Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

May 26, 2002 Favoriting

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Favoriting Love So Pure - Puffy Ami Yumi
Favoriting Louder - The Piper Downs
Favoriting Summertime Summertime - The Jamies
Favoriting The Trip - Godfrey

Favoriting Silver Dart - The Bevis Frond
Favoriting Ecstacy - The Raspberries
Favoriting Yer Movin' On - The Monarchs
Favoriting I See The Light - The Five Americans
Favoriting Life's A Gas - The Huntingtons
Favoriting Don't Cry - Richie's Renegades

Favoriting I'm A Creep - The Anomalators
Favoriting We Love You - The Rolling Stones
Favoriting Wait Until Dark - Ghoultown
Favoriting L. S. D. - The Pretty Things
Favoriting Bat's Blood - The Powerknobs

Favoriting Honey Or The Money - Uptight
Favoriting Six O'Clock - The Lovin' Spoonful
Favoriting I Hate The Rich - The Registrators
Favoriting Once Before - The Remains
Favoriting Angel Of Love - The Kaisers

Favoriting 1st Fast - Wire
Favoriting I Can't Keep From Crying - The Blues Project
Favoriting What's He Got - The Producers
Favoriting I Can't Explain - The Who
Favoriting Broken - Bad Religion
Favoriting Rockin' This Joint Tonight - Kid Thomas

Favoriting Keep Fishin' - Weezer
Favoriting Dinah Wants Religion - The Fabs
Favoriting No No No No - The Dukes Of Hamburg
Favoriting Can You Go - The Roulettes
Favoriting Love And Ulcers - The Briefs
Favoriting Stop - The Moody Blues

Favoriting Ain't That The Truth - The Gossip
Favoriting Cryin' Inside - Mouse & The Traps
Favoriting If I - Ko & The Knockouts
Favoriting Every Night A New Surprise - The Moving Sidewalks
Favoriting I Saw Cinnamon - Dressy Bessy
Favoriting Living Memories - The Trespassers

Favoriting The New Sound - The Capricorns
Favoriting I Want You - The Troggs
Favoriting I Got A Man - The 5,6,7,8's
Favoriting He Means So Much To Me - Marilyn Mattson
Favoriting The One I Want - The Rayvens

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