Mr. FW, we're gonna try to get to Union Pool tomorrow, but we're going out for (23rd!) anniversary dinner in Queens. If the flesh is willing, we'll hop the B62 down to Union Pool for you and Little Killers!
...whutzit like in Souuulllville ??
Every home is full of 45s
like you never heard before
it's like a damned Museum
behind every Single door
there isn't the most money
& now or then some crime
but it just might be the place
they invented having a good time
sometimes the lovers argue
& sometimes swear to stay
...wull I been there just a few times now
& I just can't stay away...
whutzit like in Soulville ?
Well already know
- you just needed to come here
for the Music to tell you so...
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Listener comments!
Handy Haversack:
Will the Sound Guy:
Handy Haversack:
Mr. FW, we're gonna try to get to Union Pool tomorrow, but we're going out for (23rd!) anniversary dinner in Queens. If the flesh is willing, we'll hop the B62 down to Union Pool for you and Little Killers!
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Kitschy Mama:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Don F.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Every home is full of 45s
like you never heard before
it's like a damned Museum
behind every Single door
there isn't the most money
& now or then some crime
but it just might be the place
they invented having a good time
sometimes the lovers argue
& sometimes swear to stay
...wull I been there just a few times now
& I just can't stay away...
whutzit like in Soulville ?
Well already know
- you just needed to come here
for the Music to tell you so...
Mr. Fine Wine:
Don F.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Handy Haversack: