Favoriting Shut Up, Weirdo with Frangry: Playlist from July 17, 2009 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 17, 2009: Near-Death Experiences (Ken fills in for Andy)

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Ken and Frangry  Shut Up Weirdo   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

inquiring minds:

Wonder if faux daddy Ken will shield the starlet from negative comments same as faux daddy Andy C does...

Ken, you are such a cheater! Make sure you don't have fun or Andy will cry.
fmu dj's:

honestly, we've all nearly died on the air many times.
Danne D:

Hi Frangry, Hi Kengry.

Ken, you are such a cheater! Make sure you don't have fun or Andy will cry.
that's it!:

she's galling because she reminds everyone of their bossiest sister
Danne D:

I'm contemplating if any of my 3 possible answers to call are too boring. Probably. So let's have some of the less boring folks call.
stingy d:

i always almost die.
Danne D:

Death by Frangry?
Is that Frangricide?
you know...:

fact is, random bitchery never killed or almost killed anyone, unless they cared more about what the female thought than they ought to have

I can't call, so I'm posting this, sorry!

During the Winter flu season of 2003, I caught an extremely virulent strain that knocked me out and almost killed me. A few hours before I got sick, I had the unfortunate timing to eat a huge meal of Korean deli foods--kimchi, soy marinated beans, mandoo, etc. Anyway, during a violent heaving episode I actually passed out and fell down in my bathroom. I had no idea what was happening and I think I was essentially suffocating on my own vomit a la Hendrix, Moon, et al, and started to see deceased relatives and moments of my life flashing by---I swear--it does happen! Luckily, my girlfriend at the time, heard the thump and came in and lifted me up and I sorta came to.
Danne D:

Comments Board 1
Phone Callers 0

Marshall Stacks:

How old were you when you had these near-death experiences, Station Manager Ken?
Danne D:

Kengry 2
Comments Board 1
Phone Callers 0

Danne D:

LOL gotta give the boss man his props :)
I'm tempted to call and maybe my 3 semi-lame stories will like add up to 1 point.

Hi Frangry and Ken. I started to call in but I must have had too much caffeine today, after the seventh ring I started to feel weird so I hung up. Too bad, my story of how my blood pressure dropped during a caesarean right after the senior anesthesiologist left the doc-in-training in charge is actually kind of funny. A major disadvantages to being a doctor, when you're having a procedure you know exactly when something might go wrong...

Anyway keep up the good work, as your predecessor in this time slot used to say, God bless, and Ken, I hope your vertigo is all gone?

Best, Anna

I lived in Brasil as a teen, and the family went on vacation in Rio. Once my parents had the poor judgment to leave us kids mucking around on the beach while they went shopping. We got the bright idea of climbing around the perimeter of a big stone hillside that sloped straight down into the ocean. Can we see where this is going yet? The going got rough but we were a lot of the way around the hill so, being stubborn, I exhorted us to crawl sideways on our forearms and feet with our stomachs facing the sky till the terrain would eventually flatten out more. It was basically working, but one of my brothers lost his footing on the damp rock and, for a moment, was sliding straight down into the ocean, which god knows was how deep straight down the side of this big rock hill into the surf, and no good way to climb back out if you fell in -- it's was a steep wet rockface. Was I going to get in heap big trouble for getting one of my brothers killed? By dumb luck there was a hump of rock sticking up maybe two meters above the water, and he stopped himself on it with one foot. He then managed to work himself back up and the rest of the way around the hill.

Boy was that stupid.
Danne D:

Message Board 3
Kengry 2
Interns 1
Callers 1
John McCabe in LA:

ok ok She did not appear to me but I did pretend she was at the top and that gave me the power to climb the frangreto part is totally true
Danne D:

Hmm, I think it might've been the wearing white part that gave lie to that story, John :)

j/k Frangry!
partial score:

Callers Suck.
John McCabe in LA:

sometimes I go to far I'm the first one to admit it.
Danne D:

man what's the next call - near death by hangnail?
Danne D:

Hrm, they want to hear about people being bit by wild animals and stuff but then someone calls in with that type of story and they don't believe them :)
Ken's Enthusiasm:

I'm having a near death experience now!
channeling Andy B:

I lost the will to live eight minutes before the show even started, just contemplating it
anyone with commonsense:

I call bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danne D:

So i'll post the 3 here to pump up the message board score...

The first one was one time I was driving on a nice summer night (not unlike last night) on (-80/95 with a buddy of mine when all of sudden out of nowhere there's all this sand on the road. I try to slow down but I can feel the car losing traction when suddenly it starts swerving left and then I over correct it to the left (going from the 3rd to the 1st lane) and then swerving back to the right away from the guard rail and doing like a 225-degree turn, stalling in the middle lane. I look up and see the lights of all the cars coming on, flood the engine once, then finally getting it started and driving on - hands shaking. I still think my late father helped guide me out of harm's way that night.
Danne D:

5 minutes of Flirt With Ken = Every DJ on the schedule calling :o)
John McCabe in LA:


We'd really like to kill off freeform radio. Does that count as near death?
Ken from Hyde Park:

Unable to call. Here is my story. In 1988, I was driving down I-95 to DC and reached down to tune the radio. I looked up and was about to smash into cars stopped at a toll booth. Since I was in the leftmost lane, I was able to whip out onto the shoulder and come to a reasonable stop (passing by maybe 8 or 10 stopped cars). Plus, it was slippery from melting snow. That and the time I came across a bear on the trail in Glacier NP.
score update:

Danne D:

Best call = a 2nd-hand story (I liked the shark story)

Ken loves AK-47s... this is top-notch flirting.
Danne D:

Wow, let me recap -there's lots of calls that got like zero points in my book. Let's see:
Message Board: 4
Kengry: 3
Callers (1st Hand): 3 (gotta give props to the Vet!)
Callers (2nd Hand): 1
Interns: 1
Danne D:

Breckman calling to flirt with Ken would be comedy gold!

tom shouldn't win because he used the word "dink" on the radio.
just guessing:

Andy B is just nowhere near a turned-on radio

Technical Brush With Death: I flew on a cheap flight from London to NYC in May 89. I found out from passengers it was really flight 103, renumbered after the bombing the prior Christmas. The flight was 80% empty. Weird feeling.
Danne D:

Message boarders never win :(
Anyway later Weirdos!

Frangry decides weekly winners, and I believe she deliberately never looks at comments, during or after. Only on-air is actual radio. "The rest is silence."
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