Message Understood
"Message Understood" by "Sandie Shaw"
A Golden Hour Of Sandie Shaw
Cefe Y Los Gigantes
Sin Rencor
"Sin Rencor" by "Cefe Y Los Gigantes"
Algo Salvaje Vol 2
Tony Ronald Y Sus Kroner's
True Fine Mama
"True Fine Mama" by "Tony Ronald Y Sus Kroner's"
Algo Salvaje
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning everyone! It's a cloudy day here in the Big Apple with a cool temperature of 43 degrees and a humidity of 65 percent. So bundle up and enjoy the day!
The Turtles
Chicken Little Was Right (Single Version)[Remastered]
"Chicken Little Was Right (Single Version)[Remaste...
Swinging Machine
Do You Have To Ask
"Do You Have To Ask" by "Swinging Machine"
Aliens Psychos & Wild Things
The Gurus
It Just Won't Be That Way
"It Just Won't Be That Way" by "The Gurus"
It Just Won't Be That Way / Everybodys Got To Be Alone Sometime
Music behind DJ:
Melvin Carter
Midnight Brew
"Midnight Brew" by "Melvin Carter"
Back announcing the set
How Many Times
"How Many Times" by "Nomads"
Ty Wagner with "The Scotchmen"
I'm A No-Count
"I'm A No-Count" by "Ty Wagner with "The Scotchmen""
The Tombstones
Times Will Be Hard
"Times Will Be Hard" by "The Tombstones"
Denis & The Times
Flight Patterns
"Flight Patterns" by "Denis & The Times"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning everyone! It's a cloudy day here in New York City with a temperature of 43 degrees and a humidity of 66 percent. So, grab your coat and umbrella and get out there and enjoy the day!
Los Pops
Te Esperaba
"Te Esperaba" by "Los Pops"
Algo Salvaje Vol 2
Rufus Thomas
Jump Back
"Jump Back" by "Rufus Thomas"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"trainloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Richard Temple
That Beatin' Rhythm
"That Beatin' Rhythm" by "Richard Temple"
That Beatin' Rhythm / Could It Be
The Luv'd Ones
Dance Kid Dance
"Dance Kid Dance" by "The Luv'd Ones"
If You're Ready! - The Best of Dunwich Records, Vol. 2
Sin Corazón
"Sin Corazón" by "Beta"
Algo Salvaje
Alfredo Mendietta
Chicken Run
"Chicken Run" by "Alfredo Mendietta"
Tony Church & The Crusade
Love Trip
"Love Trip" by "Tony Church & The Crusade"
There She Goes Again
"There She Goes Again" by "Banana"
Aliens Psychos & Wild Things
Music behind DJ:
Melvin Carter
Midnight Brew
"Midnight Brew" by "Melvin Carter"
Back announcing the set
Storm Warning
"Storm Warning" by "Volcanos"
Storm Warning / Baby
The Shadows
Dance On
"Dance On" by "The Shadows"
Thee Midniters
Whittier Blvd.
"Whittier Blvd." by "Thee Midniters"
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