Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from September 20, 2022 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Tue. Mar 11th, 3am - 6am: Jesse Dorris and his Co-Host Perro Caliente

Favoriting September 20, 2022: Light your chalice

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Images Approx. start time
Peter Tosh  Buck-In-Hamm Palace   Favoriting Mystic Man  Rolling Stones Records  1979 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Shapeshifters  Love's Been Waiting (featuring Kimberly Davis)   Favoriting Love's Been Waiting  Glitterbox Records  2022 
0:08:43 (Pop-up)
Byron the Aquarius  A F R I C A   Favoriting A F R I C A  Purveyor Underground  2022 
0:14:18 (Pop-up)
Jovonn  Random (Extended Mix)   Favoriting Random/Get Over It  Nu Groove  2021 
0:19:21 (Pop-up)
Kyle Hall  Slam Deep   Favoriting The Shark  Forget the Clock  2020 
0:24:13 (Pop-up)
Nicky Soft Touch  Lonely City Cut 3   Favoriting Lonely City Cuts  Shall Not Fade  2022 
0:29:06 (Pop-up)
D. Tiffany  Bloom   Favoriting Xenolith v2.0  Kaptcha  2022 
0:34:37 (Pop-up)
Blank Wall Season  Mirror Chamber (with Forces)   Favoriting Thoughts on Manifolds  Genot Centre  2022 
0:41:05 (Pop-up)
Nox Vahn & Joseph Ray  Inhibitions   Favoriting Inhibitions  Anjunadeep  2022 
0:45:35 (Pop-up)
Viktoria Rebeka  Departed   Favoriting Departed  Affin  2013 
0:50:46 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fantastic Man 

By 1990-91   Favoriting

By 1990-91 

Superconscious Records 



0:56:57 (Pop-up)
1-800-GIRLS  Feels Right   Favoriting Something to Hold  Feelings Worldwide  2020 
1:04:05 (Pop-up)
Anderson  Double Bubble   Favoriting Numero Uno  Terrazo  2022 
1:09:43 (Pop-up)
Gabe Gurnsey  You Remind Me   Favoriting Diablo  Phantasy Sound  2022 
1:15:13 (Pop-up)
Mall Grab & Turnstile  I Wanna Be Blind   Favoriting Share a View  Looking for Trouble  2020 
1:21:33 (Pop-up)
The Voice in Fashion  Give Me Your Dub   Favoriting Give Me Your Love  EMI-Manhattan Records  1988 
1:26:12 (Pop-up)
Willie Colón  Set Fire to Me (Inferno Dub)   Favoriting Set Fire to Me  A&M Records  1986 
1:32:24 (Pop-up)
Nomads  Clouds   Favoriting Clouds  Kindisch  2020 
1:42:51 (Pop-up)
Aurèle  Malmo   Favoriting Aurèle & Friends Vol. 1  Demi-Monde  2022 
1:48:20 (Pop-up)
Swimful  Translation to Heaven   Favoriting Rushlight  SVBKVLT  2022 
1:51:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Oren Ambarchi 

I   Favoriting


Drag City 



1:57:09 (Pop-up)
Gi Gi  Lisle   Favoriting Sunchoke  Good Morning Tapes  2022 
2:04:40 (Pop-up)
Bees  Snowy Day   Favoriting Hi Keke  A Visiting Link  2021 
2:07:50 (Pop-up)
Dreems  Liquid Slumber   Favoriting Cult Dubs Phase Two  Multi Culti  2021 
2:13:03 (Pop-up)
Skyminds  After Twilight   Favoriting Terra Preta  Not Not Fun Records  2022 
2:19:12 (Pop-up)
Michal Turtle, Suso Saiz  Caravan to Inek   Favoriting Static Journeys  Planisphere Editorial  2021 
2:23:14 (Pop-up)
Lars Bartkuhn/Passion Dance Orchestra  Worlds (Theme)   Favoriting Worlds  Rush Hour  2014 
2:33:25 (Pop-up)
Renee Geyer  Be There in the Morning (Joaqin Joe Claussell Edit)   Favoriting The Unoffical Edits & Overdubs Vol. 2  Circuit T  2019 
2:48:48 (Pop-up)
Tranquility Bass  Mya Yadana   Favoriting Broadcast Standard Issue No 1  Exist Dance  1994 
2:55:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Hello Jesse and all Glotals!
Time to feed the cats 🐈
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02am

G'day Jesse & Polymorphs!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:04am
Paulo AD:

What is up JD :)
Avatar 3:05am
Jesse Dorris:

he-he-helloooooooo everyone
Avatar 3:05am
Jesse Dorris:

chasing the vampires out of the palaces...
Avatar 3:05am
Hubig Pie:

Saw Peter Tosh open for the Rolling Stones in 1978. He came on stage with the biggest reefer I've ever seen, billowing smoke and launched into Legalize it
Avatar 3:07am

Bonjour Jesse and all listening,
it's freezing here in France
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:07am
Paulo AD:

Scotty, planning three holiday at the moment is taking it out of me. Oz pretty much all booked. Just restaurant bookings left
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:08am
Paulo AD:

Iceland is destroying our bank account
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:08am
Paulo AD:

Hiya Sylv :) How do Surg
Avatar 3:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Sounds about right, Hubig
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Bonjour Sylvia! Seems early to have to bundle up so, but send that brisk air to NYC
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya Paulo, where all are you headed?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:09am
Paulo AD:

Hubig what tour was that? Emotional rescue... No

Some girls right
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

@surgeon give 'em an extra helping or so from me
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:10am
Paulo AD:

JD - off home for a week next month, the oz for 2 weeks in November, and Iceland for my wife's 40th in December
Avatar 3:11am
Jesse Dorris:

oh lovely
Avatar 3:11am
Hubig Pie:

Jah Paulo, Some Girls. They were a helluva rock band back then
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:12am
Paulo AD:

I saw them on the voodoo lounge tour, present from my uncle for my 16th.hes a huuuuge stones fan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13am

Paulo, only 3 days in Australia??? Fuck mate don't waste time & money to see me! I will be here when you have a proper Travelers Tour of Oz!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:15am
Paulo AD:

Scotty, two weeks in oz you mad man
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:15am
Paulo AD:

Three separate holidays
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16am

I see my man! That's still fuck all time here mate!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17am

Be cheaper to import me to Abucadabra! But I'd start a fucken jihad!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:21am
Paulo AD:

We're basically coming to just see my mate in melbs. So three days in Sydney, majority in melbs and last 3 nights in Cairns on a boat on the reef
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:22am

Good to know you got it sorted, sorta!
Avatar 3:29am

Off to a smashing start, Jesse, keep em coming!
Avatar 3:30am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks Buttercup!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:37am

My cats are chilling to this.

Well, maybe they're just chilling in general.
Avatar 3:41am
Jesse Dorris:

They've got the right idea, Ike!

Turning colder here so the cats have gone into ‘heat seeking’ mode.

Morning jesse!
Avatar 3:56am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Malcolm!
Avatar 3:56am
Jesse Dorris:

It's still so swampy and warm in NYC, and yet my cats seek out the hottest part of my apt
David in London:

Morning Jesse and all Glotals.
Avatar 4:02am
Rich in Bristol:

Loving the tuneage, Jesse!
Avatar 4:02am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning David, how's all with you?

Isn’t it so funky we all are alive at the same and still criticize our own being? Wtf Ftw seriously

Jesse, that previous set made me realize how much I want a Jesse / Kellen303 club night.

That Roxy music show sucked get honest
David in London:

All fine here thanks Jesse. Hope the same is true for you.
Avatar 4:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks @Rich!
Avatar 4:08am
Jesse Dorris:

@Gnomon I second that
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:16am

Domestic cats are all supposedly descended from the Near Eastern wildcat in the Fertile Crescent -- areas like modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, etc. and maybe Cyprus and northern Egypt. So, places it's hot as heck. So maybe that's why they like heat.

Don't know why but this set is making me want to play puzzle bobble/bust-a-move on PlayStation one

@Ike Makes sense. 🧐🐈
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:22am
David (in London):

I just spent a week on the Greek island of Rhodes where it was scorchio. There are hundreds of semi-wild cats wandering around, and lounging about in the heat. They were all very friendly, so I made lots of new friends by carrying a small extra bottle of 'cat water' around for them.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:23am
David (in London):

Malcolm, I was up in Manchester this week, so my heart swelled with pride when I looked out of the train at Stockport and saw the HM stack...
Avatar 4:24am
Rich in Bristol:

I was about to say "is that Turnstile I hear?" and lo and behold, yes it is!

Oh yeah! It's the madina of the north west. were still waiting for the invite to perform there though? Up to anything nice in MCR?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:28am
David (in London):

Malcolm, yes, they need to get that invite to us PDQ if we're gonna fit it in during the imminent world tour...

Was taking my son up to university. Managed to squeeze in a trip to see the new Bowie doc at the IMAX as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34am
Brian in UK:

Hello Jesse & pop pickers everywhere.

Fun place to be a student - Hope you are not suffering from empty nest syndrome! Oh not heard about the Bowie doc - sounds intriguing

This tune 🔥
Avatar 4:57am
Jesse Dorris:

SVBKVLT never misses
Avatar 4:57am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya Brian!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:59am
David (in London):

Morning Mr Brian.

Oren Ambarchi and Julie Ridey’s performance at Cafe Oto was amazing ✨🚀
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:08am
Paulo AD:

Nobody needs an hour meeting set at lunchtimes!!
Avatar 5:11am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh wow Surgeon I bet that was magic
Avatar 5:11am
Jesse Dorris:

Nobody, Paulo, nobody!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:13am
Paulo AD:

Proper nonsense too, and in person
Avatar 5:21am

GM Dreems lovin the liquid slumber
Avatar 5:22am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning desi!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:23am

Good Morning Jesse and everyone tuning in...
Avatar 5:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Strandlund!
Avatar 5:26am

Toothgrinder Tom:

Hey David in London, how are you and have you been in any good queues lately?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:36am
David (in London):

Hey T.Tom. I'm good thank you my man. And I hope the same is true of you? Funny you should ask, but yes, I was in a great queue for the pie shop the other day.
Peter from Boonton formerly Dover NJ:

Good morning all.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Good to hear you’re out and about.
Avatar 5:43am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Peter
Avatar 5:44am
Jesse Dorris:

Was the pie to die for, David
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:45am
David (in London):

Bowie documentaries, pie shops, I'm a veritable social whirlwind.

Jesse, well this is the city of Sweeney Todd...

If I don’t get to say before the end of the show- Thanks again for the great music Jesse ☺️
Avatar 5:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Almost there...thank you Surgeon and thanks to the rest of you for your ears this week!
Avatar 5:50am
Jesse Dorris:

And a little trainwreck just for you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am

Thanks Jesse, lovely stuff mate!

Great show thanks jesse
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:55am
David (in London):

Thanks for a great show Jesse.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:57am

Thanks Jesse!!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:00am

Thanks, Jesse!
Avatar 6:01am

TY Jesse Mind open & prepared 4 wake n bake ;)
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