Favoriting Feelings with Michele with One "L": Playlist from January 26, 2021 Favoriting

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Nothing less than feelings.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 26, 2021: My 10-Year Anniversary at WFMU Show!

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year New Approx. start time
Writhing Squares  Rogue Moon   Favoriting Rogue Moon  Trouble in Mind  2021  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bongwater  The Drum   Favoriting Too Much Sleep  Shimmy Disk  1990    0:11:21 (Pop-up)
Brigham Young Students  Mormons (cover of Royals by Lorde)   Favoriting I Am A Being Of Violet Flambe - Micah's 2019 WFMU Marathon Premium (V/A)  WFMU  2019    0:16:03 (Pop-up)
Mary Timony  I Fire Myself   Favoriting Mountains (20th Anniversary Expanded Edition)  Matador  2021  *   0:19:14 (Pop-up)
Cindy  Falcon Heavy   Favoriting Free Advice  Mt. St. Mtn.  2020  *   0:21:57 (Pop-up)
Holy Motors  Sleepydr   Favoriting Sleepydr (7")  Wharf Cat  2018    0:24:08 (Pop-up)
Kate Davis  True Love Will Find You In The End   Favoriting Strange Boy  Solitaire  2021  *   0:29:46 (Pop-up)
Kali Bahlu  How Can I Tell My Guru   Favoriting Takes the Forest Children on a Journey of COSMIC REMEMBRANCE  World Pacific  1967    0:41:55 (Pop-up)
Zola Jesus  In Your Nature (David Lynch Remix)   Favoriting In Your Nature 7"  Sacred Bones  2012    0:45:10 (Pop-up)
Nina Ryser  Breath Again   Favoriting Paths of Color  Cowgirl  2020    0:48:34 (Pop-up)
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark  Souvenir   Favoriting Architecture & Morality  Dindisc  1981    0:53:24 (Pop-up)
Imperial Leather  So Long (Project Fear is Over)   Favoriting Britain First (EP)  Broken Britain Cassettes  2018    1:04:14 (Pop-up)
Imperial Leather  Leatherman   Favoriting Leatherman / Spa Country 7"  Imperial Leather  2021  *   1:07:27 (Pop-up)
Holly Golightly  Waiting Room   Favoriting Girl in the Shower (7")  Superelectro  1996    1:09:05 (Pop-up)
Moe Tucker  Lazy   Favoriting I Spent a Week There the Other Night  New Rose  1981    1:10:38 (Pop-up)
Sherrie Feight  Bury As Many Hatchets   Favoriting The Fear of Drowning - A Poetry Album (VA)  Mad Queen  1985    1:13:01 (Pop-up)
The Raincoats  And Then It's Ok   Favoriting Odyshape  We ThRee  1981    1:13:49 (Pop-up)
Honey Radar  Ink Circle   Favoriting Ignore the Bells (7")  Chunklet  2016    1:17:29 (Pop-up)
Bona Dish  Mutation   Favoriting The Zaragoza Tapes 1981-1982  Captured Tracks  1981 / 2013    1:19:27 (Pop-up)
Chandra  Concentration   Favoriting Transportation (EP)  On/Gogo  1980    1:25:31 (Pop-up)
Heron Oblivion  Beneath Fields   Favoriting Heron Oblivion  Sub Pop  2016    1:31:20 (Pop-up)
Jeremiah Sand  Love Is   Favoriting Lift it Down  Sacred Bones  2020  *   1:38:44 (Pop-up)
Jeri Cain Rossi  I'm Not in Love   Favoriting Cover Girls 2 - Scott Williams' Marathon Premium  WFMU  2009    1:42:11 (Pop-up)
Ela Orleans  "Yes, of Course"   Favoriting Lost  La Station Radar  2009 / 2021  *   1:50:16 (Pop-up)
Juana Molina  Eras   Favoriting Wed 21  Crammed Discs  2013    1:53:46 (Pop-up)
Magik Markers  Surf's Up   Favoriting 2020  Drag City  2020    2:03:10 (Pop-up)
Bleach Day  No Wonder   Favoriting As if Always  Birdwatcher  2020    2:10:40 (Pop-up)
Dum Dum Girls  Coming Down   Favoriting Only in Dreams  Sub Pop  2011    2:15:11 (Pop-up)
Jennifer Castle  Purple Highway   Favoriting Monarch Season  Paradise of Bachelors  2020    2:21:36 (Pop-up)
Gunn - Truscinski Duo  Ocean City   Favoriting Soundkeeper  Steve Gunn and John Truscinski  2020    2:24:20 (Pop-up)
River Flows Reverse  Final Run   Favoriting When Rivers Flow Reverse  Psychedelic Source Records  2021  *   2:33:13 (Pop-up)
Thirsty Forest Animals  Nape   Favoriting Thirsty Forest Animals  Thirsty Forest Animals  2020    2:42:40 (Pop-up)
Hannah Peel  Electricity   Favoriting Rebox  My Own Pleasure  2018    2:46:46 (Pop-up)
Tenniscoats  Mosha Mosha Mo   Favoriting All Aboard!  Chapter Music  2012    2:49:31 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  Sugar   Favoriting Do You Wanna Have a Skeleton Dream?  Feeding Tube  2020    2:53:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Handy Haversack:

Happy anniversary, Michele, from me and Kate and Bagpipe!

Setting phasers on Feel!
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MicheLLLLLLe! d^_^b
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm

hi Michele and sensitive types!
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Phillippe Bastille:

Hey everyone! Hey Handy, spodi!
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10 years? Congratulations Michele!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

happy anniversary!
hey Phillippe!
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Heya Michele and coolest people on any comments board.
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full metal monkey:

Hello Michele. Happy Anniversary. Congrats.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Happy Anniversary! This sounds like a jammer!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hey Michele - If this isn't a jammer, then I don't know what is! Happy 10 years!
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Handy Haversack:

Yo, Phillippe, spodi, Carmichael! All feelings unto you!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello! Congratulations on ten years and one "L"! 🔥
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Let's limit that to good feelings, Handy!
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Hello everyone! Congratulations Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Pauly from Clifton:

Hiya, Michele, folks! Happy 10th, Michele! Congrats!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Handy Haversack:

That's up to Michele, Phillippe -- she's the expert. But I think "positive vibes only" is one of the baseline assumptions here in the Feel Zone.
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West Trenton Vinnie:

Monumental! Auguri!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hello Michele, listeners
Oh, Happy Anniversary to the show!
Ok, who's got cake?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Phillippe Bastille:

10th year anniversary is either tin or aluminum. What is -Ken awarding you for a gift, Michele? An aluminum mic? A 12-pac of Corona in cans? A roll of foil for hiding stuff in the fridge?
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Let's threaten to start a cancel -Ken campaign if he doesn't give Michele something nice.
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Hola DJ1L and feelies
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Michele with One "L":

No shit talking Ken please. Posi vibes only!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Michele with One "L":

Also a big HELLO!!!!!
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R. Noel Fox:

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Handy Haversack:

I hate to be the copy editor, but is it "Rouge Moon" off /Rogue Moon/ for real? If so, I salute their moxie! But also one might need correction? Using my InsQuery button.
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Marshall Stacks:

Bongwater, yeah!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

Sorry, Michele.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The autocorrupt feature caused that, Handy.
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Feliz cumpleaños Michele!!!
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Joe D.:

Michele do you remember the 1st time we met & strapped Ken to a bunch of weather balloons
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

Bongwater was always 10 levels better than they needed to be.
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listener 126464:

Hey Michele, everyone. Beverage time.
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Hubig Pie:

Time is a dictator!

This makes me slapp happy
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Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Happy Anniversary, Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17pm

Hey Michele - I came this close (picture maybe a 1/2 inch betw thumb and index finger) to pulling Bongwater for me show tonight! Like minds...oh and love that new Writhing Squares!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:17pm

hi yas
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Joe D.:

wait actually looks like it was actually Bernie Sanders
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

...and NOT pulling actual Bong hits
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I deserve this for my tongue-in-cheek anti Ken yucks.
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Handy Haversack:

Ken, one of the local bars has, in the bathroom, design sheets from a SF tattoo parlor from the fifties and sixties. All good, standard, port-town stuff, some fun ones. But several of them are hand-signed by the colorist: Ronnie the Rouge. I get lost in contemplation of whether there has been an error someplace or if Ronnie just knew what color they liked and lived it!
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Oh my god I remember this. The church group youtube covers rule.
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joe mulligan:

Micah's Violet Flambe cover art is my favorite
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I love this cover!
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Alvy Singer:

@TomDash-Maybe you can play a Shockabilly track on your show instead.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

this is cracking me up. how am i supposed to resist firing up GTA now?
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How WFMU is it that I heard this cover before I ever heard the original.
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Chris S:

damn, that was excellent
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West Trenton Vinnie:

damn, deep cut, last heard at a Puddle's concert
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Roberto - me too!
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That entire CD from Micah is fantastic.
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Mary Timony's "Mountains" is such a great record.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Roberto - Micah's premiums are a must have for me every year.


Thank you, Michele. Best reissue of the year from Ms. Timony!
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I still need to delve into last year's.
Wild Cheddar:

So many deep Mormon references, that was legit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

There's (or there was, who knows what's left by now) a LDS center close to work, so I met a bunch. They're usually annoying, but when I show I know some stuff about their church and history, they usually turn out to be quite nice. They're so surprised they stop proselytizing, and some have serious scientific background.

as a Southerner- if it's snowing, it's not warm
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The Rouge Rogue Ragù:

I am always grateful that Handy is among us.
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Robbie Darling:

Hi Michele with one "L"! It.s Robbie with two "B's"! Congrats on your 10th Anniversary!

Happy 10th anniversary!
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Robbie Darling:

I do miss Shut Up Weirdo!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

What's the history of Shut Up Weirdo pre Michele?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm

Happy anniversary Michele. Hope to be listening to your 50th anniversary in 2061.
Tom from Stirling.:

WFMU is more than a radio station. It is a state of mind. Yes, it is.
Avatar 12:37pm

Having your life changed is the opposite of lame
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The happiness that Shut Up Weirdo continues to bring to the world seems to be limitless!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Moon's in Cancer - nostalgic feelings makes sense...
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Robbie Darling:

First time I heard FMU was listening to the Best Show eons ago! The rest was history!
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Hubig Pie:

On a scale of one to ten, the first set was an 11
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Mike East:

Nothing better than having someone tell you an article of clothing looks cool on you....its how I landed my wife. "Nice dress" was all it took.
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I can't remember the very first time I ever heard the fun 91, but it was definitely in the car with my dad. He got a kick out of driving us nuts with that WEIRD station.
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The Rouge Rogue Ragout:

Franny was incomplete without Michele.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

need to hear the true love cover again

The first time I tuned into WFMU was in approx 2003. I heard Tom Scharpling playing with Toblerone like they were puppets, making them talk. I was like, “This is for me.” I listened all the time after that.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Mike East - That was nice of your future wife to pay you a compliment like that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

@Robbie: same here! Also Fool's Paradise & the Cherry Blossom Clinic. Best Show was the gateway drug for sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

Hel-O wow snow, what a concept. I wish it was a tad cooler than it is so that i could use the oven without having to turn on the a/c. Thrashing around in the throes of lockdown psychosis here. Thanks for the lovely tunes Michele and skelly/s

First time I heard FMU I was driving around Brooklyn in a box truck, and my buddy Morandi flipped to it, said it was the best station in the world. We listened to an hour of the DJs taking calls "You're on the radio: taco or burrito?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm
West Trenton Vinnie:

a friend of my brother-in-law turned me on at the beach one day, and WFMU's been on since
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

@HyperDose: I would torture kids in the school carpool (pre-covid) with Wake & Bake. Hey, I'm driving, my car, my rules, now shut up.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

communicating through emojis is great for when you don't feel like talking, or physically can't, it's really helpful for disabled persons.
and it's fun!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I first heard of WFMU in the early 90s when I'd get tapes of live sets played on air. My first serious listen was probably 2009. It was a Bryce/Billy jam transition that cinched in for me.
a polished polish lady:

Conga rats Michele. I heard FMU at my first real job in LIC 11 years ago. My bosses listened exclusively to Trouble, Monica, and Morricone Island. I bet they’re listening to another archive right now.
Tom from Stirling.:

Holy Motors! Holy Motors, mother of grog. Now and at the hour of our.....anniversary. Amen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

Suddenly Feeling better about missing last week's Feelings
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Happy Anniversary!
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Marley P. Dogg:

I listen to every goddamn show!
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Phillippe Bastille:

First time I listened to FMU I happened to tune in to Shutup Weirdo. My reaction was "damn, I thought this was a music station!" Took me 6 months to come back, and that was only after seeing FMU pop-up on a "Best Independent Radio Stations" search
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

Oh...I missed the bongwater :(
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

This sounds like something Micah might play, and that's a good thing.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

