Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from February 25, 2010 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting February 25, 2010: Of Mice and Normalcy - Stories

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Jordan De La Sierra  Gymnosphere - Song of the Rose   Favoriting Songs For The Well-Tuned Piano  Unity  ?  LP   
Mice - A story by Clay Pigeon
Consume and Excrete
Thimbles of Rodentia
The Bull Mouse
The Skeletal Truth
Sick Cone
Condemned To Averageness
Imaginary Yellow Fashion Garments
Secret Alcove
Mic Failure
Fabio's Mice
25% Higher
Sonic Criticism
Fabio's Mice-Infested Place
Take 'Em For A Drive
  Auschwitz was NOT funny. Hitler sucked. Nazi's suck. For the record.
Marathon Reference
Cheez-Whiz, Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Fabio's Fragility
Otto's Shrunken Head
Fabio's Troublesome Domination
Wall Of Stone
Nasal Exhalations
Pile Of Noise
Doppelganger Sprockets
Chainsaw Droning
Broken Ballerina
Fabio's Vision
Mickey Hart's Babies
Farewell Fabio
Back To "Mice"
The Bat Eye
Stinking Bat Eye
Shoe Of A Dutchman
Gutty And Smashed
Clem In The Hole
Desperate And Damned
Dirtbound And Doomed
  I love salamanders and chameleons
Biting and Stinking and Threatening
Maximum Bird Eggs
Lizardous Young and the Reptilious Consumer
A Walking Tumor Of Vengeance
The Fried and the Rabid
Paint and Creosote Chunks
  At this point I lost focus and the story drags and meanders :>(
Clarence Carter Cassettes
  This part is based on a real-life situation. Collecting ancient nails around an old ampitheatre being torn down in Iowa when I was 12, listening to "Patches" by Clarence Carter on KIOA (Des Moines). I found a 1912 V Nickel and old medicine bottles.
Collective Thought Trumps Individualism
Fields Of Unending Brown
Dead Mice Upon The Clods
Great Frigid Bowels
Moles Besting The Mice
Falling Short Of The Barn
Brown Thimble Growers
Muscle Mouse
Milking His Cow
Choking On A Mamaburgerâ„¢
God Waits In The Clods
Deep and High
Parakeet Skeletons
The Soul Of The One-Eyed Basement Bat
Super Hot Dog Runaround
Marble Finality
The Spastic Balloon
The Boot Of The Interloper
Cowboy Kenny Carlisle  Too Many Beers   Favoriting          
"Back To Normal" a story by Clay Pigeon
Pliant Dancers
Failed Indians
The Dust That Is Skin
Jerry Quarry's Synapsis
Come In 38
Junior's Been Drinking
JC Penney Nightgown
Give A Dollar To God
Decibilic Volume
Vulnerable Undards
Pistonic Torture
Clawfuls Of Misspent Life
Puny Years
Tender Chicken
Stuff Me ... Drain Me ... Transfuse Me ... Grease Me
Sweet November
100,000 Mice
Out And Away
John 3:16
Junior's Effluent
Pink And Red Coiled Fuzz
Neon Candied Worms
The Imaginary Salve Of Self-Deception
Lime Sherbet, Pecan Sandies and a Mars Bar
Alienating Fatness
Stale Crumbs Of Yesterdayness
Fattening, Glowering and Angry
A Sullied, Single Sheet
Jim's Little Plan
Shaving Poundage
Mr. Brill
The Sweet Must Of Church
A Hermit Hole In Uglytown
Sickness Waltzes In
America's Hose
The Desert of Gayness
Rifling Through Slides
  Veiled "Cool Hand Luke" Reference
Tipping The Coleman
Gargantuan Murano Clown


Big Marble Reference (Hackneyed Cliche - sorry)
Beige and Useless Shells
Talented Hooves of the Servile Donkeys
People Are #1 !!!
Elliptical Seasons
Darwin and God Were Right
Back To Normal
Clay Pigeon  Is There Anyone Home   Favoriting Unreleased Demo  Nun  2010  MP3  A Gordon Lightfoot cover. I am actually not comfortable with playing my own tracks in a musical sense. So ... I will try not to continue down this path of vanity. At any rate, I do like Gordo. 
  Thanks for listening to this show everyone. Each week usually starts out the same for me, with regards to the program. I always intend for there to be an interview-based, street type show. But then, sometimes I get out there and it's cold or it's raining/snowing, I get shy, I wander around for a couple of hours and come home, unwilling to face the rejection I often get, or, I am unable to come up with anything to ask people besides, "What do you think about Obama"? or "Do you love America"?

I also wanted to create some type of entertaining digital construct in Garageband, like I have been tinkering with of late, but I couldn't get it together, save for the little Cowboy Kenny Carlisle thing I slipped in between the two stories.

As for the stories themselves, this time I literally "banged them out" rapidfire-style. I am not a huge fan of stream-of-consciousness stuff, though, Lord knows I have subjected you to a boatload of it over the years, and you have been patient to tolerate it, or, to mercifully switch it off without e-complaining. After rapid-fire writing these two tales, I just as quickly recorded them to micro-cassette and aired them. There are "spots" that I like, and then again there are real dullsville passages in dire need of being edited out. How anyone could wade through these and make it to the finish line is beyond me.

So ... next week is the beginning of marathon. I'm nervous about it. We'll need to raise some $$$ for the station and, of course, I will hope that The Dusty Show does OK. I do feel as if I am limping to the finish line this time a little bit. I haven't actually foisted up my best stuff of late. A lame (sans Fabio) live show, a lacklustre "smoking show" and these morbid stories ... I can only hope that I've earned your listenership over time through my weekly efforts to get something together for you, and I won't lie, it's hard sometimes. It really is. Not in a back breaking hard work sense, but in the relentless way the weeks pass so quickly, and in the chronic challenge to develop content for that sixty minutes each week. I hope I have given you some things worth listening to, and that, despite the shite economy, you might spare a nickel or two for the old (now arthritic - for real!) Pigeon. I could use your help. More importantly, WFMU could use your help.

So, until next time, I hope you have a good week and that something great happens for you in your life. Maybe you'll find a fiver on the ground. Please e-mail if/when you get the chance. It's been quite deadsville in that regard lately and I do so enjoy hearing from you.


I appreciate your continued support and hope that you'll remain an ongoing member of the Dusty Family. You're always welcome here. Take care my friend ... always remember.

C.P. 2/26/10

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