dude you drunker than me! LOL!!! ol coot whats in yer glass? I gots Sly Weasel #3
Sean Daily:
OH MY GARTERS AND GAITERS! The drama! The ACTION! THE SUSPENSE! That limey Lawrence Olivier doesn't have ANYTHING on Oogie Wawa!
victor mariacher:
hello from montreal! Really enjoy the show. I was wondering if you had any LEE SIMS piano records?
What's all this "temple bells" on the website? OK so it was 1st April - but this is beyond a joke!! What you bin smokin old boy?
Codger Central:
Somebody's idee-yer of a dumb Afril Pool's hi-jink. Should be fixed soon.
Being an old codger myself, I enjoy listening to the wide groove 78's; don't care much for these new ungrooved shiny discs. If you can ever find it, I'd love to hear Rudy Vallee's version of "Tavern in the Town." That's the one where he breaks up in uncontrolable giggling, tries to stiffle it, but in the end even infects the entire chorus. Hope you can find it.
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Listener comments!
Sean Daily:
victor mariacher:
Codger Central: