Favoriting Nardwuar The Human Serviette Show: Playlist from December 23, 2009 Favoriting

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Favoriting December 23, 2009: Nardwuar vs. Bill "The Moonlanding was Faked" Kaysing

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Nardwuar  Bill kaysing   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

the rube:

spill the beans

crispy space bacon

Sadly Bill Kaysing has passed away but his ideas and books live on! http://billkaysing.com/ ! Thanks for listening! Doot doo!

Weren't things (like the vehicles) left on the moon...and couldn't these things be seen with telescopes?

did he pass away under mysterious circumstances? was his death investigated? how did he die, anyway?

Jim; wished i'd asked him!
Marv: don't think it was mysterious. William Cooper did pass away under mysterious circumstances though http://www.nardwuar.com/vs/william_cooper/

Doot Doo!

Hey Nardwuar, I totally love you man... but at the same time I've done a lot of searching into this supposed moon hoax stuff over time and I can't agree with it. Even though Bill's claims may seem compelling at face-value (and there was a time where I would have believed it myself)... there are too many rational and scientific explanations to the various concerns he raises.

Don't get me wrong... I listened to the entirety of this show (as I have your other shows)... but I didn't hear anything really compelling that hasn't been explained satisfactorily by other sources. Here's a page that gives a lot of good point by point explanations and examples of how this conspiracy theory is more than a little sloppy n' off the mark: http://www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm

Funny thing is, that page actually links to your interview with Bill housed o'er at your own site in text format.
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