Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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October 22, 2010 Favoriting

The sweet earth misses you, Marion
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Marion Brown 

Once Upon a TIme
(A Children's Tale)
(Listen: Pop-up)
Geechee Recollections
(Impulse! 1973)

Marion Brown
Juba-Lee   Favoriting Juba-Lee
(Fontana 1966)
Mal Waldron / Marion Brown  To the Golden Lady in Her Graham Cracker Window   Favoriting Songs of Love and Regret
(Free Lance 1985)
Marion Brown  Boat Rock   Favoriting

Le Temp Fou

(Polydor 1968)

Talkover Music:
Alice Coltrane 
Ptah, the El Dauod   Favoriting Ptah, the El Dauod
(Impulse! 1970)

João Maria Tudella
(w/guitarists Alves Martins & Antonio Fonseca) 

Rosas Brancas
(Listen: Pop-up)
Fado e Guitarras Portuguesas
(Gallotone 1956 or '57)

(Carlos Galhardo)
No Apartamento Discreto   Favoriting Êles Fizeram O Successo
(Imperial 1937)
Os Bambas com Zuzuca  Esperanças Perdida   Favoriting Omelhor em Samba, Volume 8
(Okeh )
5 Só  Batida de Côco Não é de Limão   Favoriting Super Sambas, Volume 1
(Okeh 1973)
Os Originais do Samba  Anniversário do Tarzan   Favoriting Anniversário do Tarzan
(RCA Victor 1978)
Dóris Monteiro  Maita   Favoriting Brazilian Funk Experience
(Nascente )

Talkover Music:
Bateria Fantastica da Portela 
Demonstacao de Som e Andamento   Favoriting Batucada & Capoeira
(Soul Jazz )

Niandan Jazz 

(Listen: Pop-up)
9th Festival Natiobnal des Arts et de la Culture
(Syliphone 1973)
Jonah Sithole  Nhaka Yevana   Favoriting Zimbabwe Beat
(RTP mid-1990s)
Soungalo Coulibaly  Mabo Mabo   Favoriting Dengo
(Arion 1995)
African Brothers Band International  Araba Lucy   Favoriting


(Jayjay 1980s)

Talkover Music:
DJ Food 
Dub Lion (Remake)   Favoriting Stop and Listen, Volume 1
(BBE 1994)

Ray Agee 

Baby Don't You
Want Me
(Listen: Pop-up)
West Coast Blues and R&B Legend,
Volume 1
(The Famous Groove )
James Wee Willie Wayne  Bad Weather Blues   Favoriting Travelin' From Texas to New Orleans
(Sundown 1961)

Jackie Paine
Go Go Train   Favoriting b/w I'll Be Home
(Jet Stream 1965)
Harold Burrage
w/Horace Henderson Band 
Hi-yo Silver   Favoriting b/w I Need My Baby
(Decca 1950)
Little Ernest Tucker  Gonna Get Me a Satellite   Favoriting b/w Too Small to Dance
(Fortune 1958)
Fantastic Johnny C  Cool Broadway   Favoriting Boogaloo Down Broadway
(Phil-La of Soul 1968)
Effie Smith  Dial That Telephone   Favoriting Effie Smith 1945-1953
(Chronological Classics 1953)

Talkover Music:
Milt Jackson 
Olinga   Favoriting Olinga
(CTI 1974)

Jacob Miller 

Let Me Love You
(Listen: Pop-up)
Musical Fever: 1967-1968
(Trojan 1968)
Jacob "Killer" Miller  Bionic Skank   Favoriting Wanted
(Top Ranking 1978)
Ethiopian  Won't Give Up   Favoriting Everything Crash
(Studio One 1980)
Wayne Wade  Run Come Rally   Favoriting Black Is Our Color
(Prophet 1976)
George Fullwood  Rucumbine   Favoriting 7"
(Harry J )
Soul Explosion Band  Poor Man's Throne   Favoriting

Out of Many
One People

(Soul Ex 1978)
McWoner  No Fires It   Favoriting Well Charged
(Channel One )
Sugar Minott  I Need a Roof   Favoriting b/w Version
(Cosxone 1976)

