Private Harold Harris (stereo)
"Private Harold Harris (stereo)" by "The Ian Campb...
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Orangutan (version two)
"Orangutan (version two)" by "Gary Lewis & The Pla...
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Candy Man (stereo CD)
"Candy Man (stereo CD)" by "The Nitty Gritty Dirt ...
Donna Loren & The Beau Brummels
It's Gotta Be
"It's Gotta Be" by "Donna Loren & The Beau Brummels"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening listeners! It's a cloudy night here in NYC with a temperature of 71 degrees and a humidity of 85 percent. So, grab a sweater and enjoy the night!
Del Shannon
Easy To Say (remix)
"Easy To Say (remix)" by "Del Shannon"
P.F. Sloan
I Know That You'll Be There (mono)
"I Know That You'll Be There (mono)" by "P.F. Sloan"
The Grass Roots
Where Were You When I Needed You (mono 45)
"Where Were You When I Needed You (mono 45)" by "T...
Music behind DJ:
Dorothy Ashby
Soul Vibrations
"Soul Vibrations" by "Dorothy Ashby"
Back announcing the set
Bob Dylan
Visions of Johanna [Take 4 Complete]
"Visions of Johanna [Take 4 Complete]" by "Bob Dylan"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening, music lovers! It's a cloudy night here in the Big Apple with a temperature of 71 degrees and a humidity of 85 percent. So, grab a sweater and get ready to listen to some great tunes!
The Canterbury Music Festival
Sunny Day (mono)
"Sunny Day (mono)" by "The Canterbury Music Festival"
The Lee Kings
It's Not Right
"It's Not Right" by "The Lee Kings"
The Byrds
It Won't Be Wrong (mono 45)
"It Won't Be Wrong (mono 45)" by "The Byrds"
Music behind DJ:
Roland Vincent
LSD Party
"LSD Party" by "Roland Vincent"
Back announcing the set
The Kinks
Days (mono mix)
"Days (mono mix)" by "The Kinks"
Girls Grow Up Faster Than Boys
"Girls Grow Up Faster Than Boys" by "Cookies"
The Left Banke
Dark Is The Bark (mono mix one)
"Dark Is The Bark (mono mix one)" by "The Left Banke"
Sloan & Barri
(Goes To Show) Just How Wrong You Can Be
"(Goes To Show) Just How Wrong You Can Be" by "Slo...
You I'll Be Following (Mono)
"You I'll Be Following (Mono)" by "Love"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt
"The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt" by "The Shadows"
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