Favoriting The Acousmatic Theater Hour with Karinne and Jason G: Playlist from February 22, 2009 Favoriting

Radio plays. Found audio. Call-in community theater, inside jokes and outsider art. Spoken word and sonic weirdness. For one hour every week, the Acousmatic Hour brings you theater -- OF THE MIND!!

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Favoriting February 22, 2009: Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies
Visit The College here!

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Artist Track Album Comments
Faust  Giggy Smile   Favoriting Faust IV  Theme Song! 
Mutable Sound  Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies   Favoriting   http://www.mutablesound.com/home/?p=71

Recorded by Malcolm Felder entirely at Shady Pines in Eugene, OR and written by Gabriel Boyer, this radioplay was inspired by HP Lovecraft and Seinfeld. It is a show in which nothing happens, yet that nothing is such an ominous nothing, such a bone-chilling nothing, that you will shiver while you twitter, and gag on your own giggles.

Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies stars (in order of appearance)
Gabriel Boyer, Narrator
Sybila Lisdert, Headmistress Ursula
Sarah Puttonen, Simone
Ruby Kalamas, Boo Boo
Paula Rupert, Imaginary Bears
Nick Soracco, Handyman Jack
Clair Migdal Grammar, Instructor Gundrun
Shane Howard Archibald, the Professor of Arcane Knowledge
Jon Bakker, Nathaniel
A. Julian Boyer William O'Reilly
David and Stephanie Abbott, Man and Woman
Ila Kreigh, Fairy Princess
Helen Kalamas and Charles Watkins, Assorted characters
Malcolm Felder, Demons

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Listener comments!

Jason G:

Chom, where are you?

hey evening guys!

At the oscars.

Though I've slipped away to listen to your show -- much more interesting. BRADY BUNCH!
Jason G:

Hi, risky!

Chom, are you being honored?

Best CHOM. HypomonkeySizzle!

Jason, you're popping your Ps in the submarine there. I think you need a tutorial from voice-over legend Kendrick Martin.
texas scott:

first time listener JG & K.
okay,I'm stealing your theme song!
I'm putting it in my library.
this is much more entertaining than TV...
Jason G:

Chom, I hear there's some heavy competition this year!

Thanks, nadje -- I will back off from the mic when we come back. Although I'd do anything to meet Kendrick Martin.

And thanks texas scott! It's Faust, from Faust IV.

It is in large part according to the sounds people make that we judge them sane or insane, male or female, good, evil, trustworthy, depressive marrigeable, moribund, likely or unlikely to make war on us, little better than animals, inspired by God.
texas scott:

okay CHOM,who are you?
someone famous?

someone in this marvelous production we are now hearing?
just curious...

Why worship an image, asks chom.

Based on our computer voice translator, which also generates a hologram of your likely appearance, neither CHOM, texas scott nor risky sound/appear depressive, marriageable, or likely to make war. Congratulations!
texas scott:

I worship no image sez scott.

A guttral HOWL that issues as a great wind from the back of the throat through a hugely distended mouth: a garg.

None of you sound like that, by the way.

Texas Scott I give you an acousmatic oscar, the highest honor of all the highest honors.
texas scott:

please,no worshipping allowed.

how meta is this.TS howls with laughter.

CHOM,TS accepts,with great humility.
dan in falls church VA:

well this here Mutable Sound, Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies, is entertaining me mightily!
Jason G:

Thanks, everyone. Make your own! And send them to us!

The official Acousmatic Oscars ceremony is happening in the 2012 marathon.

but it's happening behind a screen.
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