Favoriting Professor Dum Dum's Lab: Playlist from April 18, 2010 Favoriting

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Professor Dum Dum, scientist of music, performs experiments in music and human behaviour. Living, breathing volunteers subject themselves to his verbal vivisection, helping all to understand what laymen call "absurdity." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting April 18, 2010

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Artist Track Album Label
Type O Negative  Suspended in Dusk   Favoriting Christian Woman EP  Roadrunner 
Trouble  Pray for the Dead   Favoriting The Skull  Powerline 
Carnivore  Angry Neurotic Catholics   Favoriting Retaliation  Roadrunner 
Suffocation  Catanonia   Favoriting Human Waste  Relapse Records 
Excommunion  God of Emptiness   Favoriting Tyrants from the Abyss  Necropolis 
Nevermore  This Godless Endeavor   Favoriting This Godless Endeavor  Century Media Records 
Aggressor  Medieval Rites   Favoriting Medieval Rites  Season of Mist 
Whispering Gallery  My Final Hour on Earth   Favoriting Poems of a Forgotten Dream  Killerwhale Records 
Coph Nia  Sympathy for the Devil   Favoriting The Dark Illuminati  Cold Meat Industry 
Type O Negative  Black Sabbath   Favoriting Nativity in Black: A tribute to Black Sabbath  Columbia 
My Dying Bride  My Wiine, In Silence   Favoriting Songs of Darkness  Peaceville 
Usurper  The Dead of Winter   Favoriting Threshold of the Usurper  Necropolis 
Vanitas  Lebenslauf   Favoriting Lichtgestalten  CCp Records 
Type O Negative  World Coming Down   Favoriting World Coming Down  Roadrunner Records 
Metallica  Fade to Black   Favoriting Ride The Lightning  Elektra 
Pavor  Total Warrior   Favoriting A pale Debilitating Autumn  Imperator 
Elend  The Wake of the Angel   Favoriting The Umbersun  Orphika 

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Listener comments!


RIP Peter Steele. You were creepy in the best way.

DumDum, you're wacky, you're smart, but I just want to put it out there to FMU listeners that you don't have to be anti-Christian to be hip. Jesus was way cool. His message is good. Regardless of those who would purvey it, and do so badly, Jesus' message is awesome. You can dig wierd music and Jesus at the same time, I totally do.
king dean:

despite the king missile song jesus was not way cool, because he didn't exist.

is a truth less important or good if the messenger's identity is questioned? who cares if Lao Tsu was really one person or several, as is argued, the Tao Te Ching is still a good message. Did Bhuddha exist? Where are his papers? Who cares. Jesus story rings true in people's lives two millenia after it was set. Says something. Pretty cool I think.

Yes, we can wonder what psychological benefits these memes provide. However Satan is definitely real, as our ears now tell us.
Tim Serpas:

Blaaaaack Boooooox Recoooorder
karen- queen of the world:

Jesus' story ringing true two millenia later really shows how ignorant people are.
king dean:

lao tzu of course didn't exist because if he did exist he would have contradicted the basis of taoism by writing the tao te ch'ing. buddha was a historical person thats been verified but there's no record of jesus aside from the bible.

Even if it were true that there were valid teachings in the New Testament, and ones not copied from others, the fact remains that the teachings are nullified by the atrocities committed in the name of those teachings. Why anyone would want to be part of a club that has such a bloody history is beyond me. Would you join the KKK if it has some so-called "good" messages? Wouldyou really be able to ignore some of their naughty behavior?

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

That caller was hilarious. soap on a rope... dolphin rapist... ha

Karen, I'm so sorry that we sound the same. Clearly he is playing us both. Speaking of porn, Professor--- I won the Slave Girls of Morgan Le Fay during the marathon! Where is it?!I am so displeased I have to be fake Karen.
karen- queen of the world:

leila. you are not me and i am not you. really. although we sound strangely alike and it kind of creeps me out.

The more I listen to this, the more I have been convinced that we are just alternate universe versions of each other. I am the Hades to your Zeus. Or if you want to be more viking metal about it, the Loki to your Thor. We are needed to maintain a proper balance in the world.
karen- queen of the world:

yes. and to dream about each other.
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