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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, January 21, 2006 Favoriting
Niyaz + New & Mixed

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A chat with Azam Ali and Loga Ramin Torkian of Six Degrees recording artists Niyaz, a compelling new Persian-rooted contemporary band based in Los Angeles.

Niyaz is in town for the annual APAP arts presenters’ conference and performances at the Globalfest world music festival Jan 21 & 22 at the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St.

This interview was recorded at APAP at the Hilton Hotel, 6th Ave and 53 St in Manhattan.

Special thanks to Louisa from Six Degrees and Dmitri from Rock Paper Scissors.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Niyaz: Golzar Favoriting / Niyaz / Six Degrees (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Niyaz: Allahi Allah Favoriting / Niyaz / Six Degrees (0:11:38 Pop-up)

Niyaz: Ghazal Favoriting / Niyaz / Six Degrees (0:26:38 Pop-up)

Niyaz: The Hunt Favoriting / Niyaz / Six Degrees (0:37:10 Pop-up)

Niyaz: Dilruba Favoriting / Niyaz / Six Degrees (0:55:19 Pop-up)

Axiom of Choice: Mystics and Fools Favoriting / Unfolding / Narada (1:03:10 Pop-up)

Faytinga: Leledia Favoriting / Eritrea / Cobalt (1:10:39 Pop-up)

Julia Sarr and Patrice Larose: Yitte Favoriting / Set Luna / No Format / * (1:13:56 Pop-up)

Eliseo Parra: La Ciguena Favoriting / Viva Quien Sabe Querer / Boa Cor (1:17:36 Pop-up)

Gnawa Njoum Experience: Baba Arabi Favoriting / Boum Ba Clash / No Fridge (1:22:00 Pop-up)

Azzdine: Droub Al Lil Favoriting / Massafat / Barraka Al Farnatshi / * (1:32:00 Pop-up)

Zuco 103: Love is Queen Omega Favoriting / Various Artists: Ziriguiboom - The Now Sound of Brazil 2 / Six Degrees / * (1:36:44 Pop-up)

Pulsallama: Ungawa Pt. 2 Favoriting / Various Artists: New York Noise Vol. 2 / Soul Jazz / * (1:41:18 Pop-up)

The Budos Band: Monkey See, Monkey Do Favoriting / The Budos Band / Daptone / * (1:54:18 Pop-up)

Dr. Victor Olaiya: Moonlight Highlife Favoriting / Various Artists: Lagos All Routes / Honest Jons / * (1:55:12 Pop-up)

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