Favoriting Andrew Listfield: Playlist from July 14, 2008 Favoriting

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Music of all kinds that hits me in the pit of my stomach, all arranged to find your sweet spot, too. Plus radio shows from the 1940s & 1950s: dramas, mysteries, sci-fi, detectives, and more.

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Favoriting July 14, 2008: Show 195: It's Bastille Day, after all.
(listen to entire show / each individual set / each individual song)

Show time: 12 AM - 3 AM

The start and end times for each individual set and each individual song are exact.

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(*** = special)

Artist Track Album Label Comments Special
Set 1: The Spacious Mind, live at Skogsnas October 26, 1999. We hear the entire concert. (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
The Spacious Mind  Upon Which Areas May The Circles Be Drawn?" (track 1) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Live Volume One: Do Your Thing But Don't Touch Ours  Goddamn I'm A Countryman  An easy-moving, often slow space-blues, sort of a spacey-mournful feel at times, picks up near end, best at lower volume.

Most concerts can be played 1 track at a time, but not this 1. I think it's essential to listen to this concert as a whole & all together. Done so, it creates a mood that is just not present otherwise. Very fine music, indeed.
The Spacious Mind  Jam (track 2) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Live Volume One: Do Your Thing But Don't Touch Ours  Goddamn I'm A Countryman  Quiet psych-rock blues, picks up speed for a while but then calms down.  ***  
The Spacious Mind  The One That Really Won The War (track 3) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Live Volume One: Do Your Thing But Don't Touch Ours  Goddamn I'm A Countryman  Starts easy, a bit heavier than what came before, picks up speed moderately & gradually, quieter last 3 minutes.  ***  
The Spacious Mind  Interplanetarian Lovemachine pt III (track 4) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Live Volume One: Do Your Thing But Don't Touch Ours  Goddamn I'm A Countryman  Mellow, the space-blues feeling really returns, easy tempo, builds a little for a while.  ***  
The Spacious Mind  Euphoria Euphoria (track 5) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Live Volume One: Do Your Thing But Don't Touch Ours  Goddamn I'm A Countryman  Quiet and gentle start as a kind of guitar and organ introspection, builds almost imperceptibly until it finally fades out as the band plays on.

The concert actually went on for another 15 minutes or so, but the limitations how it was recorded didn't allow for that long a recording.
Mic break between Sets 1 & 2. Background music played during it: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Les Chakachas  Love is like a Violin (track 4)   Favoriting Arriba!  RCA International  Phat, sentimental sound. Feels like it's the slow song at the record hop.   
Set 2: the old radio show portion of the evening. (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Escape  Border Town   Favoriting Originally broadcast December 23, 1949  (no label)  Not exactly a holiday special with a happy story....Our anti-hero, played by Jack Webb, is on a cross country bus trip to Hollywood. He finds some money, and sells it in a seedy Mexican border town. He promptly gets drugged and robbed - and it's downhill from there, because Mr. Wearily Existential (Webb) wants his money back, especially after he finds out the money is real. Or is it?

"Border Town" is episode #101 in the Escape series, and also starts William Conrad and Jeanette Nolan.

From John Dunning's The Encylcopedia Of Old-Time Radio: "...widely considered radio's greatest series of high adventure....Never on radio was the action formula more effectively utilized."
Mic break between Sets 2 & 3. Background music played during it: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Les Chakachas  Love is like a Violin (track 4)   Favoriting Arriba!  RCA International  Phat, sentimental sound. Feels like it's the slow song at the record hop.   
Set 3: a good half hour of mostly punk. Great to play loud! (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Jesus Trip  The (Magnificent Breathing Machine) Ventilator (track 2) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting The Morning Star  Bottled Rag  Slow+ tempo druggy punk-psych, with a distant Public Image influence. The music was no doubt influenced by a group member's actual chemotherapy.   
Imperial Leather  Power Of Blame (track 4) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Do You Know Where Your Children Are?  Profane Existance  Easy tempo, solid.   
Amebix  Carnage (track 10) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting No Sanctuary  Alternative Tentacles  Deep, dark, and quirky.  ***  
Ministry And Co-Conspirators  Radar Love (track 3) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Cover Up  13th Planet  Lots of fun. Their version of Golden Earring's classic.  ***  
Mildred Pierce  D.O.M. (track 19) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting R.A.F.R. Volume 2  Flipside  A really good compilation. We hear more from it later in this set.   
Cosmic Psychos  Guns Away (CD 2, track 17) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Fifteen Years, A Million Beers  Dropkick  More big sound from a great band.  ***  
Los Creepers  Hey (track 7) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting LA County Line  Split Seven     
Ultraviolent  Dead Generation (track 12) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Killed By Hardcore  Redrum  Does the Dead Generation come after the Blank Generation?   
Hellacopters  Lowdown (track 3) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting R.A.F.R. Volume 2  Flipside     
Coffin Cheaters  Kids Are Gonna Fight (track 20) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting R.A.F.R. Volume 2  Flipside  Some fine garage punk.   
MOB 47  Nitlott (track 5) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Dom Ljuger Igen  Communichaos Media  From their website: "...after a mere 20 years they are back....One of the most influential bands in Swedish hardcore."   
Ratas Del Vaticano  Encadenado a la Rutina (track 7) (Listen: Pop-up)   Favoriting Mocosos Pateticos  Delhotel  The fastest track in the set.   
Mic break between Sets 3 & 4. Background music played during it: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Les Chakachas  Love is like a Violin (track 4)   Favoriting Arriba!  RCA International  Phat, sentimental sound. Feels like it's the slow song at the record hop.   
Set 4: some sacred music, from Java. (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Local musicians of the Gamelan Sekati Guntur Madu of Kraton Surakarta  Sekaten gending (track 2)   Favoriting Gamelan Of Central Java II: Ceremonial Music  Felmay  Airy and mystical. A "gending" is a composition. This is a "sacred" gamelan, "used only to play the type of music heard here." We hear one of "the most ancient and revered in Central Java." Track 1 on this CD is a shorter version of the same piece - we'll hear it at a later date.  ***  
End of show mic break. Background music played during it: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Les Chakachas  Love is like a Violin (track 4)   Favoriting Arriba!  RCA International  Phat, sentimental sound. Feels like it's the slow song at the record hop.   

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Listener comments!


I love Golden Earring and I love Ministry, but that's the second time I've heard that cover and I think Al et. al. missed the point on that song. The original is such a fantastic performance, they really make a 1-chord song hold the attention. Ministry makes you stick around to see what other subtleties they leave out.
That said, fine show. Play any damn thing you like.

Wait until you see what they've done to Louis Armstrong's "What A Wonderful World". I love it, and will play it sometime soon.
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