Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

April 11, 2004 Favoriting

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Favoriting Pride Of Man - Quicksilver Messenger Service
Favoriting Almost Human - The Pontiac Brothers
Favoriting Stars Burn Out - Mary Lou Lord

Favoriting Running Through My Nightmare - The Chesterfield Kings
Favoriting I'll Be Gone - The Opposite Six
Favoriting Diamond Head - The Howlin' Thurstons
Favoriting The 2,000 Lb. Bee (Part 2) - The Ventures
Favoriting Cool And Wild - The Mad Daddys
Favoriting Leave Me Be - The Zombies

Favoriting Born Loser - Leighton Koizumi Featuring Tito & Thee Brainsuckers
Favoriting Summer Snow - Lou Christie
Favoriting Lily - The Lyres
Favoriting Bye Bye - The Ban
Favoriting Goddess - The Petals

Favoriting Julia - Horrorpops
Favoriting Ha Ha Said The Clown - The Yardbirds
Favoriting Roulette - The Flakes
Favoriting I Fought The Law - The Bobby Fuller Four
Favoriting Peril-ized - The Sultans
Favoriting No Time Like The Right Time - The Blues Project

Favoriting Medication - The Maharajas
Favoriting She's Too Familiar Now - The Quadrangle
Favoriting La Perouse - Merrell Fankhauser
Favoriting Tonight (Could Be The Night) - The Velvets
Favoriting '69 El Camino - Southern Culture On The Skids

Favoriting Bill McCai - The Coral
Favoriting Bad Time - The Roulettes
Favoriting The Sinking Ship - Frigg A-Go-Go
Favoriting Outside Chance - The Turtles
Favoriting Shadow - Thee Headcoatees
Favoriting If I Needed Someone - The Cryan Shames

Favoriting She Said - Holly Golightly
Favoriting Are You Gonna Be There (At The Love-In) - The Chocolate Watch Band
Favoriting I Didn't Cry - The Pandoras
Favoriting Greenback Dollar - Barry McGuire
Favoriting Find Another Girl - The Midways

Favoriting I Know Your Name - The Maggots
Favoriting Who Do You Love - Tom Rush
Favoriting Apache - Romeo Void
Favoriting She Drives Me Out Of My Mind - The Swingin' Medallions

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