All Strung Out
"All Strung Out" by "Nino Tempo & April Stevens"
Murray The K
The Sins Of A Family
"The Sins Of A Family" by "Murray The K"
The Lovin' Spoonful
Rain On The Roof (mono)
"Rain On The Roof (mono)" by "The Lovin' Spoonful"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City, with clouds in the sky and a warm temperature of 80 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 73 percent. So get out there and enjoy this beautiful day!
Tony Rivers and the Castaways
You're So Good To Me
"You're So Good To Me" by "Tony Rivers and the Cas...
The Immediate Singles Collection
Steve Ellis & The Starfires
That's How It Feels
"That's How It Feels" by "Steve Ellis & The Starfi...
Joey Paige
The Great Airport Mystery
"The Great Airport Mystery" by "Joey Paige"
Music behind DJ:
George Harrison
"Ski-ing" by "George Harrison"
Back announcing the set
Pretty Things
Balloon Burning (A Phase In The Life Of S.F. Sorrow)
"Balloon Burning (A Phase In The Life Of S.F. Sorr...
Private Sorrow
Spanky and Our Gang
Lazy Day, Extended Version
"Lazy Day, Extended Version" by "Spanky and Our Gang"
The Top Shelf
Baby The World Really Turns (Many A Slip Twixt Cup And Lip)
"Baby The World Really Turns (Many A Slip Twixt Cu...
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, everyone! It's a cloudy day here in New York City with a temperature of 80 degrees and a humidity of 71 percent. So, if you're heading out today, don't forget to bring an umbrella and stay cool out there!
Terry Black
Say It Again (mono 45)
"Say It Again (mono 45)" by "Terry Black"
Sharks and Me
"Buses" by "Sharks and Me"
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Love and Fury
"Love and Fury" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
I Got It
"I Got It" by "Masqueraders"
The Masqueraders
The Biggest Players
"The Biggest Players" by "Ikettes"
Peaches N Cream / The Biggest Players
Dick Jensen
I'm Good For You
"I'm Good For You" by "Dick Jensen"
White Hot Soul
Harry Nilsson
River Deep-Mountain High (mono)
"River Deep-Mountain High (mono)" by "Harry Nilsson"
Andrea Carroll
Hey, Beach Boy
"Hey, Beach Boy" by "Andrea Carroll"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"neverdoloop_shorter" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
The Rolling Stones
Sing This All Together
"Sing This All Together" by "The Rolling Stones"
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