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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Friday, July 10, 2009 Favoriting
Occidental Bros + Samba Mapangala & Virunga live @ Lincoln Center Midsummer Night Swing

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Samba Mapangala and Orchestra Virunga with dancers, and their dancing fans. Photos: Trent Wolbe.
More of Trent's photos from this show are here.

Two shimmering live sets of old-school African electric dance music: First, the Occidental Brothers Dance Band International, a Chicago-based collaboration building a following playing shimmering old-school West African and Congolese electric dance music.

Then in the final hour of the show we're treated to a performance by one of the all-time great singers of Congolese style electric dance music, Samba Mapangala & Orchestra Virunga. While based in Kenya in the early 80s, Samba and Virunga recorded one of the all time African classics, Malako. And Samba's still going strong today: His 2008 election song Obama Ubarikiwe (Obama Be Blessed) was a YouTube sensation.

Super thanks to our illustrious crew: Irene Trudel, tech guru + Scott Williams + Bil Bowen + Trent Wolbe + Katie Gentile + Brian Turner + Liz Berg & Andy + Interns Mike & Janelle + Meghan McKee at the controls. And thanks to Mr Finewine and Pseu for letting us borrow their time slots for this remote!

This Week's Playlist:

(*** = special)

Pre-concert set: Classic Ghanian highlife (plus a brief interview with members of the Occidental Brothers Dance Band International):

ET Mensah: 205 Favoriting / Day By Day / RetroAfric

Alex Konadu: Medan Wo Favoriting / Various Artists: The Highlife All Stars / Network

Sweet Talks: Angelina Favoriting / Hollywood Highlife Party / Popular African Music

Beach Scorpions: Jealousy Favoriting / Various Artists: Electric Highlife: Sessions from the Bokoor Studios / Naxos

LIVE from Lincoln Center Midsummer Night Swing: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)

Occidental Brothers Dance Band International: 1 hour set Favoriting

Intermission set: Classics of Congolese-style music in East Africa (plus a brief interview with Lincoln Center producer Bill Bragin):

Orchestra Super Mazembe: Shauri Yako Favoriting / Various Artists: Guitar Paradise of East Africa / Virgin / Earthworks

Orchestra Makassy: Mke Wangu Favoriting / Legends of East Africa / Arc Music

Remmy Ongala: Amisa Favoriting / Kershaw Sessions / Strange Roots

Simba Wanyika: Wana Wanyika Favoriting / Various Artists: Guitar Paradise of East Africa / Virgin / Earthworks

LIVE from Lincoln Center Midsummer Night Swing: (Listen to this set: Pop-up)

Samba Mapangala & Orchestra Virunga: 1 hour set Favoriting

Listener comments!

  7:45pm listenr Carl:

we are there. Thanks for the transportation Rob
  8:08pm Your DJ:

Thanks Carl!
  8:23pm Danne D:

This show kicks some serious ass! Very enjoyable. Made being stuck at work late bearable. Great work Rob :)
  8:33pm Your DJ:

Thanks Danne - the credit really goes to Irene, Scott, Bil and everyone else on the crew !
  8:50pm texas scott:

  8:54pm Your DJ:

You bet!
  9:17pm ?:

Summer, Friday AND Congolese- how much excellence is that!!!
  9:40pm slugluv1313:

hi Rob! listening at home now, WOW sounds like so much FUN!!!!!!! wish i coulda been there!!!!!!! (hi Katie!) (hi Neva!) (hi kitties!)
  9:44pm Your DJ:

A blast indeed! By the way folks, both bands have gigs tomorrow in the area - Occidental Bros at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn and Virunga at the Nyati Lounge in Newark NJ.
  9:48pm Ken From Hyde Park:

The show tonight is very nice. Thanks for bringing it to us.
  9:51pm Your DJ:

Thanks Ken! And by the way dear listeners, don't worry, Pseu and Mr Finewine will be back as usual next Friday evening - many thanks to them for letting us step in this evening!
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