Happy 10th Michele! Pretty sure I first heard fmu driving home from work and catching dianes kamikazee fun machine sometime in the mid 90s. I have scores of memories but once I called a show that I won’t mention in a drug and booze infused whirlwind and I have no idea what went on but I have never been able to get myself to dig up the archive -
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Snow is falling here 80 miles north of the station. Fat, frosty flakes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Baja Joe:

Happy Anniversary OneL.
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Handy Haversack:

Aw, shucks, brainiac: back atcha.
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Susan & Bryan:

Yay Michelle with infinite L's! Thanks for being a part of WFMU which has changed all our lives. I don't remember first listening but I know it was at Upsala at the time. Long Live WFMU.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Prior to 2009 I didn't know that one could listen to radio stations on the internet. I was and still am waaaay behind the technology curve.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Wish I could remember what my FMU gateway was! That I can't probly speaks to how immersive it was for me immediately.
Sounds as if you read the same article about the Alphabet's origins I just did :
Avatar 12:45pm

Mid Nineties for me. Bryce was an epiphany, Fabio and Irwin were early favorites.

Apropos of nothing, I was the final caller to Pat Byrne's final show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

ONE L! Happy Anniversary - never doubt for a nano momento that you are deeply beloved and appreciated, you and all the amazing folks that make FMU the wonderful weird whatever the hell you all are that the rest of us could not do without. Much Love with a million L's to you Miss - 10 years down, 10,000 more to go as Confucius never said but I know he was thinking it.
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Hubig Pie:

But I do listen to every goddam show!

This album is great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

i'd communicate with emojis if they were right-side-up. stupid maybe but it bothers me.
they actually represent how i communicate in person better than words do.
Tom from Stirling.:

Michele, you knew your boots were cool. You loved your boots.
Avatar 12:46pm

November 2002. Hip Transistor with Mike Lupica.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

I was introduced to WFMU first thing when I met Michael.
On my first stay in NYC, Bryce's show was being, well, very Bryce-like, and we had a lot of fun listening. Maybe it was the partner's test, "if she likes Bryce and WFMU, she's a keeper" 😁🤓

We love this station, the djs, the listeners, so many great things have happened thanks to it ❤️
Avatar 12:47pm

I used to be able to get 'FMU on my crappy Walkman radio in the darkroom when I was at art school in Manhattan. Met Brian Turner a couple times through a roommate who worked at Other in the early aughts.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:47pm

I listen to all 4 streams simultaneously.
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Never could quite afford the record fair though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

i want to see a picture of the boots
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Handy Haversack:

Remixed by David Lynch? For David Lynch? In the style of David Lynch?

Yo, coela!

Happy 10 year anniversary. That means you started this show when you were 12?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Mind-blowing FMU has been & in many aspects indeed remains. Something better than actually I could have imagined on my own. As much of a great goof as it often comes off as. There are media & art things that are definitive in one's life - & FMU is up with those as a cultural cornerstone.
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I did see Seven Second Delay at UCB a couple times too. Always an interesting choice for a date night.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
joe mulligan:

Zola Jesus is a very Feelings artist. her and HTRK too

WFMU gateway was the Friday lineup, starting about 2006. Michele this show is catharsis!
Tom from Stirling.:

Oh my my. This Zola Jesus is captivating. Got my attention.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

howdy Handy!

Ahhh memories. I remember memories.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

The traditional 10-year Anniversary gift is tin or aluminum. So I guess a can of beer would be an appropriate gift.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Hey coel (waving emoji)!

empty can of beer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

Phillippe! {smile emoji}
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm

Kali Bahlu reminded me of Sharon Van Etten
Jason Lee:

Love this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Baja Joe:

Like you, I started listening to WFMU about 10 years ago. I don't recall what I was wearing, but I do recall I was driving on Third Avenue, a few blocks from Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. I was scanning radio stations and I think it was Fabio who I heard utter the words, "freeform radio..." and that caught my attention. I didn't start listening to WFMU exclusively until Clay Pigeon took over the morning show shortly after I heard Matt Warwick auditioning for the time slot. Now I volunteer every chance I get. When I'm at the station, I feel like I'm back at Brooklyn College's WBCR where many of my friends DJ'ed, but I never tried because I just didn't have the nerve. It's funny but the whole time I was there WBCR was "broadcasting" to a hallway in the building because the antenna was down.

I remember when Michele first appeared on ‘Shut up Weirdo’ and I’ve had a crush on her for a long time. And I’m pissed that my teaching job starts again next week and I won’t be able to listen live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm
Phillippe Bastille:

Yay, pre-clicky starred!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

this is nice
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
joe mulligan:

everytime I hear Souvenir on WFMU I post on the comments board how I never stop loving this song!

Wow; been so into Souvenir by OMD lately, great to hear it spontaneously....

OMD has tons of great stuff.
Avatar 12:57pm

WFMU often makes me wish I still lived in NYC, but simultaneously reminds me of why I don't have to...if that makes any sense.
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OMD is great! Love this song!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
joe mulligan:

Souvenir would be a great Karaoke song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Well this Cancer Moon waxing towards the Full Moon in Leo coming right up - to emphasize the Sun opposite in the sky (Full Moon is Opposite the Sun) joining Jupiter & Saturn having left Capricorn together to be in Aquarius now : a real sense of moving towards a future finally ! Aggro Mars & rebel Uranus have been together in normally stable Taurus - angry red Mars having spent a realllly long time in his own sign of aggro Aries this Summer & stuff. So we've known the supply chains are whack - but less volatile gasoline poured on everything...
I'm Only Sleeping.
Avatar 12:59pm

"2nd Thought" off 'Organization' has been in rotations lately.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Oh no! Take care of yourself, Michele. Panic attacks are no good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
Phillippe Bastille:

It's kind of amazing that at 40 years old that OMD song sounds fresh. When I was 10 years old (1967), the #1 song from 40 years before I was born was Hoagy Carmichael's Stardust, which did not feel very fresh at the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

My therapist says it's ok to use food to placate myself? Eat the cookie, y'know
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

ChukA it's a great song (my 2nd favorite on the album)
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@michele: Move to Chicago :)
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1st time i remember Michele she showed up after that Andy guy and it changed the whole dynamic of the show. My gf at the time despised Frangry and that era of the show. Would leave the room for the hour lol. Next thing i knew you had the keys to the magic factory and were running the show.

Congrats on 10yrs! Really marks the time. Good times!
Jason Lee with one Lee:

Comfort Quesadillas are the best. Healthy women eat them.
Gumbi from Bayonne:

M, you should watch, "After Hours" with Griffin Dunne and that thin babe....

you are awesome Michele you rek that quesadilla
Avatar 1:04pm

Nobody is New York Skinny here! And we all eat chorizo quesadillas every day :)
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Beast of Boonton:

Mmmm... Pizza...
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@YETI or Wisconsin
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Quesadillas are essential self-care. If only someone made a corn tortilla scented candle.
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I'm so hungry nowww
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@HyperDose omg I support this, please start an Etsy asap
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@Andrew: Truth
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Phillippe Bastille:

If someone could make an M&M quesadilla I'd be all in
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Gumbo: "After Hours" is a great, and underrated Scorcese classic!

def feel the obsessed with trying to be thin thing but then again i just slammed tortilla chip crumbs out of the bag so idk
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Phillips: 'dilla challenge accepted.
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@redbee It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who has thought of this. Gwyneth Paltrow where you at?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

Damn, I am obsessed with that Zola Jesus "In Your Nature" song, now. Sheesh, what a track!! That's a real brain melter....

It is hard not getting caught up in the NY skinny obsession and then feeling guilty about it bc it’s sort of antifeminist. Shrill on Hulu is a really funny rom com series all about the struggle! I’m sure it pairs well w quesadillas but I’m vegan . Solidarity Michele!
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This brings me joy

Correction - shrill Isnt really a rom com season 1 but season 2 is
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Just a rhetorical question, you understand, not that I'm admitting anything, but is it wrong to make Quesadillas with flour tortillas?
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There's a great song "Quarantine Thick" by 2 Chainz
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Phillippe Bastille:

go for it Chuk!
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What was the name of the song with the kids?
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@HyperDose In the spirit of GOOP, we should call it SMUT, because that's a corn-related word. Or... wait...
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Phillippe Bastille:

If I had a FMU show I would call it "Everyone Makes Mistakes"
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@brainiac: I use corn for tacos, flour for quesadillas - they are bigger and you can fold 'em over easier
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Joe D.:

Yeti Bob u a real one
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Brainiac: there is no wrong tortilla. What do you think a crêpe is if not a French quesadilla?

Lol I dig the mix up!! Liked the baby voices and then this - feels right
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WFMU listeners are here for the mistakes.
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Very smart Phillippe Bastille, keep the bar low so you don't disappoint them later!
The Butterman:

Darn tootin right Michele! That shit happens 10 times a day with us teachers trying to teach remotely. Plus your (our) friend Creamo has made an entire career out of making mistakes.
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Thanks Yeti man. I feel relieved now.
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Beast of Boonton:

WFMU needs a cooking show
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Point taken, Chuck.
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2 Chainz doesn't get a lot of airplay on WFMU - only 7 plays ever, and none since 2013
The Butterman:

+ your awesome.
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@Yeti It does take a lot of patience to not eat the corn ones as you make them. They're so tiny and cute! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Quesadillas are my go to, along with nachos.

@ChukAmok good point about quesadillas and crêpes (savory are called galettes, though)
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R. Noel Fox:

I have a kind of depressing rom-com to recommend? Truly Madly Deeply. I fucking love that movie.

good afternoon!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Don't be afraid of mistakes.
There aren't any.'
- Miles Davis
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Phillippe Bastille:

@hyperdose happy to say I have never been accused of setting the bar too high

hi michele and all. loving the show, want to check out that women of postpunk comp
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R. Noel Fox:

Oh! Also! If you've never seen it, A Room With a View is SPECTACULAR. I think that counts as a rom-com?
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Nice! I have this 7" from back in high school
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What was that Rom-Com with Robyn Hitchcock? "Rachel Getting Married" ?
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Depressing rom coms can be fun. If you like 'em a bit twisted check out After Fall, Winter. Outstanding.
Layet Johnson:

Michele if you need illustrations with lotsa feelings, let me know! www.camarojr.com
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tim from champaign (now washington):

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Handy Haversack:

Nobody's *really* NY skinny here, either. Or at least not for long. We just have constant churning population of 20-somethings wrecking the curve. SO TO SPEAK.

I can't remember the first time I heard WFMU, but it would have been 1994, 1995ish. Was in the rotation of stuff Wyoming Marty and I listened to as we explored music and pot in college. Then it was just sort of something I would tune in occasionally for years in the 00's and 10's, but recepltion was so bad here that it was hard to be consistent. We started doing much deeper dives in 2015? 16? Also we realized that we actually *could* listen on the internet, which was a game changer! Only when the desktop really started to die and I started using the newer (old) laptop, though, did we see that there was a comments board in addition to the "Listen Live" page. We are slow on the uptake.

Biggest regret is that we didn't realize how easy it is to get to Jersey City until last year. (Again: slow on the uptake.) I wish we had done a lot more volunteering and look forward to doing more and more once the damn stupid pandemic ends.

Yes, brainiac, flour tortillas are OK. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. And it turns out Crowley had quesadillas firmly in mind!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Rom-Com I loved last year: Long Shot. With Charlize Theron running for POTUS and Seth Rogen. It's great.
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R. Noel Fox:

I am so stressed out I can't really function. My apartment is killing my cats. I'm still looking for a foster for them until I can move. I might have to rely on my *gulp* mother.
Tom from Stirling.:

Lenny and Larry's white chocolaty macadamia cookie is really tasty. And it even comes with instructions on how to open the wrapper.
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My lovely wife insists on corn. I eat the satanic quesadillas.

ugh fox, sorry
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

You can't know what it's like to sit here in small-town New Hampshuh - where people come specifically to escape Culture - & be able to stream FMU & have virtual community & the whole mess. Let alone pandemic.
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Charles Hayward and Robert Wyatt played on this (very strange) second Raincoats album. I have to revisit it.
wenzo llc.:

good show today Michele!!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Michele- Where did you find the Sherrie Feight? I have friends who know her well. I'd regularly see her around when I lived in Kalamazo, MI.
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Fox, I'm sorry to hear about your cats. How is the apt killing them?

I have to say, that "Sleeydr" track from earlier is definitely my fave song so far. I am not familiar with the band.
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Handy Haversack:

Even terrifyinger, Fox!

Hey, everyone, if you go to Sheila's board from last week (www.wfmu.org...) and search for "gofundme" you will find a way to help out a fellow FMU listener who has hit some tough ground.

