Favoriting Reggae Schoolroom with Jeff Sarge: Playlist from July 14, 2024 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 14, 2024: This archive has a playlist!

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Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
Johnny “Dizzy” Moore  Stealth One   Favoriting Live And Love  1998  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Garth Dennis  Jah House Of Love   Favoriting     0:03:34 (Pop-up)
Hugh Mundell  (Jah Says) Time Has Now Come   Favoriting     0:09:01 (Pop-up)
Chalice & Puddy Roots  Good to Be There   Favoriting     0:12:33 (Pop-up)
Arlene Naphtali Green  Make Me Whole Again   Favoriting     0:15:44 (Pop-up)
Judah Eskender Tafari  You Can’t Say   Favoriting     0:20:27 (Pop-up)
Stevie Face  I Run To You   Favoriting     0:23:59 (Pop-up)
The Melodians  Rivers Of Babylon   Favoriting     0:27:58 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Johnny “Dizzy” Moore 

Be Bop Reggae   Favoriting

Live And Love 


0:31:00 (Pop-up)
Frankie Paul  Rise And Shine   Favoriting     0:36:12 (Pop-up)
The Abyssinians  Peculiar Number   Favoriting     0:40:07 (Pop-up)
Beres Hammond  All My Tears   Favoriting     0:43:52 (Pop-up)
Garnet Silk  Death Go Away   Favoriting     0:44:30 (Pop-up)
Big Mountain  Rainbow People   Favoriting     0:48:11 (Pop-up)
Luciano  How Can You   Favoriting     0:52:01 (Pop-up)
Ansel Meditations  Oh Jah   Favoriting     0:55:55 (Pop-up)
Ayaaso Band  Trouble Times   Favoriting     0:59:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Johnny “Dizzy” Moore 

Rock Fort / Sabath Sip / Skaoney   Favoriting

Live And Love 


1:03:49 (Pop-up)
Sacaj  Women Prayer   Favoriting     1:13:45 (Pop-up)
Gregory Isaacs  Storm   Favoriting     1:17:04 (Pop-up)
Sandra Cross  Catalogue   Favoriting     1:20:55 (Pop-up)
Fred Locks  Here I Come Again   Favoriting     1:24:52 (Pop-up)
Courtney Bless  Don’t Give Up   Favoriting     1:28:36 (Pop-up)
Bob Marley & The Wailers  Ride Natty Ride   Favoriting     1:32:25 (Pop-up)
Colin Ska Johnson  My Soul   Favoriting     1:38:00 (Pop-up)
Wailing Souls  What Is Your Meaning   Favoriting     1:41:26 (Pop-up)
Deep River & Shawn Pryce  Feel Like Crying   Favoriting     1:44:53 (Pop-up)
Baby Boom  Jailhouse   Favoriting     1:49:12 (Pop-up)
Mikey Spice  Two Spliff Tail   Favoriting     1:53:50 (Pop-up)
Macka B  Rasta Tell Them   Favoriting     1:57:14 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Johnny “Dizzy” Moore 

Sugar Candy / Ginza   Favoriting

Live And Love 


2:00:31 (Pop-up)
John Holt  I’ll Be There   Favoriting     2:09:40 (Pop-up)
Derrick Harriott  Walk The Streets   Favoriting     2:10:49 (Pop-up)
Alton Ellis  Mad Mad   Favoriting     2:13:59 (Pop-up)
Jerry Harris  Rock This Town   Favoriting     2:17:47 (Pop-up)
Aleighcia Scott  I Want You   Favoriting     2:21:25 (Pop-up)
Chardel Rhoden  Hard To Believe   Favoriting     2:25:26 (Pop-up)
Terry Linen  Playing Money Games   Favoriting     2:28:10 (Pop-up)
Freddie McGregor  Meet Me Tonight   Favoriting     2:32:07 (Pop-up)
Tanya Stephens  Feels Like Love   Favoriting     2:35:26 (Pop-up)
Shuga  If You Should Leave   Favoriting     2:39:03 (Pop-up)
Jah Cure  Beautiful   Favoriting     2:41:51 (Pop-up)
Romain Virgo  Red Dress   Favoriting     2:45:14 (Pop-up)
Dalton Harrison  For You   Favoriting     2:48:21 (Pop-up)
Lone Ranger featuring Ikaya  Love Bump   Favoriting     2:51:50 (Pop-up)
Beres Hammond  I’ve Got To Go Back Home   Favoriting     2:54:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Johnny “Dizzy” Moore 

Dawn   Favoriting

Live And Love 


2:56:43 (Pop-up)
Brent Dowe  Down Here in Babylon   Favoriting     2:58:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Came from glorious 60-70*f WEST KERRY IRELAND = green fields, Atlantic ocean and mountains to concrete jungle Madrid of 98*f +++ ...
Just read and heard that Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was a 20 year old registerd Republican, but also donated to other groups???


Clearly Trump is is terrrible but homicide is not the answer ..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Marley P. Dogg:


Rivers .... Zion ....

Ivan O'Martin said" "Don't tell me of milk and honey up there in the shy ...
Ain't no milk and honey up there ... I want something right here and right now ... down here ... "
[Film: Harder They Come]
Avatar 9:34am

M0oO0oO0oOo0rnin!!! 🐣🌞🍃☕
Matty cannabis:

Morning Jeff! ✌️
Cooh John:

Good moooooooornin'
Cooh John:

Hearing this twice is nice.

Amygdala ???
Wo Bist Du????

Your amygdala is a small part of your brain, but it has a big job. It’s a major processing center for emotions. It also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, especially memories, learning and your senses. When it doesn’t work as it should, it can cause or contribute to disruptive feelings and symptoms."


Amygdala ???
Wo Bist Du????
Avatar 9:58am

Love that intricate guitar work

Wo Bist Du Pamina o Papagano????

Mozart - The Magic Flute

Must away ..
Thanks Prof Sarge and hope all is well with Amygdala ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Schoolmaster Jeff and summer club. 🌻

have a safe week everyone. hope Amygdala is good... peace everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ agav @11:59
Yes, playing hooky at the beach today, I hope.
Avatar 👻 11:05pm

♥ Reggae Schoolroom playlist (07.14.2024) ♥

00:00:00 Stealth One · Johnny “Dizzy” Moore
00:03:34 Jah House of Love · Garth Dennis
00:09:01 (Jah Says) Time Has Now Come · Hugh Mundell
00:12:33 Good to Be There · Chalice & Puddy Roots
00:15:44 Make Me Whole Again · Arlene Naphtali
00:20:27 You Can’t Say · Judah Eskender Tafari
00:23:59 I Run to You · Stevie Face
00:27:58 Rivers of Babylon · The Melodians

00:31:00 DJ Jeff Sarge speaks (music behind DJ: Be Bop Reggae · Johnny “Dizzy” Moore)
00:36:12 Rise and Shine · Frankie Paul
00:40:07 Peculiar Number · The Abyssinians
00:43:52 All My Tears · Beres Hammond
00:44:30 Death Go Away · Garnet Silk
00:48:11 Rainbow People · Big Mountain
00:52:01 How Can You · Luciano
00:55:55 Oh Jah · Ansel Meditations
00:59:47 Trouble Times · Ayaaso Band

01:03:49 DJ Jeff Sarge speaks (music behind DJ: Rock Fort Rock / Sabbath Sip · Johnny “Dizzy” Moore)
01:13:45 Women Prayer · Sacaj
01:17:04 Storm · Gregory Isaacs
01:20:55 Catalogue · Sandra Cross
01:24:52 Here I Come Again · Fred Locks
01:28:36 Don’t Give Up · Courtney Bless
01:32:25 Ride Natty Ride · Bob Marley & The Wailers

01:36:01 DJ Jeff Sarge speaks
01:38:00 My Soul · Colin Ska Johnson
01:41:26 What Is Your Meaning · Wailing Souls
01:44:53 Feel Like Crying · Deep River & Shawn Pryce
01:49:12 Jailhouse · Baby Boom
01:53:50 Two Spliff Tail · Mikey Spice
01:57:14 Live Across the Road · Brakka General

02:00:31 DJ Jeff Sarge speaks (music behind DJ: Sugar Candy / Ginza · Johnny “Dizzy” Moore)
02:09:40 I’ll Be There · John Holt
02:10:49 Walk the Streets · Derrick Harriott
02:13:59 Mad Mad · Delroy (or Alton Ellis?)
02:17:47 Rock This Town · Jerry Harris
02:21:25 I Want You · Aleighcia Scott
02:24:56 Hard to Believe · Chardel Rhoden
02:28:10 Playing Money Games · Terry Linen
02:32:07 Meet Me Tonight · Freddie McGregor
02:35:26 Feels Like Love · Tanya Stephens
02:39:03 If You Should Leave · Shuga
02:41:51 Beautiful · Jah Cure
02:45:14 Red Dress · Romain Virgo
02:48:21 For You · Dalton Harrison
02:51:50 Love Bump · Lone Ranger (feat. Ikaya)
02:54:47 I’ve Got to Go Back Home · Beres Hammond

02:56:43 DJ Jeff Sarge speaks (music behind DJ: Dawn · Johnny “Dizzy” Moore)
02:58:08 Down Here in Babylon · Brent Dowe
(C) 2024 WFMU. Generated by KenzoDB, written by Ken Garson