Ok Bunny, I'll settle for some serendipity. 18 hours ago, I checked the web as to the recent whereabouts of Wendy Case, formerly of Detroit's late 90s garage revivalists The Paybacks so, I suppose, being handed Detroit's The Scot Richard Case by a magic rabbit augurs something something blah blah blah..
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Listener comments!
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
You, too, SoP. Remember, questions are a burden to other, answer a prison for oneself...