Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from December 21, 2021 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting December 21, 2021: Final Show of Neighbors Noise. Guest mix by The Everyday project!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Lake Wilson wildlife  at night   Favoriting Lake Wilson, AR    2021  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bells and wood blocks  Under Gavin's bridge   Favoriting     2021  0:30:14 (Pop-up)
Mark Spybey  Action XII   Favoriting Bora Scura Reimagined  Pharmafabrik  2021  0:38:22 (Pop-up)
Poly Chain, Stanislav Tolkachev  Related Questions   Favoriting Aswang  Fallen Metropolis  2021  0:41:35 (Pop-up)
Michał Zygmunt  Rytm/Rhytm   Favoriting Pociągi Pod Specjalnym Nadzorem/Closely Watched Train    2021  0:54:39 (Pop-up)
Nick Tearle  Prayer Wheel   Favoriting Annapurna – Selected Field Recordings from Nepal    2021  0:56:30 (Pop-up)
  Guest Mix by The Everyday Project

The Everyday project is a collective of listeners and sound enthusiasts from various communities around the world. Currently, we explore, gather and document the sonic heritage of Iran through recorded sounds of Everyday life; aiming to establish an interactive archive to exchange recordings, share listening experiences and engage with found sounds in a new context. We come together in the shared intimacy of sound through the tools of technology and time. Hearing the relationship between sound and language is in an ongoing process formed by both well-known and unknown contributors as well as by nonhumans, broadening the listening sphere of our extended collective."
روزمره پروژه‌ای مشارکتی و حفاظتی است برای شناخت، گردآوری و مستندسازی میراث شنیداری ایران و احیای این میراث با بازآفرینی در بستر موسیقی. میراث شنیداری تمام صداهای موسیقیایی و غیرموسیقیایی اطراف ما را در برمی‌گیرد. در زمانی که دیگر این صداها به گوش نمی‌رسند، از طریق این گنجینهٔ گردآمده می‌توانیم به اطلاعات و خاطرات گذشته دست یابیم. حاصل این فعالیت یک بایگانی همگانی دیجیتال و فعالیت‌های هنری با استفاده از صداهای درون این بایگانی است. آنچه می‌شنوید کلاژی صوتی از همین صداهاست که در گروه روزمره ساخته شده.
  Artist Track Album Label/Source Year
pantea Atlantic Ocean everydaymeal czaszka (rec.) 2020
Nilufar sister waves unreleased 2021
momo zeli flasche unreleased 2019
Nilufar quarantined in KC unreleased 2020
pantea Kati garden at night unreleased 2021
cyrtopodion Microgecko_latifi https://freesound.org/people/cyrtopodion/sounds/478995/ 2019
Panjool Helicopter unreleased 2021
pantea Plate ambient unreleased 2020
Payam Yekta Truck Sonic Tehran map
Mehdi Ansari Cranes unreleased 2021
Payam Yekta Fruit seller Sonic Tehran map 2021
Payam Yekta Fish seller Sonic Tehran map 2021
Parisa Mirsadeghi Max in the middle of greens unreleased 2021
Noureddin Zarrinkelk Atal Matal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXP6qenHJ6g 1974
momo zeli gerede sholuq unreleased 2019
Jean Jenkins Tuning of the Tar. Tehran, Iran Jean Jenkins collection at National Museums Scotland 1975