For a depressing TV rom com, see /You're the Worst/.
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The road of good intentions is filled w buried hatchets!! Great line!!!!

and not to be a downer about women/girls and body image, but as someone who started starving themselves very young, i have a lot of feelings on the topic
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Sweet set
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R. Noel Fox:

brainiac: the mold. Miss Kitka has has 11 seizures in the past month. Out of the blue. She's on Keppra and phenobarbital, now. My other cat is twitchy. I have to bring them to a neurologist. I've already spent nearly $2,000 on bet bills.

I'm on anti-fungals for a sore throat I've had for over three weeks. I'm stuck here til I get vaccinated.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

thanks for the GoFundMe info, Handy
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R. Noel Fox:

Awwww, thanks, Handy!
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Michele with One "L":

@Morgan - Yeah heavy topic. Didn't mean the message board to get super serious. Sorry. Let's pivot LOL

this set is great, also just noticing upgrades to the FMU app
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Just Ted:

@Michele, perhaps not a Rom-Com in the traditional sense, but how abut Splash with Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah?
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R. Noel Fox:

OMIGOSH, I've not seen Splash since I was a kid!
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Phillippe Bastille:

You are a good man, Handy
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Mermaids keep coming up...
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

the pressure being put on girls and women by patriarchy to be everything and nothing has and is destroying lives. We're enough as we are.
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Jeezus, Fox. That's just terrible.

Thanks for the link, Handy.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...when I suppose they could stay down...
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Being overweight is a heavy topic? I see what you did there Michele. And let's pivot!
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Handy Haversack:

Well, they have to surface eventually, Rev Rab.
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Michele with One "L":

C'mon guys
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R. Noel Fox:

Y'know Darryl Hannah had them stuff the lobster with mashed potatoes, because she's vegan!
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Just bought Bona Dish: The Zaragoza Tapes on Bandcamp. Ahhh, a little ShopTherapy!!
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moving on
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hey I know that show!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

I wonder if Splash can pass the test of time ie not being racist, sexist
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Society gives so many mixed signals that don't make any sense @ all.
Art should disturb the comfortable & comfort the disturbed.
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uhhhh vegetable lobster?

splash did not age well
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

well said @RevRabbit
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Handy Haversack:

Air horn or it didn't happen, efd!

Splash doesn't really hold up... I watched it with my daughter

well said @ sylvia
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Back when I was a lil cave-man fetus inside of the internet . . I found wfmu through ubu.com . . Not sure how I found ubu in like 2004 . . But . . I also don't remember being born, which seems to throw some kind of importance at the fact of "not remembering".
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John L:

Rom Com recommendation-Girlfriends-1978. It's one I've been trying to find for years and Criterion recently put it out. Melanie Mayron is so great in the lead.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Morgan 😕
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My favorite Freak Folk band: The Perfect Trip, not just another band from Boston....:)

@sylvia Darrell Hannah as a non verbal feral womanchild who also happens to be a model um
Tom from Stirling.:

Some people pronounce "H" as Hate-ch.
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well said Revolution Rabbit!!
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this year has proven to me that i'm not lazy just ergophobic (learned that word on WakenBake)
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Michele - not a rom-com but have you seen Breaking Away? If you like Freaks and Geeks, you'll totally dig Breaking Away.
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totally was bout to say that!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

I see your point, @Morgan, objectifying and infantilization. Of course.
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@tim from champaign - wasn't that movie set in your home town?

now i cant even enjoy her in kill bill now i know they basically ziptied uma thurman to a steering wheel
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Anyone into the Jarv Is record? Beyond The Pale, I love it!

@John L - I’ll second 1978 Girlfriends!! Fantastic fantastic
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

<3 HeronOblivian
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@Tim: Breaking Away is so great! And speaking of ergoogobia and cycling: I am laid up with a flare-up in my ankles from my days of racing and old injuries. Getting older, I guess.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Martin had to pay off Joe Frank for the 'After Hours' plot ! Loved it.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Yeti - Actually Bloomington, IN

@ChukAmok - keep them dogs 13th floor elevated!
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Handy Haversack:

Would happily take more Heron Oblivion!

Glad I don't have to explain the context on that one. It's different down at the creek.
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"rom-com"... new one on me, but i think i'll leave it alone.
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<3 Meg Baird, I wish she'd make another record with her sister Laura.
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Sleepy Boy A:

Had to sign in to say thanks to Michele, sounds extra nice today...

@john @turkey OK, I'm going to watch "girlfriends" now (never heard of it before)
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@tim: haha, are you suggesting I treat the pain with LSD? I wish, but again: too old for that stuff now.
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damn, i missed holy motors and OMD.
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Something Romanian. Commissariat?
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@tim - oh that's right, it's been a long time since I saw it. I was thinking "college town"
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

same @Morgan about Kill Bill. Also, Björk and Dancer in the Dark, Maria Schneider and Last Tango in Paris. And many, many more.
Tom from Stirling.:

Like when the father in Breaking Away says he's sick of the 'ini' (Eye -talian) food. And says " I want American food. I want french fries!"
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R. Noel Fox:

Morgan: wait, what? What's this about Uma Thurman?
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Beast of Boonton:

Is Daryl Hannah still married to Neil Young?
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βrian that's got to be it. thanks
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

I think so, yes @Beast of Boonton
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R. Noel Fox:

ChukAmok: LSD is AMAZING for pain. I take an 8th of a tab when I need to function, and it's FABOOO.
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Sleepy Boy A:

Happy 10-Year Anniversary to Michele with One "L"
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...' suddenly me eyes were so soft & shaking - I knew there was pain - but the pain was not aching '...
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Should we start a fundraiser for Michele, to raise some L?
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R. Noel Fox:

Ode to 'The Room'?
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What is that quote Rabbit?
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LSD always seemed too hardcore. Like do enough of it and you don't come back. I think psilocybin is more my speed. And that "afterglow" effect sounds nice. I wanna try microdosing.
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Just found out I was kicked out of group 1B for vaccines. Government says I'm essential, but not good enough to get pricked.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Chuck : www.theculturefiles.com...
The Butterman:

Never thought to take just an eighth. Just always took the entire thing. Hmmmmmmmm
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaa hHahahahaaha.
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R. Noel Fox:

This is excelllllllllent.
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it's different for different people. some folks can take huge amounts on a frequent basis and function fine, "on" it or off.
microdosing, or what Fox does, which is too much to be called that, makes a lot of sense.
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Hyper - there was a period of a few years where I was doing it a lot. It made it hard to hold down a job or go to the dentist or do other "normal" things. But I was having a blast. People thought I might not come back, but I did (I think!). I have no regrets.
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@Rabbit of course! Knew that rang a bell.
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Little Danny:

Hi Michele, hi all. Congrats on 10 years!

@yeti: I love that "going to the dentist" made the list
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Michele with One "L":

Popping on to say hello, busy in the studio. Hi!
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John L:

Joan Micklin Silver, who recently passed, made a film called Chilly Scenes Of Winter. It's almost a rom-com, but gets a bit dark and accurately depicts how a a guy can cross the line from love to an unhealthy obsession. Also check out Silver's Hester Street and, for a more straightforward rom-com, Crossing Delancey.
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@coelacanth∅ I need a shaman!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

What Terence McKenna called a drug's morphogenetic field... he preferred natural sources I think... LSD has that Swiss lab thing going on...
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R. Noel Fox:

I've left my building probably less than 20 times since the pandemic started, and had no company aside from my cats. So, it's good to get out of my same old through psychedelics.
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Baja Joe:

This is very good
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Beatles got dosed @ their dentist like it or not...
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You're doing great! Awesome sets today.
The Butterman:

Once I start visualizing the mushroom growing inside me while on shrooms- it’s all over. Next thing you know I’m crawling around on my hands and knees, crying saying outlandish things about having just “figured out the future” and that “ I like my friends”
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Handy Haversack:

Not sure I could cut something that small into eighths. Would likely end up taking the whole thing by accident while trying. Cancel my dentist appt.!
Tom from Stirling.:

Sounds like Michele singing harmony on this "Not in Love" song
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my younger sister's first trip was dosed. she had a great time. personally i think it's an asshole thing to do.
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R. Noel Fox:

Fuck. Music like this makes me miss owning a car SO HARD. I want it to completely surround me.
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Mike W:

too intense for my dog! says my dog
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Little Danny:

@Fox: totally an immersive car song
The Butterman:

Lisa!!!!!!! I miss you.
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As a rule I don't take anything that won't let me sleep it off if I have to. Have been off coffee for four years now. Not that I was into much beyond psychedelics, but these days it's pretty much just the funky broccoli for me.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It is a TOTAL asshole thing to spike anybody. If they enjoy it anyhow good on them.
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R. Noel Fox:

Well, if I do as much as 1/4th, there's a 50/50 chance I'll have a headache the whole time. Any more than that, it's pretty much guaranteed I'll have a brain melting migraine the whole time. 1/8th is as safe as I can do.
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Makes me think of that NYKer cartoon:
[Two figures seated on a porch]:

"Opie, did you ever look at your hands? I mean, really look at your hands?"

caption: "Mayberry LSD"
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coelacanth∅: absolutely unforgivable IMO, it's psychic assault. But I'm glad it turned out OK.
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Dosing someone is never, I repeat NEVER, Okay.
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What is the Meg Baird and sister record?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Had a friend had liquid diluted in a visine bottle : pure potent & controllable dosage. A real privilege.
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Little Danny:

Ela Orleans rules!
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Handy Haversack:

A friend in college had to go to the ER for a collapsed lung and was basically stashed and made to wait. He realized that the kid in the next bed (other side of the curtain) had been dumped by his friends after freaking out on acid. Started just talking him through it, helping him look at things like curtains and shadows, and by the time they got around to bringing the activated charcoal the kid asked if he could just leave and go to the park instead.
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@Yes: It's called "Until You Find Your Green". Details here: www.badabingrecords.com...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Righteous Handy.

Had no idea that Jeremiah Sand was a real artist, thought he was made up for Mandy
...guess he got over Mandy?
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Thank you yeti
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@HH: Nice story. Once I was trying to talk someone down who was having a bad trip. I made them some calming herbal tea. Then they accused me of dosing the tea! I tried to explain this is something I would never ever do. It was a difficult couple of hours.
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Right on Handy
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Ken From Hyde Park:

This is like a virtual Shut Up Weirdo today. "Call in with your dosing stories."
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(it was verbena, iirc)
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Handy Haversack:

I am, for some reason, apparently very comforting to people who are tripping. I don't do it all that much anymore, but it seems like when I do I am often with people with no or little experience who seem to find my guidance pretty calming and pleasant. "Guidance" maybe overselling it -- I mean, I'm even MORE of a goofball crazytown bananapants when tripping. But for some reason that's comforting?
Tom from Stirling.:

Heard another Juana Molina song today: Al oeste. Me likee.
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i had a friend who out of ignorance took too much acid the first (and only) time. maybe 100 times too much.
her parents were called from the hospital and told she might not pull through.
there was no talking her down.
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i don't think they used charcoal; i think they used valium.
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I love The Doors! & WFMU!
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Give yourself more credit Handy. You are always a comforting presence around here too!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Jay Stevens writes of this in 'Storming Heaven'. Psychiatry has all these theories - & then some chemical comes along hands you the subconscious on a platter. Some guy knows just when to say listen to this music or look @ this precious stone becomes the hero of the day... We call them Shamans, Señor...
Tom from Stirling.:

You Juana Molina? Thanks, not now. Maybe later.
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I am reminded of an old SNL bit: youtu.be...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Jeebus coela.
Tim White:

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yeah seriously HyperD
Cheers Handy!
andy the painter:

hey michele!
just catching up. happy FMUnniversary!
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Happy Ten Year WFMU Anniversary!!! Hoorray!!
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coelacanth∅: It's interesting - LSD has very low toxicity, it's not even known what the lethal dose is. Once you've taken a certain amount it almost doesn't matter how much more you take. It just takes a long, long time (or some valium) to come down. I assume your friend came out of it OK?
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Happy Anni Michele
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10 years!!! Congrats Michele . Thanks for the show
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Handy Haversack:

Oh, jeez, you guys. Thanks. Sincerely.

Also, jeebus, coela! That's a rough story!

YB:Baird Sisters album wishlisted for next Friday. Turns out I had even clicky-starred a track on Surface Noise in September.
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coelacanth∅: also that's a messed-up thing to tell the parents
Mary-Kate Stoever:

perfect- i am painting bathing beauties
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YETI she pulled through.
i don't know what it was that threatened her life, i just know what her parents were told. maybe her heart?
i don't know but she's still amongst us as of 2-3 years ago.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Yo MicheLe!
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R. Noel Fox:

Greg! Halloooooo!
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@Yeti That sounds terrifying. Yeah, psilocybin it is for me (once they're legal of course).
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@Hyper: How terrifying it is depends on the environment. if you are in a forgiving place, surrounded by friends who understand what's happening, it can be OK. And people can go out of their gourd on too much mushrooms as well!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

brainiac of course it does !
About 500 mcg. they say, then you cant get any higher - but I gotta think huge doses make it last ! Such a strange thing - measured in micrograms - essentially no physical toxicity - but great potential to cause psychological trauma if it's no fun... I certainly didn't always enjoy it. & was too young & dumb to understand different dosages & it was probly contra-indicated for my depression & various things... 16 year olds taking this powerful thing on the street. Mad really. Did hear on Psychedelic Salon that micro-dosing regularly might have physical effects : there's serotonin throughout your body - including your heart... On thing with a mushroom is you can pretty much get a visual on your dose !
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R. Noel Fox:

Woot! The Health Inspector who was by today sent photos to the Housing Inspector, and they are sending someone by tomorrow morning!

