Good evening Mr Fine Wine. About to head home from the fairgrounds. The Art & Charles Neville tribute was awesome and Bettye Lavette closed out my day nicely. See everyone soonish.
Hello, listeners! You may or may not have heard that my colleague Bryce was injured in an accident and needs financial help for his recovery. You can donate at his go fund me page...which ugh I can't seem to link to...can someone else, please??
"With These Eyes" is a raving fave and a floor filler...
Haha - As a NH native I can't say I personally encountered much baba ghannouj or funkiness, but I didn't make it to Lebanon much, so I'll let Revolution Rabbit speak to that specifically!
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Listener comments!
Matt from New Orleans:
Michael 98145:
Chili MacPagoda:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Chili MacPagoda:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Will the Sound Guy:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
listener 126464:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
solo mon:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:
Mr C:
Chocolate Shoes:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Chili MacPagoda:
but i think that group should've called themselves the elemenopeez.
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Michael 98145:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
still b/p:
Will the Sound Guy: