Favoriting Mike Lupica: Playlist from November 20, 2007 Favoriting

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Sunday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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November 20, 2007: Pictures of Latch Key Kids (Fill-in for Hatch)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Comments New Approx. start time
The Grifters  Re-Entry Blues   Full Blown Possession      0:00:00 Pop-up)
Billy Paul  East   Stand Up and Be Counted 2xLP 
  0:03:51 Pop-up)
Citay  Eye on the Dollar   Little Kingdom    *   0:10:15 Pop-up)
Extra Golden  Jakolando   Hera Ma Nono    *   0:15:20 Pop-up)
Starlite Desperation  Don't Do Time   Don't Do Time  Comp of new tracks and old demos. New album coming soon, apparently!  *   0:24:29 Pop-up)
David Bowie  TVC 15   Station to Station      0:28:01 Pop-up)
The Nervebreakers  My Girlfriend is a Rock   We Want Everything      0:38:45 Pop-up)
Bobb Trimble  Glass Menagerie Fantasies   Iron Curtain Innocence 

Re-issue, 1979-ish
*   0:41:37 Pop-up)
The National  Mistaken for Strangers       *   0:47:27 Pop-up)
Studio  Origin   West Coast    *   0:50:49 Pop-up)
Soundtrack Kings  Look Around   Split 7" w/ Myagi  Freddy Fresh-related    0:56:07 Pop-up)
Syd Barrett  No Good Trying   Barrett 2xLP 
  1:00:19 Pop-up)
Disrupt  The Stars my Destination   Foundation Bit      1:03:30 Pop-up)
Death of Samantha  Couldn't Forget 'Bout That (One Item)   Strungout on Jargon      1:06:31 Pop-up)
Wire  Desert Diving   Read and Burn 03    *   1:19:25 Pop-up)
Wire  Ex-Lion Tamer   On Returning 1977-1979      1:24:50 Pop-up)
Hildegard Knef  Holiday Time   The In-Kraut Vol. 2 2xLP 
*   1:27:05 Pop-up)
Joe Frank  Pilgrim (Excerpt)   MP3  Happy Thanksgiving    1:31:34 Pop-up)
Big Blood  Oh Country (Skin and Bones)   Live on WMBR      1:40:18 Pop-up)
Eddy Arnold  Mommy Please Stay Home With Me   Shit Happens  compilation  *   1:45:48 Pop-up)
Linton Kwesi Johnson  Peach Dub   LKJ in Dub 
  1:49:04 Pop-up)
Newcleus  Jam on It   Street Jams  compilation    1:56:53 Pop-up)
Mos Def & Diverse  Wylin' Out   Urban Renewal Program Supplement 1.5  compilation    2:04:50 Pop-up)
Pieces of Peace  Flunky for Your Love   Pieces of Peace  Re-issue, 1972  *   2:08:39 Pop-up)
Vashti Bunyan  Coldest Night of the Year   Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind 
*   2:11:44 Pop-up)
Fairport Convention  Meet on the Ledge   What We Did on Our Holiday      2:15:04 Pop-up)
The Linus Pauling Quartet  Southern Pine   All Things are Light  Ex-members of the Mike Gunn. Heavy TX psych.    2:17:50 Pop-up)
Sic Alps  Message from the Law   Description of the Harbor      2:23:27 Pop-up)
The Rondelles  Tuesday Rock City   The Fox      2:26:00 Pop-up)
Rip Slyme  Nettaiya   MP3 
  2:28:21 Pop-up)
Sergio del Rio  (bevy of Tony Orlando covers)   Latinamericarpet  compilation of South American psych  *   2:39:19 Pop-up)
Ross Johnson  Nudist Camp   Make it Stop! The Most of Ross Johnson    *   2:42:35 Pop-up)
The Moodists  Gone Dead   Two Fisted Art 2xCD  discography of this great Aussie band    2:47:01 Pop-up)
A Place to Bury Strangers  Don't Think Lover   A Place to Bury Strangers  Ex-Skywave!  *   2:50:33 Pop-up)
Spacemen 3  Walkin' with Jesus   The Brit Box 4xCD 
*   2:53:53 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:09am jonathan:

ah yes...thank you ever so for playing the grifters!
  9:14am Mike Lupica:

You are welcome, Jonathan. I often forget how great they are, with that record inparticular being a terminal fave.
  9:15am jonathan:

crappin you negative is also quite good.
  9:17am Not Tripp:

