Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 21, 2010 Favoriting

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Favoriting Devil In You - The Hysteric Narcotics (12" LP: Batteries Not Included) [Raffscallion] 1986
Favoriting Sweet Cream Ladies, Forward March - The Box Tops (45) [Mala] 1968
Favoriting Drowning - The New York Dolls (CD: Cause I Sez So) [Atco]

Favoriting Cous Cous - The Wildebeests (CD: The Gnus Of Gnavarone) [Dirty Water]
Favoriting In The Past - We The People (45) [Challenge] 1966
Favoriting Can't Stop The Stomp - The Cavestompers (CD: The Cavestompers!) [Plastic Cave]
Favoriting Too Much Of Nothing - Peter, Paul & Mary (45) [Warner] 1967
Favoriting The Whip - Locksley (CD: Be In Love) [Feature]

Favoriting Please Don't Go - The LSD Enigma (CD: The LSD Enigma) [Jargon]
Favoriting Down On Me - Big Brother & The Holding Company (12" LP: Big Brother & The Holding Company) [Mainstream] 1968
Favoriting After All This Time - The Surfin' Lungs (CD: Full Petal Jacket) [Wild Punk]
Favoriting Every Step I Take (Every Move I Make) - The Hassles (12" LP: The Hassles) [Liberty] 1967
Favoriting Comb Your Hair - LoveStruck (7" EP: Dance Party) [Bunny Hop]
Favoriting Have You Ever Spent The Night In Jail - The Standells (12" LP: Why Pick On Me) [Tower] 1966

Favoriting You've Become A Witch - The Electric Mess (CD: The Electric Mess) [The Electric Mess]
Favoriting Get A Job - The Silhouettes (45) [Ember] 1958
Favoriting I Sell Soul - Rocket From The Tombs (45) [Hearthen]
Favoriting I Must Be Mad - The Craig (45) [Fontana] 1966
Favoriting Sheena's Back - Nick Curran & The Lowlifes (CD: Reform School Girls) [Electro Groove]

Favoriting Don't Bother Me - Los Hories (CD: Don't Bother Us) [Off The Hip]
Favoriting Misery - Del Shannon (12" LP: Runaway) [Big Top] 1961
Favoriting Camel Walk - Southern Culture On the Skids (7" EP: Santo Sings) [Zontar] 1992
Favoriting Blue Snow Night - The Gurus (45) [United Artists] 1966
Favoriting Can't Seem To Make You Mine - Alex Chilton (45) [Lust/Unlust] 1978

Favoriting Hideous Eye - The Nevermores (CD: Nevereverafter) [TIRC]
Favoriting After Last Night - The Rev-Lons (45) [Reprise] 1963
Favoriting Try It Out - The Satelliters (45) [El Beasto]
Favoriting Porpoise Mouth - Country Joe & The Fish (12" LP: Electric Music For The Mind And Body) [Vanguard] 1967
Favoriting Monkey Mess - Thee Vicars (12" LP: Psychotic Beat!) [Dirty Water]

Favoriting Under The Thumb - The Len Price 3 (CD: Pictures) [Wicked Cool]
Favoriting New Orleans - Gary U. S. Bonds (45) [Legrand] 1960
Favoriting I Want To Be You - Your Funeral (45) [Local Anesthetic] 1982
Favoriting I Can't Do It - The E-Types (45) [Link] 1966
Favoriting Sometimes Good Guys Don't Wear White - Stupidity (CD: I Need You...Like A Hole In My Head) [Go Fast] 2007

Favoriting She's Kind Of Evil - Thee Fine Lines (45) [Ken Rock Records]
Favoriting Ring-Around-A-Rosy Rag - Arlo Guthrie (12" LP: Alice's Restaurant) [Reprise] 1967
Favoriting Angels - Lene Lovich (45) [Stiff] 1979
Favoriting The Jolly Green Giant - The Kingsmen (45) [Wand] 1965
Favoriting Race Night - Merrell Fankhauser (CD: Rockin And Surfin Vol. 3) [Ocean]

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