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December 1, 2007: JC Kaelin with "The Zero Hour" featuring contemporary Japanese rock bands. Click on "playlist" for a better description of this special show.
Taken from Kaelin's myspace description:
THE ZERO HOUR returns to radio after 60+ years of silence.
It's been three generations since THE ZERO HOUR was, to the benefit all concerned, successfully knocked off the air by the victory of America and her allies over the Imperial Japanese war machine.
Then, it was a satire of a propaganda show, aimed at American G.I.'s fighting in the Pacific, featuring popular American music, written by POW's who were beaten and starved into doing it, and starring the great American saboteur Iva Toguri, the disc jockey these POWs trained in the subversion and undermining of its content.
Now...the weapon the Japanese militarists dropped has been picked up & turned back against them - & in the grooviest possible way, baby! THE ZERO HOUR once again returns to the airwaves -- only THIS time, it features contemporary Japanese rock bands, playing music our grandparents fought to free them up to play, aimed at the greater New York City area & the whole wide world via the web!!!
That's right! THE ZERO HOUR returns to the airwaves after a lifetime with what Martin Luther King called "the weapon of love" - the *incredible* rock music the Japanese have made their own & added their own unique genius and sparkle to - and it's gunning for YOUR heart, you lovely soldier of love, you!!!
As you may be aware, in addition to having gained some expertise in her known surviving ZERO HOUR recordings, Iva "Tokyo Rose" Toguri was my personal friend and a mentor as well, and the press release she authored for use when she passed on thanked me as well as others for standing by her and fighting to correct the historical record regarding her. In spite of all she endured at the hands of both the American and Japanese governments, she made me promise that I would do whatever I could to help bring about good American/Japanese relations. At the time, I did not know quite how I would be able to do that - but I don't wonder any more!!! THE ZERO HOUR is BACK on the air, and it's playing the *excellent* Japanese music that embodies the very best of the hopes and dreams of all the brave young Americans who fought and died to ensure that Japan's children and grandchildren would grow up living in freedom!!! NOW, America & Japan are holding hands & ***they're not letting go***!!! THE ZERO HOUR is back on the air, soldiers of love everywhere!!!
As "Orphan Ann" (Iva's actual on-air name) used to say at the end of all her broadcasts--
"Always remember to be good!"
In love and kindness,
J. C. Kaelin, Jr.
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