I used to work with a guy who was in Jac Veronesi & Friends, he gave me the "Farewell Album" in 1996. I have lost it & was hoping you might be able to get me a copy on CD. I have Northeast Wind stuck in my head. PLEASE HELP
John Morris:
Another Jac Veronesi request. Im am in NEED of a copy of the cassete (Two songs A&B) "Snowed In" & the other with Cathy and Jac (Cant remember the title. Please, is there any info I can get . Or do I just have to go over and Knock on Jac & Cathy's door?
Tim McKenna:
I used to play bass guitar in Jac Veronesi's bands for about 18 years, and would love to get copies of any Jac recordings from any era.
Any old band guys from the old years, it would be great to hear from you. - Tim McKenna at Emerson College in Boston.
Jac Veronesi fan here!
Harry Eijkemans:
Hi Jac fans ! I do have the farewell album for about 15 years, once found on a flee market here in the netherlands, I tried to locate any info around this LP for all these years and now stuck on this site. Great music and nice to see Tim is around here. Regards Harry, netherlands
I have a copy of the "Jack Veronesi & Friends Farewell Album LP. It's pretty beat. Does anyone have a somewhat polished copy???
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Listener comments!
Josh Blizzard:
John Morris:
Tim McKenna:
Any old band guys from the old years, it would be great to hear from you. - Tim McKenna at Emerson College in Boston.
Harry Eijkemans: