Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from April 26, 2022 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Tue. Mar 11th, 3am - 6am: Jesse Dorris and his Co-Host Perro Caliente

Favoriting April 26, 2022: our own home

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images Approx. start time
MBRS  I Need Him Home   Favoriting The Razor Wire: Answering Machine (1990-2000) Behind the Wall of Incarceration  Natural Sciences  2020  https://naturalsciences.bandcamp.com/album/the-razor-wire-answering-machine-1990-2000-behind-the-wall-of-incarceration 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Severed Heads  Our Own Home   Favoriting Clean  Dark Entries  2020  https://severedheads.bandcamp.com/album/clean 
0:05:10 (Pop-up)
Dee Jay Nehpets  Nehpets House   Favoriting Dee Jay Nehpets  Dance Mania  1996   
0:07:15 (Pop-up)
DJ Hell & Jonzon  OK, That's Enough   Favoriting RWXHELL01  DBH-Music  1996/2022  https://dbh-music.bandcamp.com/album/rwxhell01 
0:10:20 (Pop-up)
Ryan James Ford  Slushie   Favoriting Exshaw  Djax-Up-Bitch/Clone  2021   
0:14:04 (Pop-up)
Echoplex  Takin' a Back Seat   Favoriting Divisible  LL Records  2001   
0:19:26 (Pop-up)
Amotik  Chalis   Favoriting Vistār  AMOTIK  2022  https://amotik.bandcamp.com/album/vist-r-album 
0:27:45 (Pop-up)
Uf0  planetrave   Favoriting Dancefloor Dreamtronics Vol. 2  Ganzfeld Records  2022  https://ganzfeldrecords.bandcamp.com/album/dancefloor-dreamtronics-volume-two 
0:30:32 (Pop-up)
BEARCAT  RUSH   Favoriting Promesses Vol. 2  Promesses  2022  https://promesses.bandcamp.com/album/promesses-vol-2 
0:35:36 (Pop-up)
DJ Stingray 313  No Knock   Favoriting F.T.N.W.O.  Micron Audio  2012/2022  https://djstingray313.bandcamp.com/ 
0:38:25 (Pop-up)
Dopplereffekt  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation   Favoriting Neurotelepathy  Leisure System  2022  https://leisuresystem.bandcamp.com/album/neurotelepathy 
0:43:32 (Pop-up)
Anthony Rother  Trooper   Favoriting BM9  Bad Manners  2022  https://badmannersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/bm9 
0:47:12 (Pop-up)
June  Elegy   Favoriting Artificial Dance  Artificial Dance  2022  https://artificialdance.bandcamp.com/album/june-window-of-time-ad017 
0:53:24 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Roland Kayn 

Tarego I   Favoriting






0:56:29 (Pop-up)
Gav & Jord  Pig Pilot   Favoriting Writings Ov Tomato  MAL Recordings  2022   
1:10:08 (Pop-up)
Anteloper  Seclusion Self   Favoriting Kudu  International Anthem  2018  https://intlanthem.bandcamp.com/album/kudu 
1:16:09 (Pop-up)
Mariel Roberts  Lock   Favoriting Armament  figureight  2021  https://marielroberts.bandcamp.com/album/armament 
1:25:48 (Pop-up)
claire rousay  everything perfect is already here   Favoriting everything perfect is already here  Shelter Press  2022  https://clairerousay.bandcamp.com/album/everything-perfect-is-already-here 
1:32:58 (Pop-up)
YUKO FUJIYAMA – GRAHAM HAYNES – IKUE MORI  Sadness Is   Favoriting Quiet Passion  Intakt Records  2022  https://intaktrec.bandcamp.com/album/quiet-passion 
1:48:10 (Pop-up)
Yann Novak  The Part of Her that Could Feel Was Gone   Favoriting Reflections of a Gathering Storm  PLAYNEUTRAL  2022  https://yannnovak.bandcamp.com/album/reflections-of-a-gathering-storm 
1:54:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Park Jiha 