Talkover Music:
Jackie Mittoo 
Darker Shade of Black   Favoriting Champion in the Arena 1976-1977
(Blood and Fire 1976)

Marion Brown 

November Cotton Flower
(Listen: Pop-up)
November Cotton Flower
(Baystate 1979)
Stanley Cowell (w/Marion Brown)  Shimmy Shewobble   Favoriting Regeneration
(Strata-East 1976)

(Marion Brown)
Il Ne Chant Pas   Favoriting In Sommerhausen
(Calig 1969)
Amina Claudine Myers  Going Home (aka Plowed Fields)   Favoriting Poems for Piano: The Piano Music of Marion Brown
(Sweet Earth 1979)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:53am annie:

turning me into a meanie, , mr drummer. i cut the dog's walk short to be here.. first snow this morning..
  8:54am Drummer Some:

I've got a bowl of num-nums right here, Annie!
  8:56am annie:

i just finished a huge breakfast... kale, potatoes and two eggs! ..good morning..might even make a second pot of coffee..
  9:03am Jack:

Yeah! Giving the drummer some...(Thanks again for the email reminder Doug )
Hi Annie!
  9:05am Jack:

Snow ?!?!!
  9:05am annie:

hey jack...
  9:06am seang:

Good morning folks!
  9:08am Drummer Some:

Hi Annie, howdy Jack, whazzup SeanG, welcome snow!
  9:09am mike cooper:

Im here Im here Im here...its on...thanx.
  9:09am annie:

snow, yes, jack. upstate new york, not atypical at all for october . doug, right away, i vote yes..
  9:10am Hugo:

Enjoying the Marion Brown set.

Snow on this side of the Atlantic as well, though rather slushy ...
  9:12am Drummer Some:

Much more Marion to come. A full hour, broken into bookend sets on today's show. If you're around at noon and would like to hear more, just leave a comment or email me. If folks are up for it, I am game to stick around longer!
  9:14am Christian:

Top tune this. Trouble is I'm trying to concentrate on something else, but don't want to turn it off!
  9:15am Drummer Some:

The trombone flourish from Grachan Moncur on this track is one of the most thrilling moments in music I've ever heard.
  9:15am Jack:

@Annie: I'm kinda upstate NY too, Orange county. As much as I like winter, I still have yardwork and storm windows to do; I'm hoping the snow waits a few weeks here.
Doug: go for it! Yes to more Marion Brown, as much as you like.
  9:19am Drummer Some:

Honored with your presence, Mr. Cooper!

Glad to distract you, Christian (unless you're operating heavy machinery)
  9:22am Christian:

Yeh Doug, the heavy machinery in question is my brain! The rotary tension spindle gromet seems to be detached
  9:22am annie:

jack, this is just a spring clean for the may queen, it'll be warm again.many amazing memories of walking through snow-dried leaves at hallowe'en.. and 50s at night still..
  9:23am Drummer Some:

Hey man, that thing was already broke before I got here. Honest.
  9:25am Hugo:

Stream coming through loud and clear, better than the regular WFMU stream. Must be that Pittsburgh air ...
  9:25am Drummer Some:

That comment was lovely. And so are your wonderful blog posts. Please feel free to share the link to your pages with your listener-neighbors.
  9:27am marcury:

Good Morning all.
  9:28am Drummer Some:

Oy oy Brother Marc!
  9:32am Jack:

This music is so beautiful.
  9:33am jill:

checking in with everybody....
Remember when we used to dress up for Halloween as kids? what's your favorite memory of a costume that you wore as a kid?
  9:35am monica:

morning, doug. enjoying this mighty jam. we'll miss you at ye olde record fair this weekend!
  9:38am Jon:

I'm really enjoying the Marion Brown set.

No snow here in south GA, but it has cooled off a lot. Gorgeous day out there. Going to put the zombies in the windows this evening.
  9:38am Randy:

Good MR. Drummer, Christian and everyone else.
  9:42am Christian:

Hi Randy
  9:42am annie:

sho nuff doug:
see if that works..
  9:51am Drummer Some:

Hey Monica!