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Walking out the door for my COVID test now. See all you jammers later.

Wish me luck.
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@Yeti A friend in Amsterdam informed me they also have truffles (I think mushrooms as a food are vile) so that's exciting. ...are you volunteering to be my spiritual guide? haha

@Fox THAT'S DOPE!!! \m/
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Surf is up this Spring. I'm gonna get out there with joe mulligan and get pitted all summer long. Pretty psyched.
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good luck, maniac!
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Handy Haversack:

Good luck, brainiac!
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

bonne chance @brainiac
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@Hyperdose: Mushroom tea, with ginger and lemon, takes away the vileness (and the citric acid helps activate the psilocybin)
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HD: I think magic mushrooms are illegal in Amsterdam now, but the psilocybin truffles are apparently legit.
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i've taken mushrooms only twice, both low doses. one time was okay, once i got away from a cluster of people and hung with just one of them.
the other time was borderline panic.
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Pool the drool, @brainiac. Unless it's a nasal swab.
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Good luck Brainiac! Getting tested is a wonderful thing!
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@Fox: That sounds good. And if you landlord denies the mold is bad, he should eat it. That way you'd get rid of at least one toxic crap
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it's old old wisdom but it's true. be very mindful of "set and setting" before eating any sort of psychedelic
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R. Noel Fox:

LSD is a powerful anti-inflammatory, outside of it's mental effects.

Unfortunately, it also causes some muscle contracting, especially the jaw, and since my neck is collapsing, that means LSD makes my neck-head feel like it's on fire, and the perma-smile just makes it all worse. All psychedelics, really. I can't trip hard anymore, unless I just had lots of botox on my head THAT DAY and a masseuse on call. Or stay flat.
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R. Noel Fox:

I am definitely of the belief that shrooms should only be taken in nature.
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The only mushroom for me nowadays in the golden chantarelle. Delicious!
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...Of course that could change based on opportunity and circumstances.
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R. Fox: that is definitely the best setting. but since i can't always easily get to nature sometimes i have some mushroom tea at home
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Little Danny:

Man this Dum Dum Girls track is sooo good.
Tim White:

whatever happened to just smoking a little pot once in a while?
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tim from champaign (now washington):

That's good news, Fox!
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Loopholes are fun! @coel I was informed to take at least 4.5g if I 'member correctly to ensure you're not slipping in and out of it which is apparently highly panic inducing.

@Fox Every few years they find a body (sometimes dismembered) in the Reservation here. I'm good with being inside! >.<
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(i'm imagining a giant shimmering golden chantarelle on a mountaintop beaming rays of light to the heavens)
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@Tim White: yeah you can do that too, while you sip on the mushroom tea :)
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Afternoon, Fox!
Tim White:

ahhhhhhh! there ya go! remember mushrooms and looking at popcorn ceilings!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

My friends and I had a joke that never failed to get tired while we were partying. Someone would eventually said "Hey guys, guys, guys. I feel a little weird. Can someone call my mom? I don't feel too good."
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Tim W it's alive and well in this house
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eessh Coel. Dose raping is a psych assault. Happen to me twice. Saw my friend carried out on a stretcher at a basement party in college and that had hate crime written all over it b/c he was one of the only Black kids at the school. No bueno.

But i am interested in a controlled dose of psylobin these days to lift the brain fog i've acquired from Covid.
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Thanks to all for the TRIP down memory lane ...
I feel that some can dose & drive, while others can't manage stairs safely ... Combo of sensitivity & dosage ... & catus or 'shrooms or microdot, all variations on same-ish chem ...
but set & setting make a diff .. Thanks Shaman
When in doubt, don't...
... MDMA maybe for microdose ..
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R. Noel Fox:

Covid Brain Fog is, to me, the scariest part of it. I already have so much.
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Congrats Michele! Absolutely Fab anniversary show!
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Hyper @217 that seems feasible. i probably'll never do it again anyway though
Tim White:

Knew someone in CA lived in a dump of a house back in the 70's. they used to hang a plastic garbage bag on the ceiling (while tripping) and light the bottom of it. the little firey drippings where called,,,,,zots.
Bill D:

Dum Dum girls perfect for a snowy day .
Tim White:

anyway the best album to listen to while tripping is Ummagumma
  🍸 Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
captain beef fart:

I found some morels last April while listening to Robbie Basho on Shrunken Planet on my headphones. It was a great morning of foraging early in the pandemic and Rocky Mountain Raga gave it an extra mushroom feel. A few months until spring and morel time again.
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some of our trips were very devo-oriented, some pink floyd, some grateful dead...
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@Tim White: I listened to Béla Bartók once and it blew my mind.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Covid after-effects - the elephant zotting in the middle of the room...
McKenna famously enthused about 10 grams of shroom in total darkness - like don't fool around do the thing... but I don't think many would sign on to that with him as good advice...
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errr... anyone notice how psychedelic this set has become ?
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@Captain That sounds quite perfect. Am likewise a fan of foraging the morels, and of Shrunken Planet.
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(one Benny Goodman, creedence clearwater revival & Enoch Light and the light brigade -while cutting school at my father's house)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& I'm in no hurry to do DMT @ all...
I just wish I had WFMU when I was a kid coming down alone in the dark - but really I can't imagine it either...
Tim White:

was at a park in west Phoenix once while tripping and got caught in a ha-boob
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RevRab: In fact one of my friends wanted to do that, based on McKenna's writings. We went off to the wilderness to do it. I was the trip-sitter while he rolled around on the ground all night, I made sure he didn't roll into the campfire.
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i think Stan could talk me down from a scary trip
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@RevRab: It was a life-changing experience for both of us, I think the changes were only for the better
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moths are magic too
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saw a few luna moths last summer THAT was magical
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Is Urkle an alien?
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Little Danny:

No way is looking at the puzzle box pic cheating.
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Fantastic Planet is super excellent . . Animated aliens.
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@UncleMarty If psychedelic jams are your thing, check out the new show "The Perfumed Garden" with DJ Zoe on the Rock N Soul stream Fridays 9-11pm. wfmu.org...
Instantly became a favorite!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@coelacanth - I w=once saw a lluna moth and cardinal aerial battle once. It was pretty amazing. The cardinal was going after the luna moth. The luna moth was big enough to fend off the cardinal.
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Robbie Darling:

Thank you Michele for 10 years of Mirth, Music and Mayhem!
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A bit ago while listening to a 'spirit box' a f" ing witch moth appeared in my room fluttering up to the light. I thought it was a bat. It disappeared. THAT was magical.
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I love hunting for morels. They're so damn clever. Beautiful, too.
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holy shit tim! what a thing to see!
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R. Noel Fox:

The first two months of pandemic, I turned my shitty attic into a trippy loft haven, and put the good speakers up there so I could feeeeeeel the bass and not have my neighbors hate me. It's got colored lights and a queen sized mattress and it's perfect for trippy sexy time. Too bad I'm alone in the pandemic!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

You can play an online puzzle while listening - www.thejigsawpuzzles.com...
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...and i'm glad the luna escaped. tell that cardinal Just eat ugly food!
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(and sunflower seeds)
Tim White:

@coel needless to say we all ran to the car!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@coelacanth - yeah, I spotted it while driving on a residential street. I parked the car and followed the battle for about a block before the luna moth got away.
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That's the way to do it, Fox. Create a zone, and set the tone.
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Handy Haversack:

Amazing, tim!

A luna moth was one of the things I had to calm some people down about last time I took shrooms, oddly enough.
Tim White:

it was at Estella Mountain park.... watched it come in from the west and consume the whole valley
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When i met Holly Golightly she gave me the rest of her sub. I think it was pastrami? I dont remember now.
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@Fox That's exactly what I've been doing with the tapestries. Just ordered some LED lights. I'll have a much needed change of scenery once everything else arrives, but a bit more infuriating furniture assembly first. No reward is without struggle!
Tim White:

Back then they were called........dust storms!
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mmmm. sub.
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Marley P. Dogg:

Michele - great show today as always and congrats on the FMU-aversary!
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Scott McDowell:

Enjoying the wintry mix Michele!!
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there are some huge bugs that occasionally try to break through my office window that i think may be moths, but not as striking as luna moths
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i drove through a low-level dust storm in new mexico (i think) not too good for the car. the flying tumbleweeds made me crack up though!
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7ryOld is trying to sing along with Nape. I dunno ....
Colin in Durham, England:

Michele do you like Placebo?
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Placebo rocks my socks I can tell ya that
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love this Michele.
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Little Danny:

This is so epic.
Tim White:

Saw Pink Floyd in concert in 75 at ASU...... while tripping
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Yes I had a screen in and the door was closed. ...It was a huge brown not so interesting color of a moth.
Colin in Durham, England:

This is so placebowie
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I did get some OMD afterall. (came late to the other one)
Colin in Durham, England:

Hyperdose you are now my family
Tim White:

how about Tony Soprano doing shrooms in Vegas?
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never heard this song, i do electronics, 'electricity' great song!
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greetings, Michele and Skeletons and Everyone!
been listening since i got home, enjoying the tunes/vibes immensely :)
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Jason Lee:

Ironically this OMD cover doesn't require electricity
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Grateful for this Program I am.
Tim White:

how do i get rid of this spinning boombox?
Layet Johnson:

  🍸 Swag For Life Member 2:52pm

Thanks Michele with two exclamation points!!
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Thank you Michele. See you in February.
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Feelings is my favorite wfmu program! Thanks Michele!
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Handy Haversack:

A real jam-blazer, Michele! Happy anniversary again!

Very glad to have been here with you all and to have psychechatted the afternoon away. Keep on feeling!
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Little Danny:

Thanks Michele. Love your tastes in music. Ten more years! Ten more years!
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@Tim White: If you make your window very narrow, you can navigate to a comments-only view. Agitated gif begone!
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Michele with One "L":

Thanks for hanging, got one more after this. Hope everyone is well. xxx
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thanks for the fantastic 10th Anniversary show, Michele!
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Thanks Michele! And happy 10th anniversary!
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Sleepy Boy A:

Take care Michele - Happy 10th !
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@LD so well said. Ten more years!
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TY HperD - I will. Stan is the man tho'. & Carol & Bryce ... I've been bingeing during the CoVidcation...
Layet Johnson:

Yeah thanks for being always wonderful, Michele!
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Jacques Trois:

Always a pleasure Michele!
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Jason Lee:

Ten years deserves ten beers
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I think I just had a year-long skeleton dream
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Thanks Michele. WFMU #1
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anyone remember the band Sugar?

thank you Michele
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Phillippe Bastille:

Thanks Michele! Congrats on 10 years!
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Handy Haversack:

I checked -- Bagpipe does wanna have a skeleton dream. Dogs like bones, you see.

Of course, all of us are having the best Skeleton (Crew) dream possible. Thanks for the dreamtime, Michele and all the Necessary Bony Ones!
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Just Ted:

Thanks Michele. Happy Anniversary
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Michele. Meeting you & Franny and other DJs and listeners at the Garbecue a couple years ago was a real highlight. Here's hoping this virus mess is soon behind us.
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@UM Very true. Hope you're able to join us on Friday!

Couldn't be better with a snowy view and these righteous 10th anniversary beats. Thanks Michele! P.S. Might want to inform mister Warwick that your name in fact does NOT have 6 L's.

Thanks for all the movie recommendations. Be well, all!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks, Michele. See you in another 10 years!
wfmu listener phillip:

happy 10 years at wfmu! still mmissing you and fangry on fridays. Shut Up wierdo😊😊😊😊
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Thanks and Happy anniversary Michele!
  Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Listening to the archive at the moment and you are fast becoming my favorite DJ on FMU. Thanks and happy anniversary Michele.

Just wanted to congratulate you, Michele, on your 10th Anniversary being part of 'FMU. As someone who made a point of catching 'Shut up Weirdo' every week (and occasionally phoning in) and who now lives for the early morning (Pacific Time) broadcasts of 'Feelings,' I'm ultra-happy for the progress you've made at the station. I know all too well the feeling of wanting to be part of something you admire, and the satisfaction of actually getting there. (I'm a DJ on Luxuria Music.) My favorite Borincana, you are rad by any and all measures. Congrats! R.
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