Favoriting Bryce: Playlist from August 13, 2021 Favoriting

I never miscue a record. I am punctual, well-prepared, and dislike clutter. Outgoing and helpful, I'm always appropriately dressed. I do not behave erratically and have excellent penmanship. My CD's never skip, and I am in good health. I like all the notes, in any order.

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Favoriting August 13, 2021

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Artist Track Album Label Images Approx. start time
Zeitgeber  From Here   Favoriting Zeitgeber  Stroboscopic Artefacts 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Francisco Meirino  Techniques of Self-Destruction   Favoriting Notebook  Misanthropic Agenda 
0:08:12 (Pop-up)
Ákos Rózmann  Implusioni   Favoriting Impulsioni · De Två, Med Tre Instrument  Fylkingen Records 
0:28:34 (Pop-up)
Miguel A. Ruiz  Humedad y Enfermedad   Favoriting Grosor  Monochrome Vision 
0:38:00 (Pop-up)
Rafael Flores  Boucher 2   Favoriting Nubes, Cometas, Rumores y Orugas  Monochrome Vision 
0:41:39 (Pop-up)
Jean Schwarz  Suite N   Favoriting Erda / Suite N  Recollection GRM / Editions Mego 
0:46:24 (Pop-up)
Jean-Claude Éloy  Galaxies (Warsaw version)   Favoriting Galaxies Full-Electro  Hors Territoires 
1:10:42 (Pop-up)
Michael Prime  Contour of a Forgotten Landscape   Favoriting L-Fields  Sonoris 
1:58:00 (Pop-up)
Jacob Kirkegaard  Fe   Favoriting Phonurgia Metallis  Important Records 
2:13:26 (Pop-up)
Josef Anton Riedl  Vielleicht-Duo   Favoriting Josef Anton Riedl  WERGO 
2:28:17 (Pop-up)
Jon Mueller  Hearts   Favoriting The Whole  Hearts 
2:31:35 (Pop-up)
Joshua Abrams  Abide in Sunset   Favoriting Natural Information  Eremite Records 
2:45:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:04pm

Ah, there we are.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Krys O.:

Good afternoon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

But truly, what IS a microphone?

hello, brycethings
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Krys O.:

Theatre of Record Skips
Avatar 12:05pm

That low end...oh baby 😍
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

Good afternoon Bryce and marbles
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
Handy Haversack:

Bryce and all the -icles!
Avatar 12:05pm
Mister Dobalina:

Hola Bryce & Brycicles! Was just listening to Dave the Spazz and his show from last night. Paused it to listen to this fine production.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
joe mulligan:

happy friday the 13th all! blenders set for RHUMBA
Avatar 12:08pm

I think I can come up with the correct translation of Zeitgeber - just give me a little time.

time giver, seems like a watch
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Handy Haversack:

Avatar 12:10pm

it's more like a biological clock. (and i was making a joke)
Avatar 12:12pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
joe mulligan:

haha Yeti!

point taken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Vomit Flowers:

The ultimate soundtrack to grinding fresh black pepper on my meal.
Avatar 12:19pm

Set the blender controls for the heart of the sun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

This blender has learned basic computer programming and we are all doomed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I, for one, welcome our new blender overlords.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm
joe mulligan:

once your blender is sentient.. you know its all a simulation
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Vomit Flowers:

Joe Mulligan, agreed. And once your simulation is sentient, you know it's a blender.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

Most blenders look better and more compassionate than Bezos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Krys O.:

Ah, this reminds me of the compressor sounds we once had in our production department. The squeaking is like the A/C unit on our roof as it fails.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm
joe mulligan:

truth @vomit!
Avatar 12:30pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

meeeeep, morning Bryce!
wfmu listener phillip:

AHHH😁😁😁 THATS BETTER. That's the @bryce I know and love.
wfmu listener phillip:

I like this sound better than the indian meditation music
Avatar 12:33pm

this is your radio's self-cleaning cycle
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Krys O.:

Self-cleaning ovens can be very destructive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

I like the idea of a blender rhumba.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Handy Haversack:

References to BLENDOR, godhead of marbles, will confuse future generations of theomusicologists -- unless they know about the Archives.

Morning from California
Avatar 12:36pm

Why is my 10pc nugget making noise?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm
joe mulligan:

@chresti esp for making marble tiki drinks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

@Handy: someone said that confusion is sex, to improve the confusion
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Handy Haversack:

Blend yr idols, fred!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Krys O.:

I keep checking if the sounds are coming from our warehouse here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm

Someone once said Bryce' show reminded them of their fridge malfunctioning. To which the esteemed vegetable clergy replied "I must have your refrigerator"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

Solid set, Bryce. Being worked like a hired mule; juggling Mom stuff, work stuff, bills stuff, and the fact that my haircut guy is going back to Croatia for a month soon....but I haz iced Frappe and that is fueling the frenzy....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
joe mulligan:

@fred let's also agree you'll never be afraid of an MRI
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Handy Haversack:

I'm trying to decide whether to cut off the pandemic mane this afternoon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm

@Handy: Let Bagpipe and Voltron vote on this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm

@Joe as someone with a lifelong neurological condition, I have been getting CAT scans and MRIs since I was 11 months old. As a result, I can wholeheartedly agree that an MRI machine sounds like the worst techno set ever. Bonus points if the facility insists on piping in elevator music into the MRI room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Handy Haversack:

Hmmm. Bagpipe would definitely advocate keeping the beard. Sometimes it has food in it!

Threemoons, the one kind of music not allowed in the MRI room: METAL!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm
Little Danny:

Hey Bryce, hey all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
I k e:

Hi all. Do we want more Fruit Jeopardy!? Or is this getting too silly?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55pm

I can't have MRIs anymore: open heart surgery left some metal wires to sew up my chest, so it wouldn't work
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
joe mulligan:

@threemoons you got that right!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55pm

OTOH I have had procedures where bouncy Cuumba music was being piped in and it kind of worked with the MRI. @HH LOL no shit fun story before I go back to the salt mines: I was told to take out ALL piercings for a Level 5 MRI (highest in living humans; 6 is for mummies) even gold--even though Level 3s let you leave gold in (ie what you would get for a broken leg). I asked the tech why....apparently the level 5s really heat up ANY metal that is not an internal surgical implant certified as MRI safe. So...one day, according to the tech, this guy gets into the MRI...did NOT take out his gold Prince Albert and the technician look-over missed it (you go in in your smock). So....30 seconds into a level 5 MRI, his Prince Albert heated up to 770 degrees F. Yes. He was fully into the tube, panicked, and injured himself (further) rather badly as well as doing damage to the machine. The more ya know....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm
Handy Haversack:

As I was being inserted for my first MRI, I had the sudden panic thought, "What if there's metal in tattoo ink?!"

Apparently, there is not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm
Krys O.:

I feel for you, Threemoons. I've had about 5 MRIs. I found myself thinking, ooh, that's a nice one. The staccato MRI noises make me laugh and I have to be steadfast about remaining still.

I stopped cutting my hair June of last year. This experiment is to attempt to grow out the layers. My old bangs are now at my mouth and the longest layers are just past my shoulders. I have no idea where I'm going with my hair. It's just there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

@Krys Haircut wise that was me a few months ago, back to my "it's always 1982 somewhere" short New Wave spikeout. MRIs--for me they're just a fact of life at this point; when you are a toddler you learn that you are NOT getting out of that machine until the technician is done....you learn to stay still and hold your breath for the images....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Handy Haversack:

Same, Krys O.! I have no exit strategy. For 25 years, I have been shaving my head every four to six weeks. Then I just stopped in January. But ... I have no idea what to *do* with all this, and it's kind of ridiculous. Somewhere between crazed sea captain and wild mountain hermit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Last time I got a haircut was 25+ years ago. My hair is thin and brittle, so unfortunately I have little to show for it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Krys O.:

Intense orthodontia in my teens gave me the ability to stay in one position for a long time.
Avatar 1:00pm

Do it, Handy! That first professional post-quarantine cut is liberating
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm

@HH before you cut it off, maybe look into donating it???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

Hey all that reminds me...if ANYONE is going to chop their quarantine mane, if you have semi decent hair of any color or texture please consider donating it. Wigs for cancer patients cost a fortune. My Mom doesn't care about her hair much, but for pediatric/younger patients it can be devastating. Even if you have grey hair, some folks may still want it. Just a thought!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
Krys O.:

@fred & @Handy: My hair is very thin with a brittle coarseness post-menopause. No one would want it, I'm sure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
Handy Haversack:

My hair goes up, not down, so no one would want it.

Ha, HyperDose, I'm still just going to take care of it in the bathroom like I always have.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm

@Krys I hear ya, I have thin-ass babyfine Scandinavian hair; the only way I can keep it healthy is to cut most of it off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm
Little Danny:

I am digging this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm
Krys O.:

@Threemoons, hence my super short pixie style of the last decade or so. But, hey, I look completely different now after losing weight. Why not be Cousin ITT?
Avatar 1:06pm

little danny, hey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

Hi LD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm

Who thought Bryce's show would turn out to be hair salon chat time?
Avatar 1:10pm

Hola Bryce.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm

Franco has been my primary hair cutter for about 5 years.

greatgreatgreat_love it all!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
Handy Haversack:

I created a brief signal drop. Was the full quotation "Sorry about your ears. This is WFMU"?
Avatar 1:13pm

We do most of our haircuts in the kitchen, cat in lap, red wine in hand.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

@Krys O I hear ya...I lost almost 25 lbs since the Before Times between quarantine and dealing with Mom. I USED to have long blonde hair as a kid....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm

Hola TDK60.
Avatar 1:14pm

hello people
wfmu listener phillip:

One hour already gone😞
Avatar 1:16pm

BTW, Keith Whitman has resurrected Creel Pone
(which is where I got my copy of this recording).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Little Danny:

Heya Chresti! Does Franco do men's haircuts?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

@Handy: This should go on the next station T-shirt
wfmu listener phillip:

Nice😁 to hear the sounds of @bryce
Avatar 1:19pm

sorry, I think this Eloy is not on CP.
wfmu listener phillip:

Sorry. Apologies. I was not into that indian meditation music. What your hearing now? That's why I tune into @bryce
Avatar 1:19pm

We're talkin' hair? long hair? short hair? weird hair? Bad hair day hair?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

Not that I know of, LD.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm
Krys O.:

Hair Jeopardy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm
Krys O.:

FYI-I've used the Tinkle Hair Cutter for years on my pixie cuts. kk.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm
bit rot:

Man, Éloy's body of work is pretty solid proof that he is on a totally different plane.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25pm

I like to keep my hair above the shoulders, any longer and it becomes hard to manage. Haven't tried pixie cut,.
Avatar 1:27pm

I've had fairly long hair most of my life, not always. Just cut it over several days myself; still long.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm
Little Danny:

Yeah this is a deepie!
Avatar 1:29pm

When I got out of the military, my anti-government protest was to NOT cut my hair for 4 years. I looked like I lived in the woods and ate varmints.
Avatar 1:31pm
Mister Dobalina:

Hmmm..yummy varmints.
Avatar 1:31pm

My second haircut after March 2020 was terrible and I just didn't get around to a revamp for a long while. Fortunately my company doesn't use video on chats.
Avatar 1:33pm
Mister Dobalina:

I get $12 haircuts at a place called Powder Puff & yes it definitely looks like a $12 doo. Guess it's better than the $90 a friend pays in the city, at some fro-fro place that takes 2 hours to get your hair did.
Avatar 1:34pm

I pay a reasonable $35 for a pretty nice little haircut.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm
bit rot:

@dobalina that's right across from the place with the sign that says, "we fix $12 haircuts" right? :-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm

The Eye in The Sky will become The Tongue in Your Mouth.
Avatar 1:36pm
Mister Dobalina:

@bit rot.. always fun to know someone that is hip to the scene.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

Nobody rocks the asparagus cut like Bryce
Avatar 1:39pm
Mister Dobalina:

Ohhhh, if you really want to go super-duper cheap, you can go to a barber school, training, place. Figure Edward Scissorhands, but with the technique & finesse of Edward's skills. $5, whatever happens, happens.
Avatar 1:40pm

I have had "bad hair" days when I looked like Bozo, but maybe that's not a bad thing. / One time a roots-country-rock musician friend, with '50s hair, said disapprovingly that I looked like Robert Plant. Oh well, his prob.

The current section of Eloy's Galaxies reminds me a lot of the Ligeti in the 2001 soundtrack.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm
Little Danny:

This reminds me a bit of Mirror, though it's more expansive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm
Little Danny:

Really great!
Avatar 1:43pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Hi everybody! Hi Fred! Hope you are all well. I got a job in New Mexico, USA.
Avatar 1:43pm

Mr. Dobalina, Yeah, I used to frequent a beauty school. Most students were women; also they were fun to talk with. Cheap haircuts too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43pm

This is immersive stuff.
I like.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

There was a beauty school in LA that friends would go to get their bargain hair cuts

My hair changes with the weather.

love this!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:45pm

Where in NM, Neil?
Avatar 1:46pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Tijeras. Its in the East Mountains just outside Albuquerque. I was stationed in Alamogordo 1995-1999 and went to NMSU in Las Cruces 1999-2002.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm

So a higher elevation? I liked Flagstaff when I visited in the 90s.
Avatar 1:50pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

In the 80's and 90's I had hair at times that was down to my shoulders. Wild Neil the hippie. I would occasionally break that up with a buzz cut. After I joined the air force (I went in with long hair and got sent to the front of the line for haircuts) It was mostly military style haircuts although for the past year longer as my wife said I looked like a cancer patient.
Avatar 1:51pm

My hair curls up no matter what happens. For good or for ill, I cannot have long hair.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm
bit rot:

Please, I don't wanna come back to earth.
Avatar 1:54pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

7,200' Tijeras.
5,000' ABQ
All above sea level.
Its 10,000 feet at the local peak, Sandia Peak. Ski resort there! Family friendly.
We were just in Flagstaff and it was AWESOME.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm

My hair tends to curl up when there's moisture in the air.
Sounds ideal, Neil.
Avatar 1:56pm
Mister Dobalina:

This sounds are making my Friday the 13th afternoon just splendid!
Avatar 1:56pm

This is curious. I looked up Eloy on Discogs and there was this seller who claimed to book JC Eloy and sell all of his recordings. Interesting.
Avatar 1:56pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

I look out my office windows(I have windows, no more concrete block garage in downtown Buffalo!!) and see massive pine trees and a very happy dog.
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Once I had a barber who was a heavy drinker. Pulled my hair a few times, jabbed once. Hee.. Mellow guy really.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

@Wild Neil: So you're not burning stuff anymore?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm
I k e:


thanks for that Jean-Claude Eloy! Extraordinary! Great to edit video to.
Avatar 2:01pm

@Ike, what was the answer to the $2k question?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm
I k e:

@Carm, that one's still up for grabs! We continue!
Avatar 2:03pm

Long ago I had to get really long hair cut for a job. The barber berated me for having long hair! About four old men waiting sat there agreeing with him. I said like "I'm doing what you all desire." Hee.. Early' 70s and those guys were still in 1949 it seemed. Hoo.
Avatar 2:03pm

NO SHIT, did i say it?? i wondered how long it would take to have a stroke on air
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm

@TDK60: beware of those who really wanted to be a lumberjack all along
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
I k e:

I think you did... unless *I* was the one having a stroke, which is entirely possible.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
Handy Haversack:

Well, it's all gone. Months of inactivity wiped away in one vague burst of action. At least the shampoo budget will fall back within tolerances.
Avatar 2:04pm

hi, jan, thanks!

whoaaa, wild neil! i was wondering where you'd gotten off to!!
Avatar 2:05pm

Handy, I won't notice ya (might get to gig tomorrow..)
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

@Fred-no more fire test lab. I work for a guy that hired us once!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Handy Haversack:

I can't tell if I look renascent or senescent.

I'll put on a WFMU shirt, TDK60!
Avatar 2:09pm

Handy, too hot for my WFMU cape and beret I'm afraid..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10pm

@Wild Neil: Northern NY to NM must be quite an adjustment! I hope you're doing well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm

Keeping hair trimmed helps reduce the "hair bunnies" on the floor and clogged drains.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
Handy Haversack:

Indeed, chresti! I am back being part of the solution, not the precipitate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

@chresti: so Franco is clearly the one to blame?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
I k e:

FRUIT JEOPARDY! -- Hairy Fruit Category

$400: You might mistake it for a brown hairy rock; brands like Zico brought its water to the U.S. en masse in the early 2000s

$1200: This fruit got its name from the Malay word for hair because it has a hairy shell, which is commonly red or brown but sometimes green. Its unmistakable appearance is often compared to that of a sea urchin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
I k e:

(Disclaimer: Monopoly money, but real Jeopardy! rules, so incorrect guesses get *penalized*! Also please SPECIFY which one you're answering.)
Avatar 2:17pm

longans are betterrrrr
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:18pm
Krys O.:

@chresti: I use a Sink Shroom to catch the hair in bathroom tub and sink drains. They work great.
Avatar 2:19pm
Mister Dobalina:

Can confirm on sink Shroom, not so much fun to clean though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm
I k e:

@Bryce, longan was one of the first ones I did yesterday in the "premiere" of Fruit Jeopardy! during Donna's show.
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm
Krys O.:

If you don't like the look, you can wear sunglasses when you clean the sink shroom, Mr. Dobalina.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

fred, there is a good amount of Franco's hairballs acting as dust magnets around the house, I wouldn't go as far as blaming him for anything (as much as I'd like to)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Krys O.:

If you can clean a cat litter box or pick up dog poop, you can definitely clean a sink shroom.
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ps a chinese coworker once told me she gre up calling rambutans "western lychees" . . . referring to the fact that westerners have hairy arms
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:23pm
Handy Haversack:

Now I have to cut my arm hair too?!
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Mister Dobalina:

No cat, no dog..no poop. The shades, is a life pro tip! Thanks!!
Avatar 2:24pm

if you do, you have to join a swim team
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Pee jugs, hair traps, dog poop....it has been an....uh....erudite? day on the comments board.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm

@chresti: his piles of books must act as attractors, so it evens out
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Mister Dobalina:

Pro cyclist also like to go 100% hairless, ya know, aerodynamics & stuff.
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Krys O.:

Whatever you do, Handy, don't try to burn off your arm hair over a stove burner. Some people did that in the olden daze.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:25pm

for $400, what is coconut
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
I k e:

Ding ding ding @chresti, correct
Avatar 2:26pm

Once I tried that Roman/Mod cut like Who Pete had, with the short bangs. I wanted to be a Mod. I wasn't. Good tunes tho.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
Krys O.:

The longish blonde hair on my forearms disappeared after menopause. YAY, hormones and lack thereof!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
I k e:

$2000: Some prickly varieties of this squash have spines may resemble hair if you're not looking closely enough -- watch out! It's also known as a mirliton squash
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

What is Richard Nixon?
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That is one esoteric squash, Ike.
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Hubig Pie:

What is chayote ?
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I think you are right, Hubig.
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Mister Dobalina:

What is soursop.
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$1200, what is rambutan
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that scared the heck outta me
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putting a new meaning on avant-gargle.
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I k e:

Wow @Hubig Pie, ding ding ding, good one!

@Carm, ding ding ding, also correct (even though Bryce kinda gave it away, but that's OK, the judges have ruled that we have to give it to you anyway)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm
Krys O.:

Boy, am I glad that everyone else left and I'm alone in the office right now.
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Krys, they might have had a few questions for you.
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I k e:

@WoodsOfNH, I'm making a new rule that if you make me laugh my ass off with a joke response, you get $100.
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Mister Dobalina:

This must sound amazing on a dolby, 7.1 surround system.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm
Krys O.:

I am laughing my head off! Tears flowing.