Temporary Inertia   Favoriting

The Gleam 





2:01:48 (Pop-up)
Pascäal  Wrist/Trilobite   Favoriting Body  Dreamtone  2022  https://dreamtone.bandcamp.com/album/body 
2:10:14 (Pop-up)
Skee Mask  Verdigris   Favoriting ISS007  Ilian Tape  2022  https://iliantape.bandcamp.com/album/iss007-iss007 
2:14:54 (Pop-up)
DJ Trystero  想起   Null-A  The Trilogy Tapes  2022  https://thetrilogytapes.bandcamp.com/album/null-a-2 
2:18:39 (Pop-up)
Piezo  TB2   Favoriting LSD Superhero  Wisdom Teeth  2022   
2:24:27 (Pop-up)
Monotronique  Picture in a Cloud   Favoriting No Other Place Like Home  Livity Sound  2022  https://monotronique.bandcamp.com/ 
2:28:11 (Pop-up)
Rhode & Browne  Honeymoon Affair   Favoriting Nine to Shine  Toy Tonics  2022  https://rhodeandbrown.bandcamp.com/album/nine-to-shine 
2:34:54 (Pop-up)
Alan Dixon  Space Manoeuvres   Favoriting Lost Tapes Vol. 5  Aeon  2022   
2:40:54 (Pop-up)
Moscoman  Dalmar Is Back and It's Final   Favoriting Lake Mashu  Moshi Moshi Records  2022  https://moscoman.bandcamp.com/album/lake-mashu-ep 
2:45:44 (Pop-up)
Norma Tanega  A Street That Rhymes at Six A.M.   Favoriting I'm the Sky: Studio and Demo Recordings, 1964-71  Anthology Recordings  2022  https://anthologyrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/i-m-the-sky-studio-and-demo-recordings-1964-1971 
2:50:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Ben Bondy 

Dream Bleed   Favoriting

Ben Bondy 

Quiet Time 




2:53:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02am

G'day Jesse & Polymorphs!
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

He-he-helloooooo everyone
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Hello from the Brooklyn isolation chamber for another week. And many thanks to the skeleton crew keeping the show in your ears!
Avatar 3:05am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09am

Thanks Skellies!! 😎🤙🍻☠️
Avatar 3:11am
Jesse Dorris:

How's everyone doing this week?
Avatar 3:11am

Hello Jesse and all!
Avatar 3:13am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi, Sylvia! What's the mood over there, with this not-the-worst election news?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15am

Trying to just hang loose lately Jesse. How you doin' mate?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16am

G'day Sylvia! 😎🤙💨☕🌻
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16am

Hello Jesse and listeners
Avatar 3:17am

we’re temporarily relieved, so no celebrations. And we have parliamentary elections coming up in June so we’re not out of the woods yet.
Avatar 3:17am

Hey Scott!

this is great
Avatar 3:19am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi Fred!
Avatar 3:19am
Jesse Dorris:

Yeah that seems the most we can hope for at the moment, Sylvia!
Avatar 3:19am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya, Tak, yeah this is a great record
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:20am
Paulo AD:

Ola all :) hope you're all well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21am

@Paulo: How's the countdown going? Is it D-3?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:21am
Paulo AD:

It is indeed sir. Cannot wait :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22am

G'day Paulo, hope work has eased up a bit mate.
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Paulo!

good morning DJ JD! dungeon vibes
olá Paulo!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:22am
Paulo AD:

Scotty, it's still chaos. But sometimes a sense of calm washes over my and I can't be fucked... Then the anxiety kicks in again haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:23am

G'day Fred, sighs of relief for you & Sylvia?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:24am
Paulo AD:

How you doing Jesse, how's your week been? My weekend was spent smashing Serverence
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24am

@Scott: A mix of relief and bitterness, not a cocktail I'd recommend. Are you still on a light beer diet or have you recovered from the reopening?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:25am
Paulo AD:

Tak, Sylvia :) how goes it
Avatar 3:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Paulo I'm doing ok! I binged that in advance of a little piece on its set design that I wrote for Surface, just an extraordinary show.
Avatar 3:27am
Jesse Dorris:

But everyone in NYC is still getting covid so I mostly laid low this past week....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:28am
Paulo AD:

The entire aesthetic is amazing. The house his sister lives in... Dream
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29am

@Jesse: So it's still confuse-a-cat day in your household?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30am

Light Beer from now on Fred! & recovered enough for next weekend of TRASH too mate!
Avatar 3:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Paulo, totally, and I'm obsessed with the little VFX stuff they did to make the white HQ hallways contrict and swell as they walk through them, so disorienting. And the computers of course
Avatar 3:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Fred, both cats are totally and completely asleep this week. The nerve of them!
Avatar 3:32am

doing ok Paulo, covid struck for the first time in my house, my eldest son got it and has since recovered.
And I’ve been weaning off some meds that weren’t working for me anymore, withdrawal symptoms are no fun, last week was rough

sleepwalking home, this bpm makes it work
Avatar 3:33am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh Sylvia I'm sorry to hear that! But hope you are all on better paths now
Avatar 3:36am
Jesse Dorris:

Tak, it's useful right? Super feeling this Hi-NRG/trancey vibe atm
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37am

@Jesse: Is Uf0 a nerdy pun on UFO and f0 (aka fundamental frequency)?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:37am
Paulo AD:

Sorry to hear that Sylv. Have a cwtch and hope you all pull through soon
Avatar 3:39am
Jesse Dorris:

Fred I think it might be!
Avatar 3:42am

yes we are, Jesse, thanks
thank you, Paulo!
David in London:

Morning Jesse and all Glotals, greetings from the train.
David in London:

Paulo, Sylvia, Scotty, Fred, Tak.

Good morning Jesse and all Glotals!
Feeling really rough today. Hope it’s not the ‘rona!
Avatar 3:46am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey David!
Avatar 3:46am
Jesse Dorris:

OH NO Surgeon. Are you getting tested???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47am

@Surgeon: I hope so too! But as long as the cats are fed, it should work out (for them)

About to do a test

That Dopplereffekt track is great!
Avatar 3:50am
Jesse Dorris:

Hoping for one stripe, Surgeon!
Avatar 3:51am
Jesse Dorris:

And yeah, I like the Doppereffekt album so much. Best one from them in awhile.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:51am
Paulo AD:

Dai my man, how are ya
Avatar 3:52am

Loved that Dopplereffekt cut. This Rother's interesting. I thought for sure it was a "Sex With the Machines" remix, and maybe I still do.
Avatar 3:52am
Jesse Dorris:

Niall, haha I mean it could be!
David in London:

Paulo, just had a lovely week of holiday on the coast, and it’s a lovely sunny spring day in the metropolis, so spirits high. How’s the hot land?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:55am
Paulo AD:

In a word... Hot haha three sleeps until vietnam so the countdown clock is on
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:56am
Paulo AD:

Sorry to hear that surg, all the best. I had to take a lateral flown this morning as I was up coughing all night. Neg luckily
Avatar 3:57am

Sounds great in here hello out there!

@fred Of corse the cats got their breakfast. They always come first!
Avatar 3:59am
Jesse Dorris:

Glad to hear that Paulo! The results anyway

How’s it going Paulo?
Avatar 3:59am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya Toutevoix how are you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59am

@Toutevoix: Happy birthday! And I got the book, in a weird way (check your spam folder for details)
David in London:

Hello Toutevoix
Avatar 4:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Happy Birthday!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:06am
Paulo AD:

Happy birthday :)
Avatar 4:07am

@fred yes I just answered you that's fine just like we worked on this book in a weird way so.... yes fatidical 26th april Tchernobyl Chernobyl/Guernica memorial day well well kind still there I was ten on the day it blew up and still fear nuclear power plants sites nuclear war etc... let's hope for better days to come then Thanks Jesse always great to have you on my tuesdays morning even when I'm at work & thanks wfriends mu!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15am

re: Chernobyl: a former coworker was on a train from Kazakhstan to Armenia when it happened. They had just passed a fork in the railways when word got out, the next conscript train was sent there for cleanup. He dodged a bullet, but someone else caught it
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:16am

Sounds great!
David in London:

I have grave reservations about allowing pigs to fly aircraft, but this track is excellent nevertheless.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:17am

Cats could fly aircraft if they cared to do so, but they're not interested.
Avatar 4:18am
Jesse Dorris:

I think their hooves could handle it. And you're right, Ike, cats couldn't be bothered. Maybe if a series of treats were devised but even then...
Danny San:

