Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from January 10, 2008 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting January 10, 2008: Episode 14 - Season 2

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Harlem History ...
Time Spent With David ....
A little bit of Chicago and The Bee Gees
David's Dreams
The Gravity of Turning 50
The History Of Mum
David Senses the Conflict
A Little Obama In The Night
The Growing Hunger For Change
W Struggles
Coronet Studio Vocalists  I Want A Girl (Excerpt)   Favoriting Barber Shop Favourites  Coronet  ?  LP  Had serious thoughts of weaving these barber shop favourites throughout the show to achieve some modicum of conceptualization but ... the plan seemed to fall by the wayside. I do enjoy barber shop harmony ... especially as exemplified by The Buffalo Bills in Meredith Wilson's, The Music Man. However, my childhood trips to the barber were traumatic, especially when I was forced to get "butch" haircuts at the height of Beatlemania. I am forever scarred by this and have since worn my hair at almost "Cousin It" lengths. 
The Turgid Photographer
Roguish Eyes hahaha That makes me laugh.
A Nod to Somerset, NJ
Bird Intensive Moment from the LP "Birds On A May Morning"
Camping Chat
Yes  Yours Is No Disgrace (Excerpt)   Favoriting The Yes Album  Atlantic  1971  LP  Wiki tells me this was Steve Howe's first LP with Yes and Tony Kaye's last (for many years as he was replaced by Rick Wakeman). Evidently, Jon Anderson wanted Kaye out because Kaye didn't like synthesizers. So Wakeman, formerly with Strawbs, was brought in. OK, OK. I'm a prog fan. What can I say? I even dig "Flash" ... ex-Yes guitarist Peter Banks ill-fated outfit. 
  Oh ... did I mention this whole show is DRAGGING ASS in the speed department? It sounds so slooooooowwwwwww. Not sure why. Tape speed issues. Trying to figure it ouit. The whole problem makes me miserable and prone to weight loss, night sweats, anxiety, palpitations, hives, hallucinations, unusual urges and nausea.
Don Rickles on Yes
The Sword Swallower
Punishing Those Who Haven't Time To Be Interviewed
Alice In Chains  Would   Favoriting Dirt  Columbia  1992  CD  So sloooooow it's killing me. 
Dig the caller from the Dusty Show Answering MAchine! Are YOU calling now??? PLEASE leave me a message I can play on the show. Don't let me down. When I check the messages, I have to climb a dangerous metal ladder at WFMU and risk serious injury. LAst week I made the arduous climb, only to see a bright red "ZERO" blinking at me through the gathering gloom. NO MESSAGES! How de-moralizing. I wept up there, though no one saw me. 201 521 1375 CALL NOW!!!!
Hillary Weeps To Great Advantage
Layne and Elvis
  I DO love both Layne Staley and Elvis. Layne was a real screamer. Not easy to do, if you've ever tried. He had a great quality to his voice. Timbre, I believe it is called in vocal cyrkles. Plus, he seemed like a nice guy when he was fronting AIC. Kind of shy and vulnerable. Sad what happened to him, or, rather, what he did to himself. Some people just can't put it down. And as for Elvis, well, I love him with all his faults. He was .... Elvis! this segment features a short clip from "The Elvis Tapes" (Tudor 1988) A cassette for sale in convenience stores that was purported to feature the voice of Elvis "ALIVE" in taped conversations long after his death. Strange.
Ronnie McDowell  The King Is Gone (Excerpt)   Favoriting 45 rpm  Scorpion  1977  45  Released in 1977 after Elvis' death, this song has sold 5 million copies to date. This guy was no one hit wonder. Read this Wiki entry and see what an amazing career he's gone on to have.


Meet Maurice from JamROCK!!!
A Moment With Strom Thurmond!
  Rickles Is The Cave!
Smith-Corona Training Record Excerpt
Maurice In Love
The Beauty Miss by Maurice "Jamaica" Aikens
  Apologies to Maurice .... unfortunately, in the dubbing process of his taped segment, I was not in the room to monitor it. The micro-cassette maliciously took this opportunity to mildly malfunction and much treble-loss occurred. Hence, the muddiness of the sound. : >(
  A CALL FOR E-MAIL FROM .... YOU!!!!! Please take the time to e-mail me this week and tell me who you are, where you are listening and what's on your mind. E-mail is essential for the continuance of this fragile program.


  THE DUSTY SHOW ANSWERING MACHINE IS UP AND RUNNING! Please take the time to call now and leave a message that I can play on The Dusty Show! imagine the excitement when you hear YOUR VOICE on the radio, or, on your home computer console! Gather friends around the phone and sing me a short song, recite poems, rank on the government or just go buck wylde in some hitherto unimagioned fashion. I need you. I really do. Nothing is more demoralizing than having no phone messages to play on the show. If you do anything this week, call the DUSTY SHOW ANSWERING MACHINE ..... then .... go to your computer console and type me an e-mail. Without constant feedback from listeners, the Dusty Show cannot exist. It's a simple fact.Thank you.
Worst Sling Blade Impersonation Ever!
Gabriel from Caracas Plays The Sax!!!
Gabriel is backed by a Jamey Aebersold LP .... Nothin' But Blues
Gabriel's Message Espanol
Hillary Rides High After New Hampshire (Music In Background ..... Theme From Gone With The Wind.
Homeless Man Finds New Yorkers To Be Cheap and Stingy (Stin-Gee)
$8 Christmas
$1.30 an hour? i calculated it and it comes out to $1.66666666666 an hour. How evil!
The only good human, etc. From Beneath The Planet Of The Apes
Kolonel Karl encourages Dusty to attend a funeral.
  The two "sections" of the Dusty/Kol. Karl segment were supposed to be linked by the phrase "deader'n a doornail, which was errantly left out. Also .... the sound quality of this segment is so muddy and poor. Sorry. time for a new micro-cassette recorder. They are good for about 6 shows and then the cheap little things die on you. $29.95 a pop. It gets expensive. I have been holding this one together with glue and bailing wire about 3 shows past its expiration date.
The Comeback Kid .... John McCain
David Evades Personal Questions
A Gorgeous Moment With Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
Content In His Bachelor Ways
"I Know About Love" (Excerpt) from the musical "Do Re Mi" Sung by John Reardon.
Wrappin' It Up With David
(Excerpt) The Power Station - Some Like It Hot
Sweet Home Obama
Maurice Digs Dylan
The Tribe  The Times They Are A Changin' (Excerpt)   Favoriting Bangla Desh  Pickwick  1971  LP  Why pay for the entire George Harrison 3 LP set when Pickwick gives you it ALL for just $1.39!!! 
Maurice Talks Drugz
  Maurice claimed to have met John Lennon and to have performed with David Peel and the Lower East Side. I tried to look up the band members of DPATLES on Google but couldn't find anything. I want to believe Maurice and I damn well DO!
David Peel and the Lower East Side  Amerika (Excerpt)   Favoriting 45rpm  Orange Records International  1972  EP  This was taken from an EP released in 1989 
Steel Image  Hey Jude   Favoriting Jamaica  Anglin Studio  ?  CD  I added the soundclip from Paul McCartney, concerning rumors that he was "dead". Recorded circa 1969. 
Excerpt of "Cameron Lad" by Kenneth McKellar
An Interview With Angie
"Old Timers" clips by comedy team, Hudson and Landry
Fiddlin' Around
Oyster Farmers From Maine
The Dangers Of Hitchhiking
Awkward Deadhead Question
Excerpt from Peter Ustinov
Glimpses of The Wandering Life
Angie Plays "900 Miles" on her fiddle!
Music is Happiness .... Detachment Is Freedom ... But Only to A Certain Point
  Background music by Rick Wakeman
Homeless Man Demands $20 An Hour
Beach Boys Eating Burgers
Excerpt With Macca
Manhattan Earthquake Imminent! Eminent???? Anyway ... it's coming (Background music from the movie "Earthquake".
Luggage warning from LAX
Rickles Sucks Salt!
New York's Black Aura
Angie Plays The Irish Tin Whislte (so VERY Titaniic!)
Dennis Day  Dear Old Donegal (Excerpt)   Favoriting Shillelaghs and Shamrocks!  Reprise  196?  LP  Singer from Jack Benny Show 
The Four Freshmen  At Last (Excerpt)   Favoriting First Affair  Capitol  60's  LP  Last original member died in '92. Group still exists in new incarnations. They were pretty much out of the mainstream after the Beatles emerged and slayed 50's pop sounds. Four Freshmen were a MAJOR influence on Brian Wilson. 
Blonde Rage  Great Wall Of China   Favoriting 45rpm  Longview Records  1990  45  From Tampa, Fl. featuring Daryl Wren-Vox, Bill Bechtel on guitars. 
  Another week ... another show. Thanks to those who have already e-mailed after my tortured pleas! I appreciate everyone's taking the time to listen to these programs and to get in touch. I'd LOVE to hear from YOU! Yes, you. If you have the chance, drop me an e-mail


it's just that easy! Also ... THE DUSTY SHOW ANSWERING MACHINE is whirring away in the darkness at WFMU up in the attic. Such a lonely place. There are rats up there and mice and bugs and old artifacts from times gone by. There is a heavy sense of poltergeist presences and bits of faded ribbon and the scent of Old Spice. Don't make me crawl up there for nothing, please! Call now and leave a weird message I can play on the show. Tell me all about your hometown or your favorite movie or just scream and make UFO noises. Anything!

201 521 1375

It's just that easy! OK, until next week, take care and .... always remember! Clayton P. Pigeon III

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