Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from December 6, 2007 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting December 6, 2007: BlipFest 2007 / Maritime (Davey Von Bohlen)

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
  Had fun assembling this opening music, utilizing a drumbeat on a broken record (hence the skipping) and a Jerry Falwell LP. Yes, that's him saying "50 lb. bag of Purina."
Old Egg Salad Sandwiches In Tin Foil Caskets
That Happy Drunken Feeling (Activating The Gene!!!)
An Overview of the Night that Lay Before Us ....... (Lays???) Lay sounds more Bibley Christmasy. I'm opting for lay, though I'm quite sure lays is the grammatically correct usage.
Bob Dylan  Talking New York   Favoriting Bob Dylan  Columbia  1962  LP  Having just moved here, I can really relate to the lyrics of this song. I love the romantic notion of Dylan and the Village back then. And so, I'll indulge myself by including this number. 56 
You Look Just Like Hootie!
Blip Fest 2007
  Attending this event had me digging my little mini-Casio out of the closet and screaming "50 lb. Bag Of Purina into the little sampler. : >)
Unicorn Dream Attack  Unicorn Dream Attack   Favoriting Tone Wars Volume 1 - 8-Bit Collective  8-Bit Collective  2007  CD  I love this song. Check them out online. They are on Myspace and are out of Minneapolis, MN. Apologies for the crude edit. I should have played the whole thing. I will, another time. 
An Interview with 6955 from Japan, an artist who appeared at BlipFest 2007 in Manhattan.
6955 Schools Me on 8-Bit Culture
6955  003C   Favoriting demo  none  2007  CD  I am immersed in this 8-bit stuff all of the sudden. All else sounds so stale. 
A Young Pigeon Imagines The Future
An Interview With Gwem
Gwem's Place in the 8-Bit Schematic
Gwem's Take on All Things 8-Bit
Brief Excerpt - Do The Donkey Kong by Buckner and Garcia
Remaining Charmingly Insular VS. Reaping Maximum Coin
Gwem  FYMW   Favoriting Den Of Rock!  Pre Roman Britain  2002?  7"  This song is really much better than what was played on the air. I had to edit it so harshly because of profanity and the FCC and all that. I dig his Johnny Rotten meets Roy Masters delivery. FYMW means F--- You Management Wankers. 
Gwem Brings The Noize!
A Chat With Counter/Resert
Gwem Tells Of Meeting Counter/Reset (Yes, I called him "Count") at a Heavy Metal Wrestling Show!!!
At this point, Counter/Reset performs some of his verses. I couldn't resist getting out the little casio/sampler and making a rough backing track for him. Everybody wants to get into the act, as Durante once said.
Parting Words From Gwem and Counter/Reset
Gwem  Tune For My Broken Atari   Favoriting Den Of Rock!  Pre Roman Britain  2002?  7"   
Acknowledging the 8-Bit Collective Artists in This Segment
  OMG! I can't believe how many e-mails I received last week after the talking show. It was truly heartwarming. Of course, I begged for it so ....

Anyway ...this week it's back to normal. After 24 hours as of 12/7/07 7:42pm, I have received a whopping total of ..... 3 e-mails. (Canned Laughter).

Please e-mail NOW.


I'd love to hear from you. GO to your console, please.

Kenneth McKellar  Scotland The Brave   Favoriting Songs of Scotland  London  60's?  LP  Being Scot/Dane, I half-enjoyed this immensely! 
Kolonel Karl and Dusty Doubt Clay's Loyalty and Sincerity
Maritime  Guns Of Navarone   Favoriting Heresy and the Hotel Choir  Flameshovel  2007  CD  One of my favorite Milwaukee bands. I never met them until I moved to New York. Here, I interview Davey Von Bohlen and new guitarist Dan Hinz as Maritime (formerly The Promise Ring) play Manhattan's, Mercury Lounge. 
Some background on The Promise Ring,
Excerpt from "Become One Anything One Time" from The Promise Ring "Wood/Water"
More on Wood/Water
Davey Survives A Brain Tumor
The Promise Ring  My Life Is At Home   Favoriting Wood/Water  Epitaph  2002?  CD  I have a soul-affinity for this record. In coincided with my move to Milwaukee in 2001. I will forever connect the two. Isn't music odd that way? How it pulls us back to specific life moments? Magical. 
Apologies to Maritime for the tape speed. Because I use batteries and analog cassette tape technology, the speed of each weeks show can vary sometimes. When I sound like Alvin, I adjust tape speed, but it can make the music slower. So damned complex and frustrating. Always some damned thing every week.
Quoting Miles
Phil Ossifi
Discussing Maritime's Debut ... Glass Floor
Maritime  Protein and Poison   Favoriting We The Vehicles  Flameshovel  2005  CD  A fantastic record. Seriously. 
Introducing .... Dan Hinz
Maritime Farewells
Maritime  Love Has Given Up   Favoriting Heresy and the Hotel Choir  Flameshovel  2007  CD  I was thrilled to interview these guys. Davey has been an idol of mine for a while and Dan, well, we used to work together in a music store. By the way, this warbly cassette I used sounds like ass. 
The Omaha Killer - I used to go to that mall. What a world.
RIP ..... Evel Kneivel
  Thanks for listening tonight everyone. The last couple of weeks have been great as you have really responded and given me new confidence. I appreciate it!!! Your e-mail is ALWAYS welcome and INVITED:


Let me hear from you!

Really had some cassette technology issues on this show that cause me dismay. Kind of goes with the crusty old analog territory. Fluctuating tape speeds, warbles, treble drop-out. After next weeks show, I will be replacing the microcassette recorder I use for doing interviews. I have even thought about using hi-bias cassettes as opposed to the "normal" bias I use now. It's not getting any easier to find cassettes these days, or the coveted Technics dual-cassette decks I use to make this program with (NO DIGITAL EDITING).



Please call NOW and leave a message that I cana play on a future show. If they are good, I usually use them pretty fast. Talk about ANYTHING, just don't use profanity. Right now, New Years messages would be great, or political thought, thoughts on the war, ANYTHING!!!! No topic is too stupid. Please call now and help me out .....


Also, remember to e-mail and tell me where you are, who you are and what's on that mind of yours!

  I will be out of town December 21-27 to return to my beloved Iowa for the holidays. Thusly, Shows scheduled for the 20th and 27th are likely to be a little ... slipshod. By all means listen, but, just a little warning.

OK, all that said, let me wrap this up. Thanks again for listening everyone, and to FMU for allowing me to do my "thing" ... and to my K for endless love and support. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!! MERRRRRRY CHRRRISSSSSTTTTMASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Clayton P. Pigeon

PS- Dusty and Kolonel Karl extend Season's Greetings and hugs all around.

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