Get outta that spaceship and fight like a man!
  9:23am Kosta:

Jakolando has brought the sun to a very cold wet and grey london - thanks!
  9:26am Mike Lupica:

Awesome, Kosta! Happy to have helped. We're still battling grey, cold skies here in the NYC region, but I will do my best to blow it out over the next 2.5 hours.
  9:29am Parq:

Yeah baby, Mike's on the air! I'm gonna comb my hair up high! Okay, it's too late for that, but I'm gonna pretend...
  9:30am SueB:

yay - this is my favorite Bowie song!
  9:44am frenchee:

yeeeeeesssssss, Lupica is back on the airwaves. it's gonna be a good day. hey Mike, what's the deal w/the DJ nite at Mag. field Friday?
  9:47am frenchee:

re: Parq: it's not a good day for high hair anyway. Humidity...
  9:49am Zipgun Fanatic:

Mike Lupica fill-in. Yes!!! I actually caught myself pumping my fist in the air when I saw that you were on this morning. Good to have you back.....
  9:51am Jonathan:

G'morning, big MIIIKE!!
Seconding the Grifters motion by the OTHER Jonathan!!
  9:54am Vivian:

Love Love LOVE the National song. Never heard them before. What a treat! Makes slugging through this chore called work bearable.
  9:59am Mike Lupica:

I agree, Vivian. The National seem to be pretty huge, and I only know one other song by them, which is also really good, so I'm hopeful that they're not just a trendy-at-the-moment band. (From Brooklyn, right?)
  10:01am Irwin Chusid:

Finally managed to get away from that mountain of legal briefs on your desk and sneak back in front of a microphone, eh, Lupica? Will the partners notice your absence?
  10:02am Mike Lupica:

Shhh, don't blow my cover, Chusid. Act casual. Say nothing.
  10:02am pat:

Wow, weird to hear Syd's voice. I've been on a Syd Barrett kick lately--actually a crazy-rock-guy kick. Saw the Roky Erikson movie last week. What a nut.
  10:06am Ike:

The 2005 and 2007 albums by the National are strong, particuarly the songs "Fake Empire" and (from the '05 album) "Karen" and "Lit Up." Anyway, that track by Studio was also killer. Never heard of 'em before.
  10:10am alyssa:

DOS! Listening from Cleveland. Nice choice.
  10:18am pat:

recently I found a sad letter in one of my Howlin Wolf records. My girlfriend and I were splitting up and she wrote a letter that she hoped I would find some day. Happy ending, we got back together and got married...
  10:23am Mike Lupica:

Wow! OK, that easily trumps finding ten bucks in a Syd Barret record.
  10:24am Neil:

I also like what's written on record covers. I recently found a whole bunch of lp's where the young lady who gave them to her boyfriend carefully laid out tape on the covers and wrote inscriptions on the tape. I was musing over her shopping in the store and coming upon her discarded gifts. Why I did not buy them all I am still trying to figure out.
  10:25am Kosta:

  10:27am pat:

my wife (see above) has a bunch of records with little anarchy symbols on the backs. I never asked her what that meant...
  10:33am Daniel:

Ah, how I love to hear Joe Frank's calming, bizarre voice.
  10:42am Pamela:

Can you actually buy Big Blood albums?
  10:43am Mike Lupica:

Good question, Pamela. Probably directly from them, I'd imagine. I'm actually streaming this song from YouTube, hence the dodgey sound q, but man -- WHAT a song!
  10:44am (mta) Tony:

We're with you, Daniel, we love Joe Frank's voice. Can you (or anyone) advise whatever happeded to his show on fmu? We don't see it anymore and we enjoyed it so much when we could. Happy Thanksgiving, Lupe..
  10:46am Daniel:

That Big Blood thing is lovely, and so much cooler to know it's just some exquisite web flotsam.
  10:47am Irwin Chusid:

Your program's so great I decided to just stay in bed all morning and watch the radio.
  10:50am Mike Lupica:

Irwin, I will honor the moment by playing some reggae for you to re-light your pipe to.
  10:51am (mta) Tony:

Pamela, regretfully, it appears I bought the last Big Blood CD they had available. They have them distributed by only 3 CD sellers, and this I know because I was told the whole story by Caleb, the Big Blood man himself. However, you can write to him and ask him at: BigBlood24@Yahoo.com Should all else fail, I just supplied another listener with copies of their albums.
  10:53am Irwin Chusid:

amazing colors!!!
(damn, I had to resubmit this comment 3X 'cos I kept screwing up the math question)
  10:54am Ike:

Hey MTA Tony, believe it or not, WNYC-AM 820 carries Joe Frank locally on Sundays at 11 p.m. That seems out-of-character for them, to say the least!
  10:55am Pamela:

Thanks Tony - I just emailed them. I prefer to buy, so we'll see what they say...
  10:55am (mta) Tony:

Smoke a little more, Irwin. Try gettin' outta bed and wash your face. It'll help you add three and one. (tee hee)
  10:59am (mta) Tony:

Yes, Pamela, I'm like you, I always prefer to buy my music and support the artists. That's how my library has grown to 5,000 + factory-pressed discs! But when all else fails, we do what we gotta do. If it'll make you feel any better, and they can't supply you with "Sew Your Wild Days Tour 1 and 2" my copies will satisfy you and donations are accepted by Caleb for his new baby daughter.
  11:06am (mta) Tony:

Irwin, how do you stay in bed and monitor the Comments at the same time? Do you have your computer in bed with you? Brings Internet Addiction to a new level.
  11:10am (mta) Tony:

Thanks Ike! Do they stream their show on the net? If so, do you have their website address? That's funny, we don't even HAVE an AM radio to tune it in with!
  11:21am kwhitehead:

As much as I enjoy hatch's program you sir, are making my morning. Thanks.
  11:22am pat:

wow, this Linus Pauling tune is really nice....stupid band name though. and I second the "making my morning" comment.
  11:24am irwin Chusid:

laptop, dude. perched on my horizontal chest. damn, used my last match, gotta get up and scrounge for a lighter. right back. (double-damn: fuckin' math quiz again)
  11:30am Melanie:

This is a great track! Come back Mike Lupica.
  11:30am (mta) Tony:

Oh, I see. By the way, Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Irwin!
  11:34am Parq:

Yes, WNYC streams its AM (and FM) signals, tho I don't know about archives. And Irwin, nice to know someone else is arithmetically challenged. (492 + 4 = 494? 7? Dang!)
  11:36am Kosta:

...but a great tune - nice riffage.
  11:39am frenchee:

I'd be surprised (tho pleasantly) if WNYC archived Joe Frank. On his website, joefrank.com, you can purchase CDs and even catch a little bit of new content.
  11:40am Larry:

Really surprised to know that anyone outside the 610 loop has any idea who the Mike Gunn was!

FYI according to H-Town lore, Mike Gunn was their pot dealer in high school.
  11:40am (mta) Tony:

Thanks Ike, I'll listen to Joe Frank with you for an hour Sunday night at 11. Your tip was much appreciated. My girl will be thrilled and surprised to hear his voice again.
  11:42am (mta) Tony:

Thanx for the info, Frenchee! Will check it out...
  11:51am Kosta:

ta for info Larry - may the green always burn
  11:51am Ike:

MTA Tony, I myself haven't tuned in to Joe Frank on WNYC-AM in a long time -- I keep forgetting. Not normally in the habit of tuning in NPR at home when I have so much FMU goodness to absorb. But WNYC's web site shows that it's still on their schedule. Hopefully the web page isn't outdated.
  11:57am Marcus:

What's the story with this song, did they release it twice? It's also the 1st song on "Taking Drugs To..." as Sound of Confusion, right?
  4:11pm peteski:

tell me all about it.
  8:06pm Dennis:

It would be cool for you to play any song from The Doughboys new CD release...i.e. Black Sheep, I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore, etc.
  12:08pm Mike Lupica:

Jebus Chrispy, the Doughboys are still together??! I have actually been looking for their first album for many years w/ no success. Anybody have a copy they want to part with?
  12:16pm Ramon_LP4:

Actually Mike wasn't a drug dealer but we did smoke a hella lot of dope in high school with him and more often than not raided his mom's fully stocked fridge.

Oh and Pat, yes the Lp4 IS a stupid band name but the runner ups were even worse. Trust me, that for us is as clever as it gets. ; )

Thanks WFMU.
  10:02pm Kenzo:

I grabbed the Joe Frank excerpt from here way back and have just incorporated it into Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza 12/24/08:
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