Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

November 9, 2008 Favoriting

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Favoriting Circus Freak - The Electric Prunes
Favoriting Road Runner - Bo Diddley
Favoriting Ask For Nothing - The Phantom Jets

Favoriting I Love You - The Setting Son
Favoriting Wastin' My Time - The New Breed (MA)
Favoriting Baby Should Have Known Better - Palmyra Delran
Favoriting I'm A Hog For You - The Coasters
Favoriting Bastard Son - The Long Weekend
Favoriting Don't Fool With My Girl - The Wildthings

Favoriting Downbound Train - Drew Weaver & The Alvarados
Favoriting Shutters And Boards - Jerry Wallace
Favoriting Julie On The Fung Wah Bus - Jesus H Christ & The Four Hornsmen Of The Apocalypse
Favoriting I Believe You - The Young Monkey Men
Favoriting You Don't Want Me - The Maggots

Favoriting The Sky Is Falling - The Safes
Favoriting Morgen - Ivo Robic & The Song-Masters
Favoriting Why She'd Ever Leave? - The Frantic Five
Favoriting I Lost Her - The Friedles
Favoriting Out Of The Night - Richard X. Heyman

Favoriting Faded Black - The Lords Of Altamont
Favoriting East West - Herman's Hermits
Favoriting I Wanna Hug Ya, Kiss Ya, Squeeze Ya - Holly Golightly & The Brokeoffs
Favoriting What Makes You So Bad (You Weren't Brought Up That Way) - The Outsiders (OH)
Favoriting Just One More Time - The Firewalkers

Favoriting Goodbye - The Royal Purple
Favoriting In The Past - We The People
Favoriting I Was Blind - The Gentleman Callers
Favoriting Baby It's You - The Shirelles
Favoriting The Hangman - The Bresslaws

Favoriting It's A Crying Shame - The Woody Peakers
Favoriting Open Your Eyes - The Sands
Favoriting Slim's Romp - Plainfield Slim
Favoriting He's Sure The Boy I Love - The Crystals
Favoriting Hang 'em High School - Barbacoa
Favoriting It Won't Be Long - Don & The Holidays

Favoriting Uprising - King Salami & The Cumberland Three
Favoriting The Boat That I Row - Lulu
Favoriting Zoom - The Apricots
Favoriting Don't Be Long - The Beefeaters (CA)
Favoriting Yuzo's Twist - The Ghastly Ones
Favoriting Noshville Katz - The Lovin' Cohens

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