatar 3:12am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, King Adam.
Avatar 3:14am
Bill Zebub:

What is the opinion of this selection?
Avatar 3:15am

Easygoing opener.....it will catch us off guard when you decide to thrust the sonic knife deeper.
Avatar 3:16am
Bill Zebub:

Many wounds shall be inflicted this night, HyperDose.
Avatar 3:16am

It's alright, still a little...? singy? to me
Hey King Adam! \m/
Avatar 3:17am
Bill Zebub:

Throats shall henceforth appeal to you, Miss Eevie.
Avatar 3:18am
Bill Zebub:

The next song is from a Dutch band, in case we have any visitors from the Netherlands.
Avatar 3:19am

I was adopted by a dutch family.. so kinda? :)
Avatar 3:20am
Bill Zebub:

After that, the song will be dedicated to you, Miss Evie, and I would love hearing that you become a fan of the band.

Calgon take me away.

Avatar 3:21am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Zellerink.
Avatar 3:21am

Avatar 3:21am

When is Heavy Dreamer?
Avatar 3:21am
Bill Zebub:

The vocalist of Dodecahedron died last year, by the way. You are hearing a voice that never more shall be.
Avatar 3:22am
Bill Zebub:

JSA, so you have a CD player, or are you too modern for that?
Avatar 3:23am

Oh how sad. :(
Avatar 3:24am

I am not modern enough for that. I need it on phonograph.
Avatar 3:25am
Bill Zebub:

I should put you in contact with the band, JSA - there is probably a vinyl version.
Avatar 3:28am
Bill Zebub:

(I have just learned that JSA has purchased the Vanishing Kids album "Heavy Dreamer" - I can rest now).
Avatar 3:33am

?? I have totally heard of them. Weirdo
But Yay! :D Thank you!
Avatar 3:33am

@jsa So you're the other person (aside from me) who listens to The Old Codger.
Avatar 3:34am
Bill Zebub:

Adam from the South:

Calgon take me away

Calgon take me to your leader.

Calgon take me away.

Calgon take me away.
Avatar 3:36am

I will make a point to put them on more often :)
Avatar 3:37am

@HyperDose Unless you mean, Bill, I am new to Vanishing Kids. His film Boogers of the Antichrist featured the song and turned me on to them.
Avatar 3:37am
Bill Zebub:

The song will darken even more, Miss Evie
Avatar 3:38am

When I make coffee, I sing "my heavy.... creamer."
king Adam:

Adam of the South:

Calgon set the controls for the heart of the sun
Avatar 3:51am

Not familiar jsa, but I am perusing. Is there a particular moving picture that's a good starting point for a new initiate? Is there any linearity between films, or is it a mixed bag? Any recs from the Bill himself are of course welcome too.
Avatar 3:53am

@HyperDose Puppet Masters on the Absurd Horror Double Feature.
Avatar 3:53am
Bill Zebub:

I cannot comment, Hyperdose. It is a conflict of interest.
Avatar 3:54am
Bill Zebub:

Are you still with us, Miss Eevie?
Avatar 3:55am

@Bill I understand
@jsa many thanks!
Avatar 3:55am

Yup yup
Avatar 3:55am

I think Puppet Masters is on Vimeo too btw
Avatar 3:56am
Bill Zebub:

I consider the violin in this song to be quite evil.
Avatar 3:58am

Oh for sure.
Avatar 3:58am

@Bill Zebub I expect a kick back. But you can keep it if you play Heavy Dreamer.
Avatar 3:59am

Or make me a coffee... heavy creamer.
Avatar 4:02am
Bill Zebub:

Opinions must be freely givem, JSA. And your recommendation of PEET's coffee is appreciated. I have tried the myriad blends and now it is my favorite.
Avatar 4:09am

PEET's is very good. My mother would get it mail ordered for years. I've heard they are who supplies Starbucks their beans (before they ruin them). Can't confirm if that's true though.
Avatar 4:10am

Oh sweet. I like their bean better than a lot of "boutique" blends. Way better than ⛧$.
Avatar 4:12am

Not true. But I can confirm ⛧$ ruins their beans. They shared a bean with a brand called Seattle's Best, but move to their own sources 10+ years ago.
Listener Bop Monroe:

greetings from rilly rilly dark Tannersville.
time for toast and tea with this sludge! yum!
Avatar 4:13am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Bop Monroe.
Avatar 4:13am

I judge my coffee on the sludge factor. I enjoy PEET's for an afternoon dark roast, New England Coffee's french vanilla for a poundable breakfast beverage.

@tannersville. handshake from across the poke in the nose
Avatar 4:16am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Annette.

rockland maine has a great employee owned coffee roasting biz. man, you get high on the aroma
Listener Bop Monroe:

a - right back atcha this fine morn. nose is runny though.
Avatar 4:17am

Check out Bones Coffee. They do a lot of neat flavored coffees. I get From Dusk Till Donuts, raspberry doughnut flavored. Since I can't actually have doughnuts...
Avatar 4:18am

Ah, thanks for the clarification jsa. Quickly muted the show to listen to WFMU royalty Dennis Diken accept his NJ HoF induction. My ears shall return shortly!

@bill z. gawd we need this escape from the daily news.
Avatar 4:20am
Bill Zebub:

The daily propaganda shall never enter this realm.
Avatar 4:20am
Bill Zebub:

Metal is escapism.

@bop. obviously you missed the ken and andy nose pick segment.
Avatar 4:21am
Bill Zebub:

OKTOR is from Poland.
Listener Bop Monroe:

metal is LIFE. rrrrrraaaawwwwrrrrrkkkk!!!
(cookie monster vocal)
Listener Bop Monroe:

snot like i missed much...
Avatar 4:27am

So that makes today Twofer Thursday...righteous.
Listener Bop Monroe:

yow! monster cookies alright!!! more like paradise found.
Avatar 4:41am
Bill Zebub:

Do you approve, Listener Bop, or do you mock?
Avatar 4:43am

Just stepping away for a few minutes.
Avatar 4:44am
Bill Zebub:

Miss Evie, hast thou heard Hallatar? They are being prepared...
Avatar 4:46am

You had me at "former HIM drummer Gas Lipstick"

Hi! Just jumpin' on right now! Ugh, Skepticism? I saw 'em at MDF... you like 'em?
Avatar 4:48am
Bill Zebub:

Welcome, Edwin. I was at that show, by the wAY.

Ha! No kidding? That was a fun one. But, yeah, not a fan of that band.
Avatar 4:51am
Bill Zebub:

Perhaps you will find something new in this broadcast.
Listener Bop Monroe:

approve! approve!!

Yeah, it's mostly new to me. The only ones I'm familiar with are My Dying Bride and Paradise Lost. I don't know squat about most of the slow 'n' gloomy goth metal type stuff, but I'm diggin' what I'm hearing.
Avatar 4:59am

That soloing is soul nourishing
Avatar 5:08am

Booo! I missed septic Flesh
Avatar 5:16am

This sounds like it's backed by Vangelis... that's a good thing imho
Avatar 5:17am
Bill Zebub:

I like the dystopian sounds
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18am

Morning all
Avatar 5:20am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Master Ken.
Listener Bop Monroe:

Howdy SMK!
Avatar 5:21am

Ken, it's going to be okay. I know it may be scary right now, but I promise you everything is going to be just fine. ❤️
Avatar 5:22am
Bill Zebub:

I will show mercy before the dawn.
king Adam:

Avatar 5:25am

I appreciate you putting together a darker night that I inspired :) It has been very enjoyable! <3
Avatar 5:27am
Bill Zebub:

The next song is also yours, Miss Eevie.
Avatar 5:27am

Avatar 5:30am
Ole 'Rick:

Great show Bill
Avatar 5:36am

THANK YOU BILL! <3 You are the best!!

Hey, who's Candlemass??? Juuust kiddin'. I saw 'em in Los Angeles three years ago, and they had this sexy skinny guy n singing rather than the big fat guy! Now the big fat guy is back.
king Adam:

this is one is is along to
king Adam:

I sing along to

Wait, no, my bad. The original singer wasn't the fat guy. He came on the second album. The original singer is back, and he's not fat.
king Adam:

woohoo! Madder Mortem!
Listener Bop Monroe:

mmmm... back fat....
Avatar 5:53am

This riff feels like getting kicked in the shins repeatedly. Que rico
Avatar 5:56am

Thanks, Bill!
Avatar 5:56am

Almost at the end :( Hope everyone stays safe, please..:) I hope to see everyone back next week.
Listener Bop Monroe:

time to consider beginning the day.
thnx for another great weds/thurs overnite Mr. BZ!
be safe all.
Dave Conehead:

Check out Primus’ take on this soundtrack!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:59am
Krys O.:

What an ending! Cheers!
Avatar 5:59am

Thanks so much Bill! Dawn is upon us, time to retreat!
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