Morning Randy!
  9:56am coelacanth:

Hi Doug.This sounds like Boris....Am i receiving something else?
  9:58am don:

great reading. thanks, annie!
  9:58am Drummer Some:

Coelacanth, playing Brazilian stuff right now. Here's the link to hear the stream:

or you can try and click LISTEN
  10:01am annie:

thanks don, one each sunday afternoon.. pretty sure there's an rss feed.
  10:03am coelacanth:

Doug,sorry...itunes sucks and this computer uses it by default.It's decided to not have you now. I THOUGHT THAT WAS AN UNUSUAL SEGWAY FOR YOU !
  10:11am annie:

tuesday, doug, i'm going to use the stream link, the sound is far better.
  10:12am Drummer Some:

Odd. I have iTunes up and running the stream right now and it's coming through loud and scratchy. Let me encourage you—and anyone who ever has difficulty tune in any of WFMU's streams—to contact the station's "Stream Team" of techno-angels. They will hook you up. Send email here:
  10:15am Hugo:

Niandan Jazz - sounds Syliphon'ish ...
  10:18am Drummer Some:

Right you are (of course) Hugo. This comes from a 1973 compilation of performances from the National Festival des Arts. Other bands on the disc: 22 Band, Tele-Jazz, Kalum Star, all the usual suspects!
  10:18am Tom:

Mr Drummer, have you seen the massive 18 CD box from Sterns?
  10:19am peter:

hi doug! slept late today, but tuned in now!!
  10:20am annie:

this from the book i'm indexing at the moment:
The floral apostles are hieroglyphs of Deity. Quantum mechanics,
gravity, and the cosmos teach grand lessons. The stars make night
beautiful, and the leaf turns naturally toward the light
  10:20am Drummer Some:

Holy shite, Tom. That thing is a monster. No, I hadn't seen it.
  10:22am Drummer Some:

Good morning Peter!
  10:22am coelacanth:

okay you're back! whew!just in time!I Love this.Thank you.
  10:24am Tom:

For 18 CDs it's pretty reasonably priced ($100ish in the states), and comes with a booklet but I don't think the packaging is too elaborate or anything. In any case it just rose to the top of my xmas list.
  10:25am Hugo:

For those who want to settle for something less (in quantity), there's this one:

  10:26am Tom:

Hugo doesn't lie. A great collection.
  10:28am Drummer Some:

Hugo, I have all the tracks from that Authenticité collection loaded on the stream. If you listen long enough, you'll hear them.
  10:30am Tom:

How long would it take one to listen to the entire stream without duplication?
  10:32am Hugo:

Doug, I have the actual cds, so they're, shall we say, easily retrievable.
  10:38am annie:

i just remembered , i watched a 1961 dennis hopper movie last night... "night tide". there was a cool beatnik hangout with a great jazz troupe. real coffeehouse setting.. doug you may know some of the performers.. too bad way back then, the musicians hardly ever got the real credit for appearing. the bongo player got opening credits, though.
  10:42am Brian Sanders:

Afternoon Sir Doug, just finished work. Is the Festival in the Desert in Mali still happening in January? A visit there would put the Sterns collection in the shade.
  10:49am Drummer Some:

Hallo Brian, glad to have you aboard. Grab the rudder, I gotta run to the galley...
  10:50am Drummer Some:

I've them digital beauties (Authenticité) too. The are gleaming!
  10:52am Greg:

sorry to jump in with a techincal question. I have the Dummer Some feed going through iTunes. i need to refresh/click play continually throughout the show - lets say 30 times per show. Is there a better feed for me to use and avoid this rigamarole?
  10:54am Drummer Some:

I'm guessing this is a preferences thing with your iTunes and not a stream thing.

Send a query to the WFMU Stream Team:
  10:54am annie:

  10:55am Hugo:

Too true, Doug. and so are the vinyls (well, at least the ones I have).
  10:58am annie:

wow..... very wonderful movie
  10:58am Tom:

FWIW, I also use winamp for all FMU streams and almost never have any issues.
  10:59am ∂avid:

don't play anything too awesome while i run out for a smoke. ha
  11:01am Alex in Illinois:

Greg. I have a similar issue using MS MEdia player listening to the show. ABout every 10 or 15 minutes, it goes silent, and I need to open the URL again.
  11:01am annie:

the coffee-house scene was da bomb, he was the flautist leading the ensemble..
  11:01am Hugo:

I'm using Winamp for WFMU listening, and it works without a hitch. I'm only using iTunes for feeding the iPod and that works fine, too.

Yeez, I have that Paul Horn Inside the Taj Mahal. Come to think of it, I've been inside the Taj Mahal myself ...
  11:07am Drummer Some:

For what it's worth (worth a ton, actually), WFMU's exalted computer poo-bah Kenzo highly recommends Winamp.
  11:18am Carmichael:

Hey Doug,
I'll have your feed on for as long as you want to stay. Chained to the desk today. You're making it more than tolerable.
  11:20am Drummer Some:

Thanks Carmichael. Anyone else interested in hearing more Marion Brown after noon (or 6pm or whatever your time zone), just let me know...
  11:21am annie:

the scene...:
  11:27am marcury:

Play all night!
  11:29am annie:

just read a comment for that clip stating emphatically "max roach on drums"
  11:31am marcury:

Must have been the white Max Roach.
  11:33am ∂avid:

I'm willing to stick around after class for some extra credit, professor.
  11:34am Drummer Some:

I can't watch the clip or it will go out over the air! My computer is an audio source for the show. I'll have a looksee later.
  11:36am annie:

sure, whatsoever.. :)
  11:39am Paul Sherratt:

Too tied up with work to join in today but what a programme ..
  11:41am Drummer Some:

I feel better knowing you're tuned in Paul. Now get back to the grindstone.
  11:44am jill:

great clip, annie. Those were some cool ass MFs in that scene. Tell me that Hopper gets a little cooler throughout the movie.
  11:45am Hugo:

Paul, you're letting business get in the way of pleasure? Hmmm ...
  11:46am Drummer Some:

For anyone seeking eve MORE glorious music by Marion Brown, I recommend that you check out a terrific radio program, Tenor to Tablas, on a community radio station out of Ashville, North Carolina (Ashville FM). The host is Jonathan Price and he programmed a fine Marion Brown show last Wednesday. (His shows airs Wednesdays 8-11pm.)
Here is the playlist:
Here is the archive to listen:
  11:46am annie:

well, jill, his character is a naive young man who has a smidgeon of smarts.( i dig the sailor suit)
  11:51am Hugo:

There's a Marion Brown You Tube video here, from Lugano, 1967:

I wonder who the three others are.
  11:54am Paul Sherratt:


Just this one Friday ...
  11:54am Hugo:

Playing more Marion Brown is a good pretext for playing "Ascension" (as if one is needed) ...
  11:54am annie:

may i melt now???
  11:55am Drummer Some:

So hang on, everyone. I will play my outgoing theme to close out the "show" and then come back with more Marion...
  11:58am Paul Sherratt:

Stand By surely ... ?
  12:05pm Drummer Some:

You can still comment on the playlist, if you like.
  12:17pm ∂avid:

who the hell is playing that bass?!?!?
  12:24pm Drummer Some:

The bass on that last track was played by Gon Mizuhashi. The record is LIVE IN JAPAN. (Chuckleworthy: The Japanese pressing of this disc spells drummer Warren Smith's name "Wallen Smith." I kid you not.
  12:50pm Christian:

whose on drums here Doug?
  12:50pm Christian:

sounds familiar
  12:56pm Randy:

Loving overtime Doug!
  1:00pm Drummer Some:

The drummer is Steve McCall (who, back in Chicago, was always trying to ask my teenage wife-to-be out on a date)
  1:05pm Christian:

Great comments Doug
  1:07pm trs:

Excellent show, Doug. Thanks for the good listening.
  1:08pm Drummer Some:

Thank you all for hanging in. Wish I had the stamina to go another 13 hours...
  1:09pm Christian:

Great comments Doug earlier, thanks for the show. It really educated me into some fantastic music that I was not aware of. Marion Brown ibae
  1:11pm Drummer Some:

Christian, Randy, trs and all—it's been a pleasure!
  2:19pm Peggy Lee:

Is that all there is?
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