Field recordings in the letter E and the number 7
"Field recordings in the letter E and the number 7...
First of hopefully many more New York City field recordings........New York is so rich in sound......I fully realized this recently when I stood on my apt bulding roof in Queens and took in all the sounds that filled the thick humid evening air: sirens, elevated subway trains, shouting voices and reggaeton booming out of honking cars...All of which made me want to get out and record ...First stop was subway .lines 7 and E...
Hollering compilation
more off this fuckin awesome compilation of "hollering" recordings that Rounder put out ten years ago....folkers hollerin at/with their dawgs
Dorothy Masaka
Hanba Notkolu
"Hanba Notkolu" by "Dorothy Masaka"
Daddy Yankee
zion y lennox yo voy remix
"zion y lennox yo voy remix" by "Daddy Yankee"
Alien Army
the classic
"the classic" by "Alien Army"
Italy's premier DJ crew Alien Army are featured here on this "classic" hip-hop dedication....taken off their US release...Also - few songs later - played another of theirs...the one that samples Pink Floyd "Dark side of the moon"
first of two songs off the new Sizzla CD
Ultramagnetic MCs
one two one two
"one two one two" by "Ultramagnetic MCs"
Ultras are fuckin legends and Kool Keith is God! There oughta be a New York street or subway station named after him for his contributions to the arts. The man's a genius. I mean this. And is this week's New York Hip-Hop Classic artist (others include Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Gang Starr)
DJ Prank
Arnold crank call
"Arnold crank call" by "DJ Prank"
DJ Prank's Greatest Celebrity Phone Calls
prank calls that involve using clips off movies (Arnold being a fave). Taken from collection DJ Prank's Greatest Celebrity Calls. Later in show played another DJ Prank call with effects turned up to adjust Aaarnold and the Gateway employee on other end of phone
dicks hate police
"dicks hate police" by "Dicks"
this song is twenty years or more old...and it still fuckin rocks.....mommy I've had a bad day!
DJ CD Scratch Breaks
"DJ CD Scratch Breaks"
Ultimate Scratch CD
various scratch DJ sounds off the Ultimate Scratch CD
Greg Tate
hip hop
"hip hop" by "Greg Tate"
greg tate speaks on it.....hip hop.....and nails it in this live recording from about ten years ago....
DJ Quest
mutation man
"mutation man" by "DJ Quest"
Mutation Man
Brazilian Girls
just one of those things
"just one of those things" by "Brazilian Girls"
Verve Remixed 3
Alien Army
"Alien Army"
"Various" by "Various"
long list of artists/songs that include Megatron's latest mix of grime that includes Wiley, DaVincy, and Shystee, DJ Kool Kid reggaeton city mix, DJ Prank remixed, Apsci
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