logo by robert piersanti

March 5, 2011 Favoriting

Marathon 2011 Week 1

w/ co-host Evan "Funk" Davies

Pledges of $75 OR MORE automatically gets you Terre's premium:
A rad Cherry Blossom Clinic apron and a CD of tasty out-of-print punk, indie, glam, etc, compiled by Terre from her personal collection!

("Cooking Cherries" CD cover and apron logo designed by Eye Noise Art.)

Pledges of $365 OR MORE gets you in the running for the Out-of-Print 13th FLOOR ELEVATORS BOX SET!!!
An incredible sounding reissue with gorgeous art packaging: The first 2 albums in MONO and STEREO, (3rd only Stereo), LP outtakes, altern vers, 2 'lost' albums and unreleased live recordings. Plus a large beautiful 72 pg hard-cover book, posters, rare photos etc. These recordings have been remastered and sound shatteringly different than the muddy CDs that have been available. (Limited to 4000 pressed)

Pledges of $75 OR MORE enters you for a chance to get GIG POSTERS VOL.1: Rock Show Art of the 21st Century BOOK
101 perforated and ready-to-hang posters along with hundreds of other poster images and designer biographies including work from artists who have contributed to the CBC (Robert Liberti, Little Friends of Printmaking, and, of course, Thomas Scott/EYE NOISE). Packaged in an oversized 11x14-inch paperback.
(For a quick look inside the book, you can check out it on Amazon.)

Many, many more prizes will be given away throughout the show for a minimum pledge of $15 OR MORE!!!
(For more information on WFMU pledge levels and swag, check here.)

Follow Terre!!!
on Twitter: Twitter.com/TerreCherry
on Facebook: facebook.com/terre-cherryblossom-WFMU
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Favoriting The Cherry Blossom Clinic with hostess Terre T

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wednesday 6 - 8pm (EST) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
Note: The music bed between sets is the william orbit remix of pierre henry's "psyche rock" taken from the 1997 album metamorphose -- messe pour le temps present featuring the music of pierre henry and michel colombier (FFRR/polygram 4562942).

The last column may have tons or NO info depending on how reliable my notes are. (I write up the set list as I play it)
Artist Title Album, Label, Format, Year, Notes (NR = New Release) Approx. start time
THE MOVE  Cherry Blossom Clinic Revisited   Favoriting Shazam!.  
PATTI SMITH GROUP  Ask the Angels   Favoriting Radio Ethiopia. Arista. (1976) 0:07:41 Pop-up)  
BUBBLE PUPPY  Hot Smoke & Sassafras   Favoriting (1969) available on Terre's premium: Cooking Cherries for all pledges of $75 or more during this program! 0:11:01 Pop-up)  
TED LEO AND THE PHARMACISTS  Bottled In Cork   Favoriting The Brutalist Bricks. Matador. (2010) 0:25:25 Pop-up)  
CHEAP TIME  Down the Tube   Favoriting Fantastic Explanations (And Similar Situations). In the Red. (2010) 0:38:27 Pop-up)  
JACKIE LOMAX  Sour Milk Sea   Favoriting Apple. (1969) available on Terre's premium: Cooking Cherries for all pledges of $75 or more during this program!
written and produced by George Harrison
0:41:26 Pop-up)  
DIRTBOMBS  Good Life   Favoriting Party Store. In the Red. LP box set. -NR 1:02:37 Pop-up)  
JIM JONES REVUE  Rock n Roll Psychosis   Favoriting The Jim Jones Revue. Punk Rock Blues / Cargo. (2010) 1:09:41 Pop-up)  
OFF!  Upside Down   Favoriting First Four EPs. Vice. Boxed set. featuring Keith Morris(Circle Jerks), Steve McDonald (Redd Kross), Dimitri Coats (Burning Brides) and Mario Rubalcaba (ex-Hot Snakes, RFTC) -NR 1:22:55 Pop-up)  
POPCORN REBELLION  Sugar Lady   Favoriting available on Terre's premium: Cooking Cherries for all pledges of $75 or more during this program! 1:24:43 Pop-up)  
KING KHAN & THE SHRINES  I See Lights   Favoriting What Is?!. In the Red. (2009) 1:41:18 Pop-up)  
SUPERCHUNK  Digging For Something   Favoriting Majesty Shredding. Merge. (2010) 1:59:32 Pop-up)  
FUCKED UP  Fate of Fates   Favoriting Live on WFMU. Altamont. 10". (2008) recorded live on the Cherry Blossom Clinic 7/2007 2:07:47 Pop-up)  
MISFITS  Horror Business   Favoriting 2:10:58 Pop-up)  
NOBUNNY  Live It Up   Favoriting First Blood. Goner. (2010) 2:26:50 Pop-up)  
HACKAMORE BRICK  Oh! Those Sweet Bananas   Favoriting (1970) available on Terre's premium: Cooking Cherries for all pledges of $75 or more during this program! 2:30:19 Pop-up)  
BLACK FLAG  No Values   Favoriting 2:40:14 Pop-up)  
VASELINES  Son of a Gun   Favoriting Enter The Vaselines. Sub Pop. CD box set. 2:49:19 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

  3:05pm Skirkie:

Make it rain, listeners.
  3:13pm Adam from Lynnwood, Washington:

  3:14pm SueP:

For all pledgers of $15 or more in the next few minutes, you'll be in the running for Ted Leo's "The Brutalist Bricks."
  3:20pm Richard from Venezuela:

Checking in. Good luck with the pledges.
  3:23pm soIsays:

So, if I already pledged $75 to tbsowfmu. Can I pledge $75 to Terre, and then another $30 to another show, and then wait until I get the bill and just add them up and pay the full $180 in one shot?
  3:24pm Joe:

you absolutely can, soIsays. In fact, if you do you so, you'll be eligible for an extra premium on top of the two you pledged for! You'll be totally #winning!
  3:26pm AP Paulie B:

@soIsays: That won't be a problem. You may get 3 separate bills from the station but you can pay them all at once.

Or, with a $180 pledge you can actually pay it off at $15 a month, if you'd like.
  3:29pm AP Paulie B:

Just FYI, people:

The 13th Floor Elevators box is going for $500 on Amazon and $100 eBay!
  3:29pm Laurie:

My brother got me that Nobunny CD for my birthday. Also, I remember that American Hardcore book was bathroom reading in my home when I was a teenager.
  3:32pm Lulu:

Make it easy on your host! Donate to TT!!
  3:32pm Skirkie:

I remember this video, there's a lady in it that looks like you, Terre.
  3:33pm dc pat:

Just happen to be wearing the Terre T shirt today....say, what am I doing here?
  3:35pm Skirkie:

I better hear some Pit Pat today.
  3:35pm SueP:

We're giving away the Cheap Time CD "Fantastic Explanations..." to a random pledger of $15 or more in the next few minutes.
  3:37pm Laurie:

YES, someone made a "so say we all" clip!
  3:38pm Adam from Lynnwood, Washington:

Ted Leo has donated so much time and energy to Tom, Terre, and WFMU over the years, and all we have to do is pledge what we're able as listeners. As he sang, "A little good will goes a mighty long way." Here's to wild success for Terre T. and the station today!
  3:46pm Skirkie:

Ho-Lee crap, I cannot wait for this premium.
  3:48pm DG:

Great to hear this again, Terri. Not only was this written by George, supposedly the band on the track is the Beatles! (minus John).
  3:50pm SueP:

New Dirtbombs vinyl 3LP "Party Store" being givien away in the next few minutes to a random pledger of $15 or more!!!
  3:53pm anyhoozel:

time to play the terre t drinking game.
  3:54pm a couple few:

  3:56pm Skirkie:

The IT Crowd!
  4:02pm Roger:

I won the Cheap Time CD sweeetttt #sorewinner
  4:09pm Joe:

  4:10pm Mike Sin:

@DG -- More info than you'll need, but... Jackie Lomax's "Sour Milk Sea" was written and produced by George Harrison. It features McCartney on bass, Ringo on drums, and Eric Clapton on guitar. Because it was recorded at Abbey Road at the time, it has a "White Album" ambience to it. If you listen on with headphones, you can definitely hear a faint scratch vocal bleeding through. Harrison probably cut a guide vocal on a replaced track.
  4:11pm glenn:

i don't know about hell, but i'm pretty sure the yankees are going to the basement of the a.l. east.
  4:12pm Skirkie:

♥ Jim Jones Revue. I'm a white dude and they made me dance like a total spazz every time I've seen them. You want that CD.
  4:13pm Skirkie:

Oh crap, I'm doing it again right now.
  4:14pm Sean Daily:

  4:18pm SueP:

OFF! 4x7" box set being given away to a random pledger of $15 or more!!
  4:23pm OneEyeBarman:

..Give booze a chance!
  4:29pm Adam from Lynnwood, Washington:

Here's to warts-and-all radio! LOVE WFMU!
  4:32pm eyenoise:

Please tell Ken we're making Scotcharoos while listening to the CBC!
  4:39pm dc pat:

  4:40pm OneEyeBarman:

Tell 'em yourself, I'm BUSY..!
  4:46pm SueP:

King Khan & the Shrines CD "What Is?!" is what we're giving away within the next few minutes to a lucky pledger of $15 or more!
  4:52pm SueP:

Great prizes being given away to random pledgers giving the minimum $15 or more: Fucked Up 10" (autographed) & Superchunk "Majesty Shredding" CD. Do the right thing...PLEDGE NOW!
  5:03pm Skirkie:

Flood watch = excellent radio weather.
  5:27pm Skirkie:

You oughta know.
  5:32pm SueP:

Nobunny "First Blood" CD and American Hardcore book by Stephen Blush being raffled off in a few minutes to some lucky pledgers of $15 or more!
  5:54pm Jessica:

Right on, Daniel! El Cerrito = Mouse-a-rific.
  6:04pm Iikka from Helsinki:

Way to go with the spelling, Evan!
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