Private Harold Harris (stereo)
"Private Harold Harris (stereo)" by "The Ian Campb...
The Byrds
The World Turns All Around Her (mono LP)
"The World Turns All Around Her (mono LP)" by "The...
The Bards
Light Of Love
"Light Of Love" by "The Bards"
The Blue Things
The Man On The Street (mono 45)
"The Man On The Street (mono 45)" by "The Blue Thi...
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening, everyone! It's a cloudy night here in the Big Apple with a balmy temperature of 69 degrees and a humidity of 82 percent. So, grab a light jacket and get out there and enjoy the evening!
Gary Knight
Tell Me Sunshine (mono 45)
"Tell Me Sunshine (mono 45)" by "Gary Knight"
Dion & The Wanderers
You Move Me Babe (stereo)
"You Move Me Babe (stereo)" by "Dion & The Wanderers"
The Apple-Glass Cyndrom
Going Wrong
"Going Wrong" by "The Apple-Glass Cyndrom"
Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan
"Tallyman" by "Big Jim Sullivan"
Back announcing the set
Randy Benjamin
Look At You Now
"Look At You Now" by "Randy Benjamin"
The Bows And Arrows
I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
"I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have ...
The Beau Brummels
That's Alright (mono)
"That's Alright (mono)" by "The Beau Brummels"
The Pottery Outfit
Captain Zig-Zag
"Captain Zig-Zag" by "The Pottery Outfit"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a cloudy night here in NYC with the temperature at a pleasant 69 degrees and the humidity at 82 percent. So, grab a blanket and enjoy the night!
The Astronauts
I Know You Rider
"I Know You Rider" by "The Astronauts"
My Boyfriend's Back
"My Boyfriend's Back" by "Angels"
The Searchers
Popcorn Double Feature
"Popcorn Double Feature" by "The Searchers"
Music behind DJ:
Roland Vincent
LSD Party
"LSD Party" by "Roland Vincent"
Back announcing the set
Jackie DeShannon
Till You Say You'll Be Mine (Single Version)
"Till You Say You'll Be Mine (Single Version)" by ...
(Single Version)
The Paupers
Magic People
"Magic People" by "The Paupers"
Michael D'Abo
(See The Little People) Gulliver Travels
"(See The Little People) Gulliver Travels" by "Mic...
The Hard Times
There'll Be A Time
"There'll Be A Time" by "The Hard Times"
Small Faces
Green Circles (mono)
"Green Circles (mono)" by "Small Faces"
Larry And The Paper Prophets
Only One Thing
"Only One Thing" by "Larry And The Paper Prophets"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Dance On
"Dance On" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Gary Lewis
Small Talk (mono)
"Small Talk (mono)" by "Gary Lewis"
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