,,,,,,some good stuff ,,
Avatar 4:21am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks Danny!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22am

@Toutevoix: I guess you could see Pierrelatte from the Ventoux
Avatar 4:25am

@fred, yes and also Albion remember gov use to hide there all the nuclear defense and nuclear warheads pointed towards...who knows where?!!! )) the place became a scientific research center quite fascinating

Loving the show today Jesse. So stark!

very interesting show! greetings from italy
David in London:

Right, end of the line, so time to disembark. Thanks Jesse. Have a good Tuesday Glotals.
Avatar 4:41am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks Surgeon! And welcome aboard diego, how's all in italy?
Avatar 4:42am
Jesse Dorris:

Bon voyage David!
Avatar 4:45am

morning… Claire is doing a tour in scandinavia soon… we just come back…
Avatar 4:46am
Jesse Dorris:

morning! Oh what a treat!
Avatar 4:46am

W/r/t Dopplerffekt, has that act become more of a collective musical outlet, a la Gescom? Did Gerald have anything to do with the latest album?

it’s fine jesse…it’s very cloudy right now here and it match perfectly with music you are playing
Avatar 4:47am

Dude operates under so many names, I don't even know who's who anymore.
Avatar 4:48am
Jesse Dorris:

Niall, it's mostly just been Gerald and To-Nhan and the new one is just the two of them entirely
Avatar 4:48am
Jesse Dorris:

It's definitely hard to keep up! I'm a huge fan and haven't heard so many of his various things
Avatar 4:51am

He seems a fascinating character, to be sure. Thanks, @Jesse Dorris!

Lateral flow test was negative!
Avatar 4:57am
Jesse Dorris:

Excellent news!

Have a zoom call now, so may miss the rest of the show.
Thanks for the music Jesse and have a great week everyone.
Avatar 4:58am

Nice, @surgeon.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:03am

Good Morning Jesse and everyone tuning in...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:03am

I'll take Surgeon's seat.
(Mmm...still warm)
Hi Jesse
Avatar 5:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Take care Surgeon!
Avatar 5:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Welcome aboard Strandlund and Stanley!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19am

Into this Skee Mask
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I could have used a skee mask during my skee ball champion days, oh so long ago in yesteryear, way back in 2016.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22am

ngh I knew a kid in Wildwood who hit the top hole all day it was amazing
Avatar 5:25am

@Bobby: at one watering hole I frequented, they kept on raising the score needed to win a free drink b/c of me (never had to pay for one there).
Avatar 5:26am

(this was in williamburg)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28am

Ha! Maybe it was you. The kid from Wildwood. Every roll even SOUNDED the same when it went in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30am

Morning Jesse, and crew! I'm liking this smooth sound from plezo
Avatar 5:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Loving this story, Bobby and Northguineahills
Avatar 5:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Billy, glad it's working for you
Avatar 5:44am

Escaping great tracks great to have you such a pleasure take care!!
Avatar 5:45am

thank you for the show, Jesse!
be well, y'all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46am

Thanks Jesse and people of the chat
Avatar 5:49am

This Moscoman cut reminds me a little of a Thylacine number:


I like it!
Avatar 5:50am

"skeeball wizard" doesn't have the same ring to it...

danks jesse, back to sleep for another hour, nice amniotic toonz!
Avatar 5:50am
Jesse Dorris:

Thank you all for spending the hours with me this week! Thank you for your ears!
Avatar 5:51am
Jesse Dorris:

Be well and stay safe!
Avatar 5:51am
Jesse Dorris:

I'll check out that track Niall!
Avatar 5:52am

I’ll be thinking of you lot at Pagan Rave this weekend:

Avatar 5:53am

Thanks for another great show, Jesse.
Avatar 5:54am
Jesse Dorris:

I'm off to find a new skyline, it's 6 AM! See you all back here next week.
Avatar 5:54am

Hope everyone is starting or ending a good day here :)
Avatar 5:57am

great show!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58am
Paulo AD:

Top show as always Jesse. I guess I'll see you in three weeks :) love ya man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59am

Great listening, as always. Thanks Jesse.
Have a good day.
Avatar 5:59am

Great show!
Craig in Red Hook Brooklyn:

Morning Clay and other prompt glistened!
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