She Don't Care About Time (mono 45)
"She Don't Care About Time (mono 45)" by "The Byrds"
The Left Banke
Dark Is The Bark (mono mix one)
"Dark Is The Bark (mono mix one)" by "The Left Banke"
Del Shannon
Easy To Say (remix)
"Easy To Say (remix)" by "Del Shannon"
The In-Keepers
The Cobweb Threads Of Autumn
"The Cobweb Threads Of Autumn" by "The In-Keepers"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening, everyone! It's a beautiful night here in New York City with clear skies and a temperature of 45 degrees. The humidity is at 81 percent, so it's a bit muggy out there. But don't worry, you can still enjoy the night!
Chris Wilson
Inspiration Road
"Inspiration Road" by "Chris Wilson"
Anthony & The Imperials
I'm Hypnotized (mono 45)
"I'm Hypnotized (mono 45)" by "Anthony & The Imper...
The Shindogs
Who Do You Think You Are (mono 45)
"Who Do You Think You Are (mono 45)" by "The Shind...
Music behind DJ:
Black Sand
"Black Sand" by "Brainticket"
Back announcing the set
For You
"For You" by "Honeybus"
The Cyrkle
Reading Her Paper (mono)
"Reading Her Paper (mono)" by "The Cyrkle"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening, everyone! It's a beautiful night here in New York City with clear skies and a comfortable temperature of 45 degrees. The humidity is a bit high at 80%, but it's nothing a light jacket can't handle! So get out and enjoy the evening!
Mason Williams
"Baroque-A-Nova" by "Mason Williams"
The Move
Beautiful Daughter (vocal & string mix)
"Beautiful Daughter (vocal & string mix)" by "The ...
Sloan & Barri
(Goes To Show) Just How Wrong You Can Be
"(Goes To Show) Just How Wrong You Can Be" by "Slo...
Music behind DJ:
The United States Of America
Hard Coming Love
"Hard Coming Love" by "The United States Of America"
Back announcing the set
Bobby Darin
"Things" by "Bobby Darin"
Blackburn & Snow
Stranger In A Strange Land
"Stranger In A Strange Land" by "Blackburn & Snow"
The Grass Roots
Look Out Girl (mono LP)
"Look Out Girl (mono LP)" by "The Grass Roots"
Peter Sarstedt
Frozen Orange Juice (mono 45)
"Frozen Orange Juice (mono 45)" by "Peter Sarstedt"
The Empty Set
Tomorrow Is A Long Time
"Tomorrow Is A Long Time" by "The Empty Set"
The Hollies
Everything Is Sunshine (mono)
"Everything Is Sunshine (mono)" by "The Hollies"
P.F. Sloan
I Know That You'll Be There (mono)
"I Know That You'll Be There (mono)" by "P.F. Sloan"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
"Shotgun" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Neighborhood Rock 'n' Roll Band
"Neighborhood Rock 'n' Roll Band" by "Gary Lewis &...
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