logo by robert piersanti

May 1, 2004 Favoriting
The Super Karaoke Fun Time Band & Brother JT -- Live from the Record Fair! With Terre and guest MC Tom Scharpling
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Favoriting The Cherry Blossom Clinic with hostess Terre T

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
WFMU LIVE Audio Streams (Get help):   Pop-up  |  128k AAC  |  128k MP3  |  32k MP3

Wednesday 6 - 8pm (EST) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
Note: The music bed between sets is the william orbit remix of pierre henry's "psyche rock" taken from the 1997 album metamorphose -- messe pour le temps present featuring the music of pierre henry and michel colombier (FFRR/polygram 4562942).

The last column may have tons or NO info depending on how reliable my notes are. (I write up the set list as I play it)
Artist Title (*** = NEW)
The Super Karaoke Fun Time Band & Brother JT perform live   (Listen to this set: Pop-up)