Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

May 9, 2010 Favoriting

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Favoriting Satan Island - The Subway Surfers (CD: Three Chords A Mission) [Deep Eddy]
Favoriting You Just May Be The One - The Monkees (12" LP: Headquarters) [Colgems] 1967
Favoriting Three Orange Whips - The Evil Farm Children (45) [Dad's Favourite Records]

Favoriting Get Me To The World On Time - Mondo Topless (CD: Freaking Out) [Get Hip]
Favoriting Circles - Les Fleur De Lys (45) [Immediate] 1966
Favoriting City Of People - The Brimstones (7" EP: Serve Cold) [Go Ape]
Favoriting One Fine Day - The Chiffons (45) [Laurie] 1963
Favoriting Sunset Showdown - The LSD Enigma (CD: The LSD Enigma) [Jargon]
Favoriting Echo - The Vaqueros (45) [Audition] 1963

Favoriting Ce N'est Pas Une Vie - Les Terribles (CD: Les Terribles) [Screaming Apple]
Favoriting You're Gonna Miss Me - The 13th Floor Elevators (45) [International Artists] 1966
Favoriting I Will Never Be Free - The Incredible Staggers (12" LP: Zombies Of Love) [Soundflat]
Favoriting Andrea - The Sunrays (45) [Tower] 1966
Favoriting Runaway From You - The Mullens (CD: It's Hard To Imagine...) [Get Hip]
Favoriting The Enormous Midnight - Clyde & The Nightshades (45) [Arcania International] 1967

Favoriting The Chesterfield Childish Club - Doctor Explosion (45) [Soundflat]
Favoriting Woo-Hoo - The Rock-A-Teens (45) [Roulette] 1959
Favoriting Can't Bring A Good Man Down - The Attention (12" LP: The Attention!) [Screaming Apple]
Favoriting Games - The Nova Local (45) [Decca] 1967
Favoriting 925 - The Research Turtles (CD: Research Turtles) [Research Turtles]

Favoriting She's Mine - The Frowning Clouds (CD: Listen Closelier) [Off The Hip]
Favoriting Queen Of The Hop - Bobby Darin (45) [Atco] 1958
Favoriting Complicate My Life - The Mojomatics (CD: Don't Pretend That You Know Me) [Ghost]
Favoriting Glendora - The Downliners Sect (45) [Columbia] 1966
Favoriting The Hives Are Law, You Are Crime - The Hives (CD EP: Hate To Say I Told You So) [Gearhead] 2002

Favoriting Under The Thumb - The Len Price 3 (CD: Pictures) [Wicked Cool]
Favoriting I Love You - The Volume's (45) [Chex] 1962
Favoriting Bad Love - Yesterday's Thoughts (12" LP: A Moment To Pray) [Sound Effect]
Favoriting I Live In The Springtime - The Lemon Drops (45) [Rembrandt] 1967
Favoriting 236-6132 - Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer (CD: Drum Hat Buddha) [Signature Sounds] 2001

Favoriting Another Year Again - The Sadies (CD: Darker Circles) [Yep Roc]
Favoriting It Was I - Skip And Flip (45) [Brent] 1959
Favoriting The Collector - The Tol-Puddle Martyrs (CD: A Celebrated Man) [Secretdeals]
Favoriting Fever - The McCoys (45) [Bang] 1965
Favoriting Sheena Was A Country Girl - Daddy Was A Driver (CD: Daddy Was A Driver) [Zip]

Favoriting You Crossed The Line - The Goldstars (CD: The Race EP) [Pravda]
Favoriting That's My Girl (Rotten To The Core) - The Great Scots (45) [Epic] 1966
Favoriting Goodbye My Friend - The Heartbeats (CD: Two Down, Four To Go) [Twang!] 1995
Favoriting Gypsy Surfer - The Avantis (45) [Chancellor] 1963
Favoriting The Lover's Curse - The A-Bones (CD: The A-Bones, Not Now!) [Norton]

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