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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, November 14, 2009 Favoriting
Ken Braun of Sterns Music on the great final years of Congolese legend Franco

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Franco. Photograph © 1973 by Eliot Elisofon, National Geographic.

Sterns Music, the venerable purveyor of African music has just released Francophonic 2, a beautifully packaged 2-CD box set of music from Congolese musical legend Franco's illustrious final years, the 1980s, featuring stellar performances with his superstar supersized band TPOK Jazz. The release coincided with the 20th anniversary of Franco's death, on October 12, 1989.

Congolese music mega-expert Ken Braun of Sterns produced this as well as an earlier volume of Francophonic, and wrote the extensive (and handsomely illustrated) liner notes. He joins us to play the music and tell a bit of the story of this truly larger than life figure, the greatest star in all of Africa at his peak. Ken also samples a couple of Sterns' recent equally well-produced and documented releases of vintage West African music.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Franco: Bazonzele Mama Ana Favoriting / Francophonic / Sterns

Franco: Nostalgie Favoriting / Francophonic Vol. 2 / Sterns / *

Franco: Sandoka Favoriting / Francophonic Vol. 2 / Sterns / *

Franco: Suite Lettre No. 1 Favoriting / Francophonic Vol. 2 / Sterns / *
With Tabu Ley

Franco: Luvumbu Ndoki Favoriting / Franco, Vicky Et L'OK Jazz: Cesar Aboya Yo / Tonton (1964-65) / Sonodisc
This 1966 Franco single about witchcraft (but generally felt to be a veiled criticism of Congolese despot Mobutu - who banned it when originally released) is also included on the anthology The Very Best Of The Rumba Giant Of Zaire (Union Square records).

Franco: Kimpa Kisangameni Favoriting / Francophonic Vol. 2 / Sterns / *

Keletigui et ses Tambourinis: Donsoke Favoriting / Keletigui et Ses Tambourinis:The Syliphone Years, 1968 - 1976 / Sterns / *

Rail Band: Sinsimba Favoriting / Rail Band Vol 3 / Sterns

Maya Andrade: Palavra Favoriting / Storia, Storia / Sony / *

Bebel Gilberto: Bim Bom Favoriting / All in One / Verve / *

Akiko Yano: Owari No Kisetsu Favoriting / Akiko Yano / Elektra

Ahmad Zahir: Baaz Aamady Ai Jaane Man Favoriting / Various Artists: Afghan Star (Soundtrack) / Silva Screen / *

Smokey Hormel: Acaua Favoriting / Smokey's Secret Family / *
Music bed for concert info

Septeto Nacional Ignacio Pineiro: Alma Rumbera Favoriting / Mas Cuba Libre / Network

Emeline Michel: Banda Favoriting / Reine de Coeur

David Murray and the Gwo-Kwa Masters: Nwel'o! Favoriting / Yonn-De / Justin Time

Listener comments!

  6:11pm julian:

been looking forward to this show all week....and you've started with my fave track off the retro vol. 1! Great stuff!
  6:12pm TSP Fan:

Were you 8 minutes late or did Terre just go over that much? Glad you made it.
  6:42pm Your DJ:

Thanks Julian and, no, Terre just went a little over - !
  7:14pm julian:

Sorry to tell you, it's gone.
Virtual only now.
  7:23pm Your DJ:

Ah well...
  7:53pm zxc:

Hi Rob - love this music! can you provide the name and other info about the new Franco 2 cd set please? have to get a copy for maself! thanks
  7:55pm Your DJ:

Francophonic Volume 2 on Sterns - website is or you can get it from Amazon etc.
  12:02am slugluv1313:

awesome show, Rob! (was not able to comment earlier ) -- and oh my! even Stern's has re-located to . . . JOISEY!
  4:17pm dirkzaffer:

wassamba from Mory Kante (cd: Tatebola) is the original - rail's band : Sinsimba !
or ..... ?
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