Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

February 5, 2006 Favoriting

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Favoriting Then I Met Anna - Pal Shazar
Favoriting Wish She Were Mine - The Headstones
Favoriting Martian Hop - The Neanderthals

Favoriting Murder On My Mind - The Hellacopters
Favoriting Birds Can't Row Boats - Johnny Winter
Favoriting Love In A Trash Can - The Raveonettes
Favoriting When Will I Find Her - Mike Renolds & The Infants Of Soul
Favoriting I'm Gonna Haunt You - Kaiser George & The Hi-Risers
Favoriting Rock Billy Boogie - Johnny Burnette

Favoriting No Such Thing - Th' Legendary Shack Shakers
Favoriting Shame On You - Neal Ford & The Fanatics
Favoriting Buried Alive - The Dance Hall Crashers
Favoriting Daddy You Gotta Let Him In - The Satisfactions
Favoriting Don't Give It Up Now - The Sugar Beats

Favoriting Brand New Game - The Dirtbombs
Favoriting Say That You Will - Phil & The Frantics
Favoriting Waste My Time - The Neins
Favoriting SOS - ABBA
Favoriting Moonlit Night - The Bresslaws

Favoriting Let Me Love You - The Miracle Men
Favoriting I Want Love - The Sunsets
Favoriting Turn It Off - The Guilty Hearts
Favoriting Sunglasses After Dark - Dwight Pullen
Favoriting Red Sunrise - The Space Cossacks

Favoriting Demon Stomp - The Things (Ireland)
Favoriting I Can See My Love - The In-Sect
Favoriting Out Of Tears - The Fumestones
Favoriting When I Think Of You - Twiggy
Favoriting My Heart Will Go On - Los Straitjackets

Favoriting You Gotta Understand - The Dee Rangers
Favoriting Abba - The Paragons
Favoriting In Like With You - Yeti
Favoriting Duck Tail - Joe Clay
Favoriting Vilaines Filles, Mauvais Garcons - Stereo Total

Favoriting Dream - The Charms
Favoriting I'll Go On - The Intruders (MO)
Favoriting Watch Out - Modus
Favoriting Lightning's Girl - Nancy Sinatra

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