G'day Pauly, fever broke over night, & today feels a bit better thanks mate. Just looking at the photos of Neil Hamburger performing at TRASH CULT last night. Missing that made me sad.
Hiya DA the DJ- RnS our lord + master! I hope ur well. Ah our DA thr DJ -no accuplaylist- I woulda helped u out in a heartbeat DA!!!next time ask me if u need help with any of this stuff 😘😘😘
But anyway I LOVE these stories and music !!
G'day Tezza! Yep the Hamburger was at my second home, & me to crook to go see him. !st weekend I've NOT been at TRASH CULT too. Thanks for the correction mate, though there was still the Mark of Cain pic up, last time I was in there. Not that I'm always visiting & reading the comments!?😉
Feeling quite a bit better too cobber!
DA THE DJ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
I hope u and the fambly are ok?!?🙏
Show is sounding so great!
If u ever need help with accuplaylist or blurb stuff please LMK- I’d be HONORED to help u!!
Tezza, if ya ever want me to do another, I'm happy to lighten ya load & do the ACCU Playlist & Pics mate. But ya need special clearance to access it don't ya?
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Listener comments!
Pauly from Clifton:
Pauly from Clifton:
Pauly from Clifton:
Terre T:
But anyway I LOVE these stories and music !!
Terre T:
Great drop in last week!
Did u see the accuplaylist correction ?
Terre T:
Terre T:
Feeling quite a bit better too cobber!
DA The DJ:
Terre T:
I’m glad ur feeling slightly better at least!
DA The DJ:
Terre T:
I hope u and the fambly are ok?!?🙏
Show is sounding so great!
If u ever need help with accuplaylist or blurb stuff please LMK- I’d be HONORED to help u!!
DA The DJ:
Terre T:
Terre T: