Fortune Teller
"Fortune Teller" by "The Rolling Stones"
Gene Pitney
Town Without Pity
"Town Without Pity" by "Gene Pitney"
Sings World Wide Winners
Petula Clark
A Sign Of The Times
"A Sign Of The Times" by "Petula Clark"
My Love
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny, your favorite DJ on the Rock and Soul Stream. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining and the sky is clear, with a temperature of 34 degrees and a humidity of 40 percent. Looks like it's gonna be a great day to get out and enjoy some rockin' tunes. So grab your coffee and get ready to groove with me, the bunny, on WFMU. Stay tuned for some soulful jams and classic rock hits coming your way. Let's start this day off right, shall we?"
The Remains
Me Right Now
"Me Right Now" by "The Remains"
Beryl Marsden
Who You Gonna Hurt
"Who You Gonna Hurt" by "Beryl Marsden"
Changes-The Story of Beryl Marsden
Dusty Springfield
Ain't No Sun Since You've Been Gone
"Ain't No Sun Since You've Been Gone" by "Dusty Sp...
Definitely (Expanded)
Music behind DJ:
Fathers Angels
Bok to Bach
"Bok to Bach" by "Fathers Angels"
Back announcing the set
The Cords
Cords, Inc.
"Cords, Inc." by "The Cords"
Soul Survivors
Expressway (To Your Heart)
"Expressway (To Your Heart)" by "Soul Survivors"
When the Whistle Blows Anything Goes
Brian Auger
The In Crowd
"The In Crowd" by "Brian Auger"
My House
"My House" by "Baytovens"
Big Beat UkT
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining and the sky is clear, with a temperature of 34 degrees and a humidity of 39 percent. So put on your shades and get ready to groove to some sweet tunes on this fine day. And if you're heading out, don't forget to grab a jacket because it may be a bit chilly out there. But don't worry, we'll warm you up with some hot tracks. Stay tuned, because we've got a killer playlist lined up for you. This is the bunny, signing off and wishing you a groovy day ahead.
Beaux Jens
She Was Mine
"She Was Mine" by "Beaux Jens"
Back from the Grave 03
Gene Woodbury
Ever Again
"Ever Again" by "Gene Woodbury"
Ever Again / That's Not Half Bad
Music behind DJ:
Gerry & Paul & the Soul Emmissaries
Little Bit of Soul
"Little Bit of Soul" by "Gerry & Paul & the Soul E...
Back announcing the set
Vickie Baines
Are You Kidding
"Are You Kidding" by "Vickie Baines"
Country Girl / Are You Kidding
There She Goes Again
"There She Goes Again" by "Banana"
Aliens Psychos & Wild Things
Come Back
"Come Back" by "Belles"
Girls in the Garage 1
The Saints
Husky Team
"Husky Team" by "The Saints"
An Outbreak Of Twangin' - Phantom Guitars Vol. Two
Jeanne & The Darlings
How Can You Mistreat The One You Love
"How Can You Mistreat The One You Love" by "Jeanne...
Blues Magoos
Gotta Get Away
"Gotta Get Away" by "Blues Magoos"
Psychedelic Lollipop
Music behind DJ:
The Vampires' Sound Incorporation
There Is No Satisfaction
"There Is No Satisfaction" by "The Vampires' Sound...
Back announcing the set
Gene Pitney
Last Chance To Turn Around TRACK
"Last Chance To Turn Around TRACK" by "Gene Pitney"
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
Peter's Trip
"Peter's Trip" by "the Electric Flag, an American ...
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny: