airing of the final part of a two hour session recorded in Oakland,, CA few months back exclusively for WFMU's Put the Needle On The Record. - Note next Friday, Jan 8th, there will be a live remote broadcast of this show from Oakland, CA out of Megasonic Studios in the Piedmont District with both DnZ and Dawgisht plus DJ Quest, Saul Goody, Deeandroid and Celskiii, 4AM, Bas-1, and Tajai and Phesto of the mighty Souls of Mischief
Happy new year to Billy and all the comment regulars who are busy nursing severe hangovers right now.
As I wrote during Dan's show, DJ ALF's album is one of my fave five records of 2009, so thanks a lot to both of you guys.
Billy Jam:
thanks Fred. I agree with you on ALF's album. How was New Year's over in France?
Billy Jam:
Happy new year to everyone tuned in live or in archives. This is special New Year's Day show with mostly music - little talk and myself and my man Jeff Mullan tag teaming on the toons. Jeff will be playing music for the second hour 4 to 5pm EST - and then back to me for the last hour.....
I don't if that's because it got suddenly colder, or because of the general sarkozishness, but it looked pretty tame. Then again I can't speak for everyone and speaking of hangovers I'm not even sure I can speak for myself.
DJ Forecast:
Quest is an amazing dj and producer
Anyway, the new year I'm looking forward to is the Chinese one. I've enjoyed that one far more for the past few years.
Billy Jam:
well Happy Chnese New Year to you in advance Fred - Hey what were the other four albums in your Top FIve of 09?
Well, there was Oneida's Rated O, I just love these guys as a live band and I was really happy they put that monster out, it shows a lot of what they can do.
I've been waiting for Kumi Solo's "My love for you is a cheap pop song" for so long it hardly feels like a fall release, but that's the kind of pop candy I just love. Well worth seeing live too.
Audrey Chen and Robert Van Heumen's Abattoir made it to my short list. It's a great record where the electronics really enhance Audrey Chen's performance. I wish I had seen them live, but I did get to see Chen twice this year and she really delivers.
My fave record was Nisennenmondai's Fan. Totally unplayable on radio though -- one track, over 35'. Way shorter live at about 15', but a total blast.
There's a trend there, I'm more interested in live gigs than records. So I wish ALF will play in Paris this year. Unlikely, I know, but I've put that wish out on my blog months ago, and his record sure did nothing to change my mind.
Hey there, I'm awake. No hangover. Couldn't stomach the really expensive Dom Perignon that my friends opened. That shit is *nasty.*
That ambient-ish opening track was awesome. Slightly Orb-ish. That was DJ Food?!?
first song of this hour was Octopus Project meets Black Moth Rainbow, Will put some songs up later...
No I meant Billy Jam's show-opening track, although this entire set has been awesome too so far, especially right now.
whoops it was indeed, sry suffering from too much coffee to make up for a lte night
And my meaningless top 5 of the meaningless year would be something like:
A Place to Bury Strangers: "Exploding Head"
Raveonettes: "In & Out of Control"
Ume: "Sunshower" EP
Brother Ali: "Us"
White Rainbow: "New Clouds"
(Subject to change; my fickle brain may disown any/all at any moment.)
And Röyksopp, Built to Spill, Natural Snow Buildings, Deastro, and Dälek put out great stuff too, and there's so much more I want to listen to, but no time.
Yeah Ike, Dälek was great too, and Oddateee -- he opened for them over here -- was real good too. Sorry for the long one, I felt like filling up the void while you guys were out -- or fine but lurking, as it were.
awesome show - tuned in about an hour ago - perfect for the day - is this two djs? i'd like to tune in to the fillin's regular show sometime too
Thanks... its Billy's show. He was just nice enough to let me mess around for hour 2 of it. I usually do overnights every few months or so. I usually play much more spaced stuff, since it's the middle of the night.
Self-promotion gives me the chills.
Hey! There's a podcast too if you like Jeff's stuff!
J. Mahon:
good show!
im pretty sure the song you played was not reunite castles, or maybe it was and i had trouble scanning to hear it. but i think maybe youve made a mislabel
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Listener comments!
As I wrote during Dan's show, DJ ALF's album is one of my fave five records of 2009, so thanks a lot to both of you guys.
Billy Jam:
Billy Jam:
DJ Forecast:
Billy Jam:
I've been waiting for Kumi Solo's "My love for you is a cheap pop song" for so long it hardly feels like a fall release, but that's the kind of pop candy I just love. Well worth seeing live too.
Audrey Chen and Robert Van Heumen's Abattoir made it to my short list. It's a great record where the electronics really enhance Audrey Chen's performance. I wish I had seen them live, but I did get to see Chen twice this year and she really delivers.
My fave record was Nisennenmondai's Fan. Totally unplayable on radio though -- one track, over 35'. Way shorter live at about 15', but a total blast.
There's a trend there, I'm more interested in live gigs than records. So I wish ALF will play in Paris this year. Unlikely, I know, but I've put that wish out on my blog months ago, and his record sure did nothing to change my mind.
That ambient-ish opening track was awesome. Slightly Orb-ish. That was DJ Food?!?
A Place to Bury Strangers: "Exploding Head"
Raveonettes: "In & Out of Control"
Ume: "Sunshower" EP
Brother Ali: "Us"
White Rainbow: "New Clouds"
(Subject to change; my fickle brain may disown any/all at any moment.)
And Röyksopp, Built to Spill, Natural Snow Buildings, Deastro, and Dälek put out great stuff too, and there's so much more I want to listen to, but no time.
Self-promotion gives me the chills.
J. Mahon: