Favoriting Shut Up, Weirdo with Frangry: Playlist from January 23, 2009 Favoriting

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January 23, 2009: Ask Us Anything

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Artist Track
Frangry & Andy  Shut Up Weirdo  

Listener comments!

  6:03pm Sean Daily:

Train wreck! I called it! Oops, wrong show...

Oh, and... First comment! Woo hoo!
  6:06pm barbarosa:

wow. I'm very proud of you.
what do you get for being the first one to comment?
  6:06pm Jay:

Why is the grass greener on the other side?
  6:07pm Sean Daily:

@barbarosa: I get THESE FABULOUS PRIZES!
  6:07pm nickkkkkkk:

oh YES, time for multiple inquisitives
  6:07pm Cecile:

he got a show from Billy Jam.

How do you keep from killing each other every week?
  6:09pm Sean Daily:

where is Julie and Julian and cut out guy and tim?
  6:09pm Miguel:

  6:10pm Miguel:

that dude was a moron
  6:10pm Sean Daily:

whats david lee roth been doing lately?
  6:10pm Bad Ronald:

A - I'm still a virgin.
Q - Why does it hurt when I pee?

Sean Daily is the king of first comments!
  6:14pm Billy:

will you guys have the jerky boys on air sometime?
  6:14pm Bill:

What did you blackmail Ken Freedman with to give you a show?
  6:19pm Sean Daily:

Who put the bomp in the bomp ba bomp bomp bomp. And while you're at it, who the rang in the rang a lang a ding dang? Cos when I catch up with that bastard, I'm gonna KILL him.
  6:21pm Sean Daily:

And while we're on the subject, I wonder wonder who ooooooooooo who wrote the book of love. Can you help me?
  6:22pm clive:

what was the first record and tape and cd you bought?
  6:26pm Sean Daily:

Why did the chicken cross the road? I'm guessing it was the Illuminati, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.
  6:29pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Who put the ham in the hambone?
  6:29pm M:

What's Fran's perfect first date?
  6:30pm D:

why'd she hang up on julian?
  6:31pm J:

how did the booty bass thing come about last night?
  6:32pm Sean Daily:

When dismembering a body in your bathtub, is it appropriate to use those new-fangled chainsaws, or should you stick to old-fashioned cleavers and hacksaws?
  6:34pm Sean Daily:

Why does Nicerauga smell like sheep vomit and old eggs?
  6:34pm O:

More Andy.
  6:36pm Sean Daily:

Hey hey hey hey HEY! That question was from Evil Mirror Mirror Twin Sean Daily, not the True Sean Daily! You can tell because he has a beard! ACK! I have a beard!
  6:38pm D:

Julie should co-host this show
  6:38pm Sean Daily:

Okay, here's a highbrow question for you: I'm going to meat the Queen of England at a formal dinner. Is it appropriate let out a huge fart - I mean, a REAL pantsbuster - in her presence?
  6:38pm Sean Daily:

Or meet, ee-vun.
  6:43pm M:

Hey Sean. Eat a dick and die.
  6:44pm m:

it's the yuan
  6:44pm Sean Daily:

you can't say that about me, I'm the first commenter. Respect that.
  6:45pm M:

respect this, trick.
  6:46pm D:

no-one says whatnot anymore. It's been like 7 years since I heard anyone say that.
  6:47pm Sean Daily:

You can respect my mighty wand.
  6:47pm D:

Andy rcoks!!!!!!!
  6:48pm cjc:

Andy, nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?
  6:50pm Pappy:

Andy - что bathrroms как в Россия?
  6:51pm Pappy:

Frangry - вы всегда мочлись?
  6:53pm Pappy:

Frangry - как я буду медиальным специалистом по выписывания счетов?
  6:55pm Sean Daily:

At a Klingon Rite of Ascension, how long should you jam your painstick into your buddy? And is it appropriate, if you forgot your painstick at home, to just kick him in the nards?
  6:56pm dave:

that smur's a ho
  6:59pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Bye for this week. Time now for Downtown Soulville?
  7:00pm Bad Ronald:

God bless Mr. Fine Wine!
  4:36pm Train:

Um... origami joke was awesome. He could have wrote that just for Andy and yet it breezed right by.
  2:54pm listener shmoe:

Renminbi is the currency itself, Yuan is the unit in which the currency is counted. It has nothing to do with external and internal. It's just confusing for speakers of languages who have the same words for currencies and their units.
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