Favoriting Nat Roe: Playlist from June 22, 2011 Favoriting

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An avant nerd remixing smooth disco in a dancehall stylee.

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Favoriting June 22, 2011: Tightknit R&B cutups

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Comments Approx. start time
Oh yes, throwing it back to that golden year of '93 with a lot of these tracks.

Songs from Boston too. Van Halen is too wild! I spayed my cat so she can go outside. Likewise I spay my rockers so I can take them "out". You know? Roxette. White Snake. Toto. These are my rockers. Van Halen is unhealthy. Neuter your rockers I say. 

0:00:00 (Pop-up)

(thoughts on Samuel Beckett's eating habits, Billboard turning musicians into oatmeal, listening to genres rather than songs, Dub/dancehall gene essence, tips for lazy DJs) 

Again, lots of romantic R&B jams from the early '90s. Exploiting beat repeat and gate techniques. Lots of chorus pedal manipulations. EQ sweeps.

Food is easier to digest when you chew it thoroughly. The same goes for soulful jams.

Oh right, Olivia Newton John + Kenny Loggins live in concert. Couldn't resist. Loggins, man, what a genius. 

1:11:45 (Pop-up)

("early music" fetishism. Mothra is a lady!

Love : Consumerism :: Mothra : Nuclear Power

Pop singers never lie, they sing about our subconscious in CVS, other wonderful thoughts) 

Trad Japanese "Shamisen" music in this last hour. Greek folk from mid 20th century. Poetry from inmates of Attica, Rikers and Tombs. Pau Riba. New LP from Koen Holtcamp w/ manipulated bee sounds.  2:18:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


it only gets worse

Wow Nat, you are really on today with your commentary. Great riffing!

Haha, let me be honest. I prerecorded it and paused the recording to think when I ran out of ideas. My brain can't go that fast naturally unfortunately.

Shit, you're not even live?

Well, the DJ sets are all improvised live (did this set this afternoon) with a bit of mastering. I just can't do this stuff at 4 in the morning.

Maybe it's less magic this way...but it's better radio.


Yeah, you're right, as you said why not use technology to make a better product and economize on human effort? There's no reason you'd have to be live unless you wanted to take calls on the air. I know I couldn't riff at that pace without eventually saying something clumsy or contradictory, so it makes good sense.

the 1993 r&b jams are a throwback to that scene in van sant's 'last days', pretty depressing. also appreciating the 8-bit shooting sounds a la space arcade/NES games. nice job

Thanks, both of ya. Makin me feel warm...

Those 8-bit shooting samples you mention are by Noah Creshevsky, btw.

Wasn't Godzilla a mom? There was an eggzilla and a baby she noisily defended at some point IIRC....

Oh right! You are so right. Godzilla was also a lady. I wonder if this is a sign of misogyny in Japanese culture...women as destructive monsters...

Or maybe it's a sign of feminism in Japanese culture....women as powerful creatures.

I'd say Love is to Consumerism as Mothra is to Nuclear Fear. Almost, except that love is a serious thing that came out of somtehing shallow, while Mothra is a shallow thing that came out of something serious. But really you can find beauty everywhere if you look. And you can find kitsch everywhere too. Beauty and kitsch are two sides of the same coin at times.

Oy, dunno if I'd call her a lady :P I'd say it's a sign of patriarchy. "Mother" being one of the few archetypes available to carton women. Women have a lot of power even in partriarchy, not commensurate with chioce or freedom however...a lot of that power is expended spinning wheels :(

These are the best comments I've ever had.

Traditionally physically dangerous characters like monsters were generally male, while non-physical mystically dangerous characters like witches were female.

Put differently, a male enemy will break your legs while a female enemy will break your heart/mind/spirit. That's a bit sexist of course, but there's a long tradition of that theme.

Sam: That reaaalllly depends on the culture you're talking about! I assume you're talking about the Western Tradition?

And remember that the persecution of women was dressed up as burning witches. It was an expression of misogyny. I have heard it referred to as the 'holocaust of women' -- tens of thousands of women were tortured and murdered.

Nat: and a great show you're putting out! This is my first time listening to you -- love the selection.

I totally agree with you ifny, a lot of persecution of women was justified by irrational fear of their alleged non-physical powers. People weren't afraid of men in that way, they saw men as only a physical threat, so less dangerous in a way. But it's a horrible history, and the gender stereotypes behind it still persist in popular culture.

Well, again you're looking at it from a Western bias. if you look at the Indo-tradition for example, women are seen as more carnal and out of control then men. In Beowolf, Grendal's mom was a bigger bad ass then he was. Djinn in the Arab tradition are often female. Hariionago (Japanese) had lethal barbed hair...

I can't bring myself to generalize about what characterized which gender in such broad strokes. Not to mention that the victors have been dudes writing the history/story books. BTW 'cunning' and 'cunt' share the same etymological root....and now I must get back to my deadline :P
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