Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from November 2, 2021 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting November 2, 2021

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
OR poiesis  ancient, labyrinth curved streets, people and high stony houses / Vico Vignoso, Genova   Favoriting Aporee.org    2021   
Cody Shaffer  Second Poem for Inez   Favoriting Inez and Lulu    2021  0:03:03 (Pop-up)
Nick Tearle  Muktinath Temple 3800m Pilgrims on Ponies   Favoriting Annapurna – Selected Field Recordings from Nepal    2021  0:10:52 (Pop-up)
Jason Hovatter  Black Growler   Favoriting Yellowstone Hydrogeological    2021  0:16:48 (Pop-up)
Thomas Evdokimoff  Grass in the Wind - Snow Geese Overhead / Terra Nova Rural Park, Richmond, BC , Canada   Favoriting Aporee.org    2021  0:23:22 (Pop-up)
Miduno  自然音 - 白州 - カエルの鳴き声01(バイノーラル録音)《2019.05優秀作》   Favoriting THE NOMINEES+    2021  0:30:26 (Pop-up)
Andrus Kannel  Crystal clear spring morning in Soomaa National Park, Estonia. May 23, 2021   Favoriting Crystal clear spring morning in Soomaa National Park, Estonia. May 23, 2021    2021  0:41:31 (Pop-up)
Binaural Recordings  Surrounded by dolphins in the river   Favoriting The Amazon Jungle / chapter one - scenes    2021  0:51:33 (Pop-up)
Matthias Feuersenger  Forest on Kadavu at ten in the morning   Favoriting Aporee.org    2021  0:57:13 (Pop-up)
Mønic  T-NET 1   Favoriting Trawler Tapes Vol: 2  Osiris Music UK  2021  1:07:32 (Pop-up)
Trip Shrubb  Mammes lÅtket Aum   Favoriting Trewwer, Leud un Danz  Faitiche  2021  1:10:55 (Pop-up)
Tomat  Siblings   Favoriting Diistemi  7K!  2021  1:13:33 (Pop-up)
Andrew Pekler & Giuseppe Ielasi  Maratea   Favoriting Palimpsests  Shelter Press  2021  1:16:18 (Pop-up)
Zvrra  Figurine   Favoriting Bizzaroland  Avian  2021  1:20:12 (Pop-up)
Kiwanoid  pank-t6h-pil   Favoriting Enter the Untitled  Mille Plateaux  2021  1:25:25 (Pop-up)
Luke Slater, Anthony Child & Lady Starlight  DIALOGUE#4   Favoriting DIALOGUE  A-TON  2021  1:39:33 (Pop-up)
TIBSLC  Tearing A Head Of Lettuce At Night   Favoriting Delusive Tongue Shifts - Situation Based Compositions  sferic  2021  1:54:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting




2:00:29 (Pop-up)
Bergsonist  Adorno   Favoriting virtualité EP    2021  2:05:12 (Pop-up)
DJ SWISHA & Kanyon  Luv Track (feat. DIYR)   Favoriting Club Simulator EP  DJ SWISHA  2021  2:08:57 (Pop-up)
Kangding Ray  Robust Version Nine   Favoriting Branches  Figure  2021  2:12:20 (Pop-up)
HD Substance  Beats & Pieces 12   Favoriting Beats & Pieces – Part 2  Corpus  2021  2:17:13 (Pop-up)
Mary Lake  Magnetic Island   Favoriting MMXXI Inferno  Céad  2021  2:24:20 (Pop-up)
Hassan Abou Alam  Breathe   Favoriting It Spills  Naive  2021  2:28:11 (Pop-up)
Sidewinder  Ripple Effect   Favoriting HoxD​-​13: Ripple Effect EP  Amniote Editions  2019  2:32:15 (Pop-up)
Alexander Johansson & Mattias Fridell  Sinnesorgan I   Favoriting Sinnesorgan  ANAØH  2021  2:37:02 (Pop-up)
Lisa Oakes  Warrior   Favoriting Ben Sims Presents: Synchronicity Part Two  Symbolism  2021  2:41:39 (Pop-up)
Planetary Assault Systems  Give In   Favoriting Sky Scraping  Token  2021  2:45:55 (Pop-up)
Exium  Erosion 4   Favoriting Surface Erosion EP  Mord  2021  2:51:09 (Pop-up)
Cressida  Myosin   Favoriting NS001  Natural Selection  2021  2:54:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hello, Jesse. November is for noise.
Avatar 7:02pm
Listener Gregory:

I woke up this evening and found that my musique had become concrète. Is there a treatment for this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Hi Jesse and neighbors, surprise, I'm making coffee!
Avatar 7:03pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey StringOFperils! It sure is!
Hey Listener Gregory, we have etching powders for that.
Hey chresti! Save me a cup :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Avatar 7:06pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey WR! I think composing a sound poem at the grave of a long deceased girl.
Avatar 7:07pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

but yeah, maybe some digging. I'm digging at least.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Good evening, Jesse. And all Noise Enthusiasts!
Avatar 7:08pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Evening Summer and Michael and Sylvia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Jesse! Happy Day of the Dead!
Avatar 7:09pm
Listener Gregory:

Perhaps it's carving the poem into a gravestone. Sounds like... granite rather than marble. Definitely not shale. We would hear that immediately.
Avatar 7:10pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Webhamster Henry!
Avatar 7:10pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Inez Clarke, 1873 - 1880, resident of Graceland.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Dave in Vermont:

hello and thank you
Avatar 7:14pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Dave! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

Oh, Muktinath Temple 3800m Pilgrims on Ponies was
at 3800 meters above sea-level not 3,800,000 Pilgrims on ponies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm
Dave in Vermont:

The Yellowstone Geological link goes to the Annapurna bandcamp page
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

The link for the Jason Hovatter isn't working for me.
Avatar 7:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Oops, thanks y'all, just fixed it!
Jeff g. via app:

What’s nova, Jesse and friends?
Avatar 7:28pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Jeff G!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Dave in Vermont:

it's all super, Jeff
Jeff g. via app:

Beautiful, Dave!
Listener Gregory:

I heard a constant repeated cheeping on my walk n the woods today and finally identified it as coming from a chipmunk. (Imagine only one of the present critturs doing its thing.) Why would it sit there and draw attention to itself?
Avatar 7:42pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

It may have been drawing attention to you...?
Listener Gregory:

Maybe. But I was just walking through. It would have been smarter just to lie low.
Interesting discovery: One chipmunk is not sufficient for lunch.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Dave in Vermont:

One chipmunk is just enough to wake up yer appetite and not bed 'er back down again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

Sounding the alarm to all the chipmunks, LG?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

Hey neighbours
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

Hi Aitch
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm

I always answer back when I hear chirps, cheeps, squawks, meows, roars, howls..
Avatar 8:08pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Aitch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
Dave in Vermont:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm

And if I encounter a quiet creature I say "hello!" in a very high pitched voice.
Listener Gregory:

I meow at all the neighborhood cats, and most just look at me as if I am insane.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

I sometimes say "thank you, Mr Lizard" to lizards when they're catching flying insects.

Hi, Jesse! Hey, racketeers! The best way to get a cat’s attention is to drop kibble into a bowl.
Avatar 8:21pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Andres!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

Absolutely Andres!

A field recording of feeding time would include the sounds of paws and claws charging down the hall, incessant meowing, and cursing at the beasts’ over-enthusiasm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

Neighborhood cats come gather 'round when they here the door on the front porch. Ha Andres
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:28pm

Listener Gregory:

A pair of suicide cats live down the road from me. They lie in the street after dark and don’t move as you drive towards them. So far I’ve avoided running over them, but I live in terror that they’ll throw themselves under my wheels some day. Their owner says they’re just deaf, but I see the desperation in their eyes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm

Nice and warm, I bet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:32pm

They warm up on top of our cars when it's a chilly morning
Listener Gregory:

You’re probably right. They’re indoors for most of the winter, so it won’t be a problem soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

A neighbor had kittens under their house a couple springs ago, they blocked the opening (trapping them in, I was afraid) after Franco told them about it.

LG, I wonder if they're deaf from loud car going over them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

Listener Gregory:

If so, that preceded my arrival, fortunately.
Avatar 8:57pm
Listener Gregory:

I liked that Dialogue track a lot, but I am concerned that there are three artists, which seems to contradict the name.
Avatar 9:00pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I think dialog can be two or more, not limited to two
Avatar 9:03pm
Listener Gregory:

Huh, you're right! I thought the "di" came from the Greek prefix for two, but in fact, it's "dia," which is "through" in Greek. Thanks, Jesse. Now I can enjoy that piece with peace of mind.
Avatar 9:05pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
Dave in Vermont:

here we go
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

Especially love the 3rd hour... ahhhh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

Hey everybody. Election night went well in the IRL neighborhood and now I am happy to be hanging in the nice noisy neighborhood.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

not to 'go there', just saying, end of one day, start of another nice timeslice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

So thanks Jesse.
Avatar 9:16pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

hey drowsy! Congrats then and welcome! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Kat in Chicago:

hello all!
Avatar 9:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Ah hey Kat!
Avatar 9:25pm
Listener Gregory:

Hi, Kat. Please don't lie down in the road when I am driving on it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
Kat in Chicago:

It wasn't me, Gregory!
Avatar 9:27pm
Listener Gregory:

Oh, OK. See earlier comments regarding that. I guess cat ≠ Kat. Sorry for the confusion. Welcome!
cArl from providence:

Hello all!!
Avatar 9:32pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

heya cArl my neighbor!

Helicopter flying by is mixing in nicely.

Incredible how seamless this all is! Nice work, Jesse!
Avatar 9:46pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

ah thanks Andres :)
Avatar 9:47pm
Listener Gregory:

Lisa Oakes is a developmental psychologist specializing in infant cognition. I have read her work but never heard her music. humandevelopment.ucdavis.edu...
Possibly this is a different person, but why should it be?
Avatar 9:48pm
Listener Gregory:

Also, this set IS always seamless. I am baffled at how you do it, Jesse.
Avatar 9:48pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

double threat really
Avatar 9:56pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

lol I meant Lisa Oakes is a double threat, not me obviously
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

Thank you, Jesse! Have a good one!
Avatar 9:58pm
Listener Gregory:

I think you have a possible career ahead of you in infant cognition, actually. But in the meantime, thanks a lot for the great show.

Thank you, Jesse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Thank you Jesse! Onward
Avatar 10:00pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Thanks all, have a great week everyone!
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