Slit-gong signalling Slit-gong signalling Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest https://folkways.si.edu/mbuti-pygmies-of-the-ituri-rainforest/world/music/album/smithsonian 1957
Sooshiant laleh for Pew unreleased 2021
Golha Radio Golhaye Rangarang 1 Special Persian Gulf www.golha.co.uk
Morteza Niknahad دریای مواج خلیج‌فارس، جزیره لاوان Lavan island, Persian Gulf https://t.me/gooshvarehvoise 2021
Dan Robinson Iran Tehran 1970s: Raw Recording www.shortwavearchive.com 1970s
Anna Rezaei Yusefabad, sounds of water flowing through joob Sonic Tehran map 2021
Morteza Niknahad Zaar, Bandar Abbas صدای آئین زار، یکی از محله‌های بندرعباس https://t.me/gooshvarehvoise 2021
momo zeli Leipzig printers unreleased 2021
momo zeli Ubahn Berlin unreleased 2021
pantea Aush Reshteh Cookalong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1R99iheu7s&t=172s 2021
Sooshiant didgePew2
Sooshiant ForPew
Dour Nist جوکول شیرینی سنتی گیلانی ها https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmLNMeZWwoA 2020
Navid Afghah Timequake Ear 5, Audio Magazine, Mahriz Recordings
Ali Samadpour Domino Ear 2, Audio Magazine, Mahriz Recordings 1382/ 2003
soundsnap در حال میت زدن پا توسط یک تکواندو کار www.soundsnap.ir
BBC farsi عدالت انقلابى – مستند excerpt from documentary
Raha Faridi Nasrin's Taxi radio podcast https://rahafaridi.com/radio ca 2005
Sevda Khatamian Quiet subway ride www.sonictehran.com
Patrik Åberg Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) Minab, Hormozgan Province, Iran xeno-canto.org
Sonic Tehran Fireworks Sonic Tehran map
wind of Jiin or Zaar Bade- Jen documentary by Nasser Taghvaei listened-by Roya excerpt from documentary
Dour Nist In Talesh, weaving fabrics is a tradition still kept by women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fOXz8STtPs 2020
Arovane + Porya Hatami trennung von materie und geist trennung von materie und geist Organism evolution
Anna Rezaei Yaftabad Pigeons Sonic Tehran map
Hoor & Moor ceremony Moor Ear 1, Audio Magazine, Mahriz Recordings
Leonie Roessler thespAceinbetween unreleased
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) RAWA patriotic song of Afghanistan women https://archive.org/details/RawaPtrioticSongOfAfghanistanWomen
Hossein Pishkar A Dream's Whispering Ear 5, Audio Magazine, Mahriz Recordings
pantea Aush Reshteh Cookalong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1R99iheu7s&t=172s 2021
Jesse Kaminsky Hang On Till Tomorrow Jesse Kaminsky bandcamp 2021
Sevda Khatamian Kids fighting at the duty-free shop Sonic Tehran map
Moein Shashaei 20140629 183029 unreleased
Claude Lelouch Iran 1971 excerpt from film https://archive.org/details/Iran1971 1971
pantea & momo zeli based on field recordings by Yalda Yazdani & Christoph Wieland Rythmoscape 2021
Masoud Hasannia The galesh community https://www.instagram.com/galesh.eco/
Mah Gol, Shah Gol Hawâbeh Jân Hawâbeh / Ghu Ghu Balg-E Chenâr Afghanistan: Female Musicians of Herat The Orchard Music (on behalf of Smithsonian Folkways Recordings / Auvidis-UNESCO)