Field recording in a dentist's office? (Hi!)
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dei xhrist:

Krys, at some point HR stops coming in to "share the enjoyable listening experience"
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Editor B:

One time an alarm went off in our office but no one paid any mind because they thought it was just me, was listening to WFMU again.
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Apple Music should use this to demo its new Spatial Audio.
  Swag For Life Member 2:34pm

@KrysO 🤣. How about on the ride home in a convertible with that song :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm

@Krys O.: I remember fondly the one time coworkers asked me to share what I was listening to. It happened to be Kenny G. Nobody ever asked again

I wonder if Jacob Kirkegarrd is related to Sonren Kirkegarrd? What would one think of the other's music?
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@I k e: Nice! I can use it. I've got the grandkidz here eating up all the food!
Avatar 2:36pm
Mister Dobalina:

I have a hair brain scheme, it will hopefully make me really rich, really quick. Since, tomorrow's sidewalk sale is completely bathroom less, I repeat, bathroom less, I will rent a few Porta Potty's & charge a dollar for #1's & 2 dollars for 2's.
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Hubig Pie:

I lived next door to a mirliton vine for 20 years. Our neighborhood had a mirliton festival every year. Maybe they still do. Don't know cuz moved
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Mister D, I would charge a flat fee if I were you. :)
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Pros of living in ABQ
Really really friendly nice people
Excellent food (green chilies!)
Amazing landscapes
Great town, lotsa cafes (Flying Star!)
Low property taxes
Very high per capita murder rate (80 so far this year, NYC only had about 175!)
Bad schools (CAtholic School for my son)
40% of population on food stamps, very very poor
Anti business (as opposed to Texas and Arizona)
Hollywood movie subsides that do nothing to create real jobs here (lotsa movies shot here, though!)
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Handy Haversack:

Mister Dobalina, you're stepping into Handy's Pee Jug territory here! And I already said "patent pending"!

That is, Soren Kirkegaard.
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yeah, man, i am jealous of your access to hatch chillies being fire roasted in parking lots
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Krys O.:

Aw, I heart Kenny G.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Fire roasting happening now! Gotta get some!
Oh yeah, highest unemployment in all of USA, tied for first place
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I k e:

@Woods, too bad they're actually Jamaican dollars. So $100 is actually 65... cents.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

I get bags of frozen roasted hatch chilies every so often. Mmmmmm......
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Every summer, the Wegman that I used to go to sold Hatch chilies driven up from New Mexico. It was pretty cool.
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chris in the redwoods:

didn't ryan air get there first with the "pay a pound to pinch a penny" scheme?
also, hello Bryce. enjoying as always.
hello, 'erebuddies.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

Oh dang it, I just read that Nanci Griffith has passed away. Cripes.
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@ Woods - damn. that is sad.
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I k e:

@Mr. Dobalina@2:30, incorrect. IDK even which Q you're responding to, actually. But I like soursop!
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one is Kierkegaard and the other Kirkegaard
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

@Sphere-which Wegmans??
What city and state?
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Handy Haversack:

I don't know that I've ever had a Hatch chile and now I *really want one*!
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My pee jug is the perfect rectangular shape for a WFMU sticker.
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I k e:

Fruit Jeopardy: Non-Hairy Category

$800: The trees grow in much of the eastern half of the U.S., including the New York City area, but their fruit is too delicate to be efficiently sold at most grocery stores, plus its green stem must often be removed by hand

$2000: At four letters, this is another name for a pear that isn't a pear, and it's also a name for a popular tinned animal product. Again, watch out for the spikes.
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joe mulligan:

i want to do some vegetarian chili cooking this fall, Neil I'll have to place an order for those chilis
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Hatch green chiles, medium heat are what I like. Just the right amount of heat and nice flavor. WAAAAY better than jalapenos by a mile or two.
Some people prefer red.
WFMU should give away pee jugs as prizes.
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Handy Haversack:

$800: What are mulberries?
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I k e:

Ding ding ding, correct @Handy!
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@Wild Neil: The pros look more personal than the cons, so it looks like you enjoy living there
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

No idea if this is any good.
@Fred-living here is pretty darn nice. My wife says I am more relaxed here.
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Krys O.:

Thanks, Bryce and everyone! Such a great show and enjoyable chat. Must finish up and prepare for commute home. The heat index is about a 100 degrees and there is no breeze like yesterday.
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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):



Thanks Bryce.
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Little Danny:

This is great.

@steveo: Thanks for pointing out the difference.
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Little Danny:

Thanks Bryce!
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Bryce I find your show extremely listenable today and tuneful. It used to be a lot noisier. Droney and hypnotic in the best possible way. I am doing CAD to this, its perfect. The noise of marbles in a blender was challenging for me earlier. Does today's show have a particular theme by the way?
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Handy Haversack:

Stay cool, Krys! We have to go out and flier for Kate's show next week soon. NOT going to be pleasant.

Thanks for another great show, Bryce. Always glad to be here.

Later on, Marmelizers!
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Mister Dobalina:

We have lots of mulberry trees around the hood. What really blew me away was two summers ago, a tree that was planted in my building complex which had the most delicious, elephant ear plums. Most beautiful tasting plum EVER!
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Thanks for the set Bryce! Enjoying hearing this cut from Abrams NIS in anticipation of hearing the group in concert tomorrow afternoon in Chicago.
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Handy Haversack:

The mulberry trees in our back yard drop their berries in the late spring, and the dog spends about three weeks getting drunk on fermenting mulberries. It is not a pleasant phenomenon.
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Mister Dobalina:

Sorry, elephant heart plums, my bad.
wfmu listener phillip:

Oh wow😩 the show is almost over. Wow that was fast. Great show @bryce
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What is prickly pear for 2000?
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Thanks Bryce!
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Handy Haversack:

chresti: overpriced!
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@Wild Neil: You've gained some altitude! Does the piñon grow up there?

Been to NM a few times, mostly around ABQ. Beautiful. And lots of cops on the highway (seemed predatory).
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@Handy: I can't imagine where that dog got that idea
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thanks Bryce
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Haha Handy
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

I think pinon grows here. It is at the paleta bar (Mexican ice cream bar). I saw guy selling some, it costs as much as weed back in the 80's!! He wanted like 40 bucks for about an ounce of pinon, it was nuts!
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Wild Neil: It's my current plan to retire to New Mexico - where are you living?
WillCrete - what, Josh Abrams is playing tomorrow in Chicago?
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I k e:

@chresti@2:54, we're looking for an alternate name for the prickly pear, but since we probably didn't make that clear enough, you won't be penalized. Thanks for playing!

I think Sheila's comments probably move too fast for Fruit Jeopardy! Maybe we'll continue on Daniel Blumin's comments on Sunday at 6 (if he doesn't mind), if you guys want to!
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Mister Dobalina:

Good stuff as usual, Bryce. Thanks!
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WillCrete - if you see a long-haired dude in a WFMU T-shirt, please feel free to introduce yourself
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@ Wild Neil - Wegmans in Columbia, MD
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

I live in Norteast ABQ near Juan Tabo and Indian School. There is a Blakes Lotaburger ont the corner.

Thanks Bryce, you are an indispensable part of Friday.
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Hubig Pie:

River rats made a playground outta the mulberry tree in our backyard which became compost, post Katrina
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Handy Haversack:

fred: right? Who TRAINED him?!
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

I dont want this show to end!
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WildNeil - I heard that pinon is increasingly rare. I was out in NM in May/June, just loved it, want to move there. Albuquerque was great, Santa Fe too.
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Michael 98145:

Aloha from the smokey PNW
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Walter White is still there, you know.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Average price of a house in Santa Fe is 750,000. In ABQ its 265,000
Miss G:

Is this a long piece? It is very nice. . .
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$2k, what is opunia
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@Yeti Bob- Yeagh, Abrams' NIS is playing the Experimental Sound Studio event tomorrow. Should be great. I'll keep my eyes open for you certainly.
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thanks so much, everyone! always so nice to get share a friday with you!! be well
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What is tuna
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Thanks all! See you around!
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I k e:

Thanks Bryce!
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joe mulligan:

thanks Bryce!!
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"Got Arsenic?"
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I k e:

Holy crap! @chresti is correct! Ding ding ding!
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but santa fe is over 7000 feet, so you save on air conditioning
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I k e:

That was my toughest fruit question!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Blenderman Bryce. Have a good weekend!
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I cheated
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Its great that Sheila lets your show run over like this!
Tijeras=Santa Fe=Mexico City altitude wise
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@steveo: But wouldn't you have to drill 2000 feet deeper for water?
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Lotsa people have 100 foot wells, mandated depth. But yeah, some in the mountains have 1,000 foot wells.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

One gas station out in the desert had their well run dry, in Eastern NM. Charged us 2 bucks each to use his WC
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

The guy trucked in water 35 miles a few times a week.
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