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting




2:08:23 (Pop-up)
Spiral Instinct  700ug   Favoriting Militant Hedonism  vera53327  2020  2:08:34 (Pop-up)
D.Dan  Burnout   Favoriting Mutant Future EP  Lobster Theremin  2020  2:11:39 (Pop-up)
Peachlyfe  Elemental Friend   Favoriting Swamplyfe  Lobster Theremin  2021  2:13:43 (Pop-up)
DJ Headwound  Zero-Point   Favoriting Burning Chrome  Gypnōticå  2020  2:16:01 (Pop-up)
R3-V3  Burn   Favoriting Acid Droplets EP  INTROSPECTIVE.RECORDS.INTR  2021  2:22:05 (Pop-up)
DRAAG  +++++   +E+X+E+C+U+T+E+  Nypra  2021  2:23:50 (Pop-up)
DJ Valentimes  Dalmatia   Favoriting D.A.  Puppy Tapes  2020  2:28:37 (Pop-up)
Breakage  The Original Certified Bubbler   Favoriting The Original Certified Bubbler  Index  2021  2:31:28 (Pop-up)
Less Distress  Ambivalent Nature   Favoriting L'eau Repousse Les Feux Agressifs  Mama Told Ya  2021  2:33:51 (Pop-up)
Tris  Can't Do That   Favoriting Warehouse Trooperz  Harmless Records  2021  2:37:19 (Pop-up)
Krow  Nasturtium   Favoriting   Dysphoria  2021  2:41:23 (Pop-up)
Swarmm  Coils   Favoriting NS001  Natural Selection  2021  2:44:22 (Pop-up)
Pneumatix  Liquid Hall   Favoriting Violent EP  Pneumatic Records  2021  2:47:37 (Pop-up)
DJ Coldsteel  Ice Diamond   Favoriting Trickster Spirit  Acid Waxa  2021  2:52:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Hey Jesse. Hate to see you go. Come on up and see us sometime! All best- Stork
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

Let's all enjoy this last one.
Cheers Jesse
Avatar 6:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey earlybirds! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
listener james from westwood:

Evening, Jesse and all!
Avatar 6:54pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Evening James!
Avatar 6:55pm
Jeff Moore:

Hey, Jesse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

Party like all the neighbors are at the party!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Uncle Michael:

I'm not about to let this moment pass in quiet ambiance. Be stranger, but don't be a stranger.
Avatar 7:00pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Jeff!
Welcome WR!

Hi, Jesse! Hey, Neighbours!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Good evening and farewell, dear Jesse. Thank you for your wonderful show. All good things to you & yours...
Avatar 7:01pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Michael, stranger and stranger every day but you haven't seen the last of me!
Avatar 7:01pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey evening Andres and fam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hi Jesse and neighbors!
listener phillip (in the bronx):

Go? Whose going?
Avatar 7:02pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Evening Summer and Michael and Sylvia, thank you!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Kat in Chicago:

"Be stranger, but don't be a stranger" is good advice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
Doug Schulkind:

If he could, Jesse would duct tape a microphone to each of our chests and broadcast the sound of our breaking hearts. Then he'd broadcast the sound made by yanking the duck tape off our heaving chests.

Long live Neighbors Noise!!!!
listener phillip (in the bronx):

These sounds are soo soothing.
Avatar 7:03pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey afternoon chresti!
Evening listener phillip, this is my sunset!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Dave in Vermont:

look at all the comments already!
we're sitting outside with a fire and i said it's not seven yet is it....
you're soundtracking our solstice gathreing
Avatar 7:03pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Kat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Kat in Chicago:

Or sample our hearts for a techno banger maybe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Dave in Vermont:

what Doug said
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Dave in Vermont:

and what Kat said
listener phillip (in the bronx):

Oh that sucks!🤬 I love these sounds! I've only heard 4 shows and I love them all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
chris in the redwoods:

hi, Jesse and neighbors.
Jesse, your show inspired me to dig out the recorder and start recording again. i'm forever grateful.
Avatar 7:05pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Evening Doug, I'm humbled to be in such great company, thanks for being streamdaddy for the past ~10 years
Avatar 7:05pm

Hey Jesse!! Thanks for scoring my virtual camping trip! Is this your own field recording?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Uncle Michael:

Duck tape goes 'quack'.
Avatar 7:05pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey chris, so glad to hear that! I'd love to hear you hear :)

Jesse, godspeed on your last show and in all future pursuits!
Avatar 7:06pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey djnogoodnick! I'm so happy to overlay your natural soundscape :)
Yeah, I recorded this noisy pond with my mom over the summer
Avatar 7:06pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Funky16Corners, thanks so much! :)
Avatar 7:07pm

It's lovely. Makes me miss living on the Delaware River for a short while this past year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm
chris in the redwoods:

its my goal to share what i record. though i am still in the learning curve of editing (when/how much/to what effect).
Avatar 7:10pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@chris, I assume you know about aporee.org when you're ready?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
chris in the redwoods:

only because of your show, Jesse. :)

Jesse! All the best in everything coming your way! Thanks for all the wonderful shows!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Kat in Chicago:

This is a really good recording, comes through well on my lil Tascam monitors
Avatar 7:13pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey bigplanetnoise, thanks so much for your kind words! :')
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

Happy Solstice, all :)
Gina Bacon:

Happy trails to you, Jesse! So glad to have been part of the Drummer stream with you!
Avatar 7:14pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Thanks Kat! All credit goes to the LOM mikroUši microphones I was using :)
Avatar 7:15pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Happy Solstice redkayak!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

@Jesse - On to '22 I say...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

Wow, @7:07 @djnogoodnick: Knowing you were living on Delaware River puts a very different spin in my mind regarding your move to NYC. I had pictured you coming from something like NJ suburban urban sprawl.
Avatar 7:16pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Thanks Gina! It's an honor to have shared this ship with you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Bas NL:

Thanks for sharing the world of sounds with us Jesse! Best of luck on your new adventures!

Sounding good on the phone speakers as well as I roam and chore about the house. Field recordings part of the show always gets the most feedback from the family.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Little Danny:

hello jesse!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️ so bittersweet 😢
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Jeff Golick:

I guess I prefer so long, to goodbye? So a bientot.
Avatar 7:21pm

@WR Ah well, it was just outside the Trenton / Philly area but a very bucolic setting. Quite a drastic change after 12 years of Brooklyn & Queens. Like a restful dream that was just a little boring.
Doug Schulkind:

I’m headed out to a function. I’ll keep checking in on the noisiest neighbor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Little Danny:

also jesse just a heads-up i will be doing some light guilting over the next few hours
Avatar 7:21pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Bas NL! Thanks for staying up late tonight and thanks for everything through the years!
Avatar 7:22pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Sooner than later Jeff G!
Avatar 7:23pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Little Danny! Lay it on me! :->
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

Avatar 7:23pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@Doug, I love a functional Tuesday, let us know what the world is like out there :)
Avatar 7:23pm

@Jesse Ah, Arkansas!! I was wondering..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

hi Jesse. you will do a fill-in now & then no?
Avatar 7:23pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey coelacanthø!
Avatar 7:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@djnogoodnick yeah, this is height of summer sounds on a sunday night
Avatar 7:25pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@coelacanthø, I'll definitely pop up again in some form or another :)
Avatar 7:25pm

Sounds like quite a raucous winged-insect party. Or a mid-period Stereolab LP interlude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

working well with the real sounds of reversing forklift coming from across my lane
Avatar 7:27pm

I don't want my neighbor to leave, who knows what lowlifes might move in!
Avatar 7:28pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Julie! So glad to have shared the Tuesday night block party with you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
chris in the redwoods:

they'll still be noisy, Julie. of that, you can be certain! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Rich in Washington:

I don't know what I'm going to listen to while cooking dinner now, Jesse!
Avatar 7:31pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Rich! I propose you listen carefully to the sound of the food cooking ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Discotech Underground:

Hey Jesse...good luck with your future endeavors! We'll miss you on the Drummer stream!

Evening chores finished, hopefully, and settling in here. Gear case and pillow ready for reclination duty. Thanks for all the sounds Jesse; best wishes for your new voyages.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm
Kat in Chicago:

Pauline Oliveros would be proud of you for that suggestion, Jesse
Avatar 7:32pm

Yes the new show will be Rich cooking
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Kat in Chicago:

I'd probably tune in
Avatar 7:33pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Discotech Underground, thanks so much for your kind words! :=)
Avatar 7:33pm

This new piece sounds a bit like the Blair Witch cooking
Avatar 7:33pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey mic_a, welcome to the dreamtheater!
Avatar 7:35pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I have a tremendous guest mix in the second hour of the show by The Everyday project so I'm going to mix up the format a little lol
Avatar 7:39pm
Flash Strap:

Hi Jesse & hello Neighbors! hate to see this sweet thing end brother, gonna miss ya
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, Jesse. Loved the "outsider music," as it were, over the years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Kat in Chicago:

Outsider music actually recorded outside
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Haha, yes. That's what I was going for there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

i've made field recordings in a field
Avatar 7:42pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Flash Strap! Thanks so much :) It's bittersweet but time for me :')
Avatar 7:42pm

That was a seamless segue into quite ominous noise. Had to turn it down so as not to disturb my neighbors, an older Greek couple who don't know me well yet hehe
Avatar 7:42pm
Flash Strap:

for us all
Avatar 7:43pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Ken from Hyde Park! Loved being the window to the field these years :?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

Jesse, you need to fix the album link for Aswang.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

Hi Jesse and listeners! That's some neighbors noises I will miss!
Avatar 7:45pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Oops, thanks WR, should be fixed now!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
Little Danny:

Loving this!
Avatar 7:46pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Yvang! :)
Avatar 7:48pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@Little Danny, it's hard picking those "last songs" lol

Settled on the couch and listening on the big speakers. Now the neighbours can hear it. Or at least a room or two over they can.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

All brand new and wonderful! Thanks Jesse! See ya when we see ya!
Avatar 7:55pm
still b/p:

To paraphrase Grinch:
"And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
There's one thing we loved! All the NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!"
Avatar 7:57pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey still b/p! ::_)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
chris in the redwoods:

will be catching up in the archives, lots of neighbors noise i missed. until next time, Jesse, fare thee exceptionally well.
Avatar 7:58pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Until next time Chris, have a great one and see you sooner than later!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
chris in the redwoods:

and happy solstice, all!
Avatar 7:59pm

I need to jump as well, Jesse, but I enjoyed the noise and will be delving into the archives. Thanks and best of luck with your future plans!
Ben in Brattleboro:

Yay neighbors noise!
Ben in Brattleboro:

Happy Solstice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Bas NL:

*Croak, croak, croak!*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Dave in Vermont:

we love them who hasn't chatted
Avatar 8:09pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Night djnogoodnick, thanks so much and see you sooner than later!
Avatar 8:09pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Ben, happy solstice!!
Avatar 8:10pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

There are 53 tracks in this guest mix! I'll post them all as a comment after the mix because I can't tell where they start or stop lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
david w:

Thank you, Jesse for all that you have shown me, taught me, treated us all. A delight!
Avatar 8:13pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey David! Humbled and honored to have shared the stream with you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm

greetings, Jesse and neighbors!
Avatar 8:18pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey hi spodiodi!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

Have been browsing the The Everyday Project website. They have done many projects in many countries. The mix we are hearing is all Iran?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Jesse, great stuff, this guest set! Is there a link to the Everyday Project?
Avatar 8:23pm
Kris Holmes:

Gonna miss you Jesse
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm

Here is their website:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Thanks, WR!
Avatar 8:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Well I don't actually think they have a website but there is another project by the same name that focuses on photography.
Avatar 8:25pm
Kris Holmes:

KaminskyKamoutsky forever!!
Avatar 8:25pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I'm pretty sure that's a different project with the same name, confusing lol.
Avatar 8:25pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Here's Pantea's website, she was my connection to the group: pantearm.github.io
Avatar 8:26pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Ahhh lol @Kris
Every week I fight the urge to say that the Long way Holmes is up next :0
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Thank you, Jesse! Her Bandcamp here: pantea.bandcamp.com
Doug Schulkind:

No have you blasting at Jessie’s dinner with work colleagues. Turn it UP.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

Yes, what I linked to seems to be all photography, using instagram. Was looking around to see if they have sound as well...
Avatar 8:27pm
Kris Holmes:

Jesse this is the week
Gary via app:

Nooooo, don’t leave uuuusssssss!!!
Avatar 8:28pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

And make sure everyone talks louder over there!!
Avatar 8:30pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Garyyy! Leaving the rotation but hopefully I'll still be wandering around the compound :)
Avatar 8:30pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Ah ok so I finally found The Everyday Project web site, sorry that's on me: theeveryday.hotglue.me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm

Thank you Jesse
Doug Schulkind:

Up all the way. All the way with Jesse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46pm
Little Danny:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48pm

love love love this
Avatar 8:58pm
Tony Coulter:

Dropping in late, but glad/sad to be here for the final hour. We're all going to miss you, Jesse!
Avatar 8:59pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Tony! Glad to see you, thanks so much, it's been a treat to share the streamship with you these many years!
Avatar 9:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Weird as it sounds, I'll miss not doing the virtual co-host thing for you during marathons.
Avatar 9:02pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Haha, I CAN relate!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02pm
Kat in Chicago:

That really was a beautiful mix
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm

Yes, that was fantastic!
Avatar 9:07pm
Tony Coulter:

Yes -- fill-ins! I'll bug you about it for sure.

Got here for the last hour!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm
Little Danny:

could be faster tho jesse
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

Always love the banger hour
Avatar 9:09pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

northguineahills! You got here!
Avatar 9:09pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@Little Danny, don't tempt me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

So until another DJ fills this slot, Julie can go past her current four hours?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Kat in Chicago:

And suddenly we techno

Turn it up for all the neighbours!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Little Danny:

hot damn
Ben in Brattleboro:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm

‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)‎(/.__.)/ \(.__.\)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm

I look forward to what we hear after Jesse goes through the stages of rebirth. I was happily surprised to hear what you played for an intercontinental singles fill in. wfmu.org...
Avatar 9:14pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Ben in Brattleboro:

Did not know lobster Theramin was doing this kinda stuff too these days
Doug Schulkind:

Jesse, the stream needs a fill-in next Friday evening, 7-9pm. Just sayin’.
Avatar 9:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@WR, my old/alternate life was filled with singles haha: www.mixcloud.com...
Avatar 9:18pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@Doug, let's definitely talk!

Is dj headwound the. Dj avatar for SNL’s head wound harry?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm

I'll be checking that Intercontinental.
Avatar 9:22pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

another lifetime
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Dave in Vermont:

New Year's Eve, 7-9. Marking my calendar.
Avatar 9:36pm

Here for the bittersweetness
Avatar 9:37pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey ARB!
Avatar 9:38pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Lol @Dave, "unconfirmed reports"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm

peer group pressure
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

@9:20 @northguineahills:

Thanks, WR!

Thank you, Jesse!! Always great!! Looking forward to the years of archives. All the best to you on whatever is next. Until next time. Take care!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Little Danny:

Thank you Jesse forever!! ❤️️❤️️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

Jesse, what a great final show! glad to have been here! thank you, take care and hope to hear you again soon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
David Dichelle:

Thank you for all of it, Jesse!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Kat in Chicago:

It's that time already :( Thank you so much, Jesse. Hope to hear you around these parts again soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Thanks again Jesse, show will be missed
Avatar 9:56pm
Tony Coulter:

Loved having had you as a neighbor, Jesse! Visit soon....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for being our neighbor, Jesse. Don't be afraid to knock if you need to borrow a cup of sugar!

appreciated for ever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

Thanks Jesse! I'll miss my weekly dose of well recorded noise!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

i wish to you a happy, peaceful, productive life Jesse. no one can blame you when you need to move on, but you're leaving a hole as you leave.
Thank you!
looking forward to hearing something from you again one day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Thank you Jesse! Looking forward!
Doug Schulkind:

Loooove you, Jesse!
Avatar 10:00pm

XOXOXOX Jesse!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

what coelacanth∅ sed.
Avatar 10:00pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Wow thanks everyone for being a part of this party! I'm honored to have been with you these years and looking forward to the next time already!

Happy Solstice! thank you and